What do you guys eat when you are on a diet?
>tfw trying to lose weight
What do you guys eat when you are on a diet?
>tfw trying to lose weight
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I drink a lot of black coffee. It's a laxative which helps.
Start with intermittent fasting.
Makes every other aspect of dieting easier.
Just my opinion.
Everyone has to experiment to find what works for them.
this too
not much. Definitely cut way back on the sugar and carbs. The weight comes off really quickly this way and you don't even have to do much.
Anything i want. But just one actual meal per day at dinner.
I discovered that i don't really need to have breakfast & lunch as long as i eat like a banana or a small sandwich at noon. Lost 10kg so far.
drink water
drink some now
feeling hungry?
drink a glass of water
drink a glass of water
ready to eat?
drink a glass of water before your meal
Well today i ate a bag of vegetables with butter and salt/pepper/garlic flakes, then an avocado and a banana. Gonna eat somethint befote bed too
Same things I always eat. Just smaller portions.
Start lifting or do calisthenics. It's way more effective than simnple calorie restriction.
If you do both it can be even more effective.
I'm not on a diet and this has basically described my day..
Just eliminating sugar from your diet will be gigantic OP, no sweetened beverages of course, no sugar in your oatmeal/cereal/whatever, skip dessert. People always talk about sugar as if it's some kind of drug or like tobacco or something, where it's compulsive and addictive and requires a tolerance to enjoy, like "oh my god I had a sip of cola after not having any for 2 days and I threw up", those people have pretty incredible imaginations and ability to transfer those imaginings into their physical status, I would use them to much more entertaining ends if I had those abilities. It's mostly about becoming accustomed to the milder and more subtle tastes of foods you're used to having sweetened.
this stuff helps me too
when I have my one meal a day using hot sauce makes it much more of an event where I really have to slow down and appreciate the food
Again you have to experiment to figure out works for you
Any step towards weight loss is a step in the right direction
Agreed. You cut out the sugar and the weight just peels off. I find that I don't even need to eat that much less than what I normally eat. Just avoid putting sugar in beverages and avoid beverages that already have a lot of sugar in them. Back in early high school, I was a fat kid weighing in at about 260lbs. All I did was cut out sodas from my diet and dropped 70lbs in 6 months.
beans and bread and non fat dairy (with artificial sweetener)
I just cut back on pop (sodafags triggered) by drinking water, green tea and water. Once a week I'll eat whatever I want like pizza, A&W teen burgers, etc. But drinking something that isn't full of sugar on a daily basis will make a huge difference.
*green tea and coffee
Maybe I should cut back on alcohol too.
>Definitely cut way back on the sugar and carbs
I can second this. I was eating a balanced diet and exercised 4 times a week but the weight stayed pretty much the same. Cut my sugar intake drastically and the weight went down by itself.
>TRYING not to lose weight
I would say having artificial sweetener, or any non-caloric sweetener in general is exactly the opposite of what you want to be doing. Expanding the range of tastes you can enjoy is probably more important long term than totally restricting "problem foods". I would be willing to bet money remaining accustomed to sweetened food and drink through non-caloric sweeteners is the primary cause of the crash diet cycle. If you can develop natural tendencies to eat decent food you won't ever have to go on a diet again, and you might even be able to have a cola once in a while too. Along these lines 's advice is also excellent although I would be less ambitious with scoville count at first.
The science disagrees with you. Sugar has a pharmacological effect on humans just like tobacco, coffee, tea, chocolate and many other things.
I eat sensible portions of normal foods.
I don't eat chips, candy, frozen pizza, fast food, etc.
I get at least 30 solid minutes of exercise five days a week.
>t. guy who dropped 90lbs
Ketogenic diet
cake and pizza
Oatmeal is one of my favorite diet foods. It's filling and will satisfy you for a pretty long time. I make mine with almond milk and peanut butter. Pair with an orange for the perfect breakfast imo
Cocaine and cigarettes are both great for losing weight.
whatever I want. I only eat dinner so I eat like 1600 calories and feel super full, then fall asleep, wake up the next day looking forward to when I can eat all the good food at night.
>What do you guys eat when you are on a diet?
I've been having to stretch my money lately so I've been making a lot of bean and vegetable based soups. just take lentils/split pea/whatever mixed beans you like and cook them all day on low with a variety of whatever vegetables you have on hand and season the shit out of it. I find that it's satisfying and fibrous to the point I lose weight even if I gorge myself on it .
Chicken breast and veg x500. Make my own steak sauce to go with it.
Oatmeal, canned soups, and salads. For beverages water, coffee, lite beer, and tea in that order.
I don't go on diets. When I eat, I dig in no holds barred. Fuck caloric restriction and the negative impact it has on BMR. The key: I fast. I do water fasts, maybe sprinkle in some Himalayan salt, that's it. I am currently on day 4 of a 5 day water-only fast which I've started doing monthly since the summer. My body feels great, as I've fasted consistently, it has learned how to burn body fat. I know this because I used to feel dizzy and tired during a fast, but now I feel groovy. Saturday I will eat some persimmons. Look up Dr. Jason Fung on youtube.
Pretty much just vegetables, everything from cabbages to onions and mushrooms, avoiding potatoes ofc and meat/dairy products only occasionally like every 3rd day.
As for how i make my veggies, mostly stir-fry and now that winter has come i'l make soups more often.
I do make every saturday into "cheat day" though but even then i try to not go too overboard with it so no dozens of pizzas, gallons of soda'n shit but something simple like potatoes+meatballs or homemade pizza, filled bread or toasts etc.
A pair of chopsticks should slow your ass down
water faggot
google myproana
Whole plant foods :-)
I limit calorie dense foods whenever my weight drifts up towards 130 pounds.
You will always regain the fat if you think of it as "being on a diet". What you need is permanent lifestyle change.
a very steep calorie to quantity ratio and gives you a satisfying fullness feeling
Leafy greens.
Little to no calories, a fair amount of vitamins/minerals and fill you up
i've been losing weight for about a year and a half and am down from 300 to 160. this is what i eat:
breakfast - oatmeal and a banana. coffee
lunch - usually nothing, sometimes a small cup of yogurt or a salad and more coffee if i am at work
dinner - chicken and rice with some kind of leafy green. sometimes chicken, rice, and some beans if i am really hungry.
i let myself eat other things one day a week. i like to look at ck and pretend i am eating more interesting and enjoyable food.
most days i just snack on fresh veggies
i drink a couple of sugar free energy drinks and black coffee
same as always, just less
its fucking easy m8
I just stop taking my antacids and give myself diarrhea for a week.
That's great, are your exercising as well?
you can't think of it as 'losing weight' it's about changing your lifestyle, something that you work on for the rest of your life. losing weight is easy as fuck, i've done it 7+ times, maintaining that weight, however is very difficult. if you want to be at a stabilised weight for a long time, you need change your entire mindset when it comes to food. if you cut something completely out of your diet, you'll be craving it all the time which will only make your weight loss journey that much harder.
i've been yoyo dieting since i was 10 and only managed to get to a good weight (BMI of 19) 2 years ago, I'm 22 now. things started looking up when i found the root of my eating problems. for instance, any time i was stressed, i would use food as a comforter, often binging on packs of chips and entire jars of nutella till i was full (of food and of self hatred). however, i replaced my comforter food for computer games instead. if i was having a bad day, i'd play some video games. or go on the treadmill to work it off. i found exercising a great way to de-stress. so basically, find our when/what prompts you to eat and replace the food for something else. do you eat when you're bored? depressed? etc etc. find the trigger, then re-wire the habit loop.
another thing, once you practise healthy eating, like incorporating vegetables and fruits into your daily life, replacing sugar/salt with other substitutes, you start to feel disgusted when you eat bad again. anytime i'm tempted to indulge in a chocolate bar, i think "do i really want this? do i really want to jump on the treadmill for the next hour just to eat this sweetened junk which will last 2 mins before going into my stomach?". i still allow myself to eat things, i just no longer want to because it's not satisfying for me anymore. and you need to reach this stage of having this mindset with food to succeed in the long run. "i can eat the chocolate bar if i want, i just don't want to".
also, exercise. make it your best friend. i love exercising so losing weight was easy as hell. the previous times when i relapsed was when i had to force myself to walk to the gym but ever since buying a treadmill at home, i can just jump on it for an hour while watching some kpop and the time flies.
This works excellent for me, too. I use a really tasty, but very hot sauce, with something like a diet shepherd's pie (just one of those microwave ones that's about 350 calories) and I eat just small pieces with the sauce on it. It is delicious and takes twice as long to eat. I feel fuller and as if I've had much more of a meal than without the sauce.
Get a physical labor job
Eat ONE massive meal a day at the same time, every 24 hours, you can have this before work, mid day, dinner, it's your choice. I cook and eat a kings feast every single night but consume only water over my 10 hour labor shift.
You can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time with this method. It's probably the only diet in existence that allows this. Going 24 hours with no food is fine, even when you get nauseous from hunger, if you wait it out you will literally feel your body start to consume fat stores
What I have just shared is a life hack. I challenge anyone to do what I just said, no matter who you are, you WILL notice a difference within 2 weeks.
Take the advice or don't, I don't care, lunch break is over, back to work
>one meal per day at dinner
>sandwich at noon
I went from 5'11" 230 Lb %30 BF to 198 lbs 5% BF in less than 2 years doing this without even working out, got a job on a pavement crew
eat smaller portions i used to be a fat fuck, and now i'm a not as fat fuck
Coffee is also a great appetite suppressant like other stimulants.
>easier to do a shitton of sports as just eat half your plate
are you female?
don't drink beer
drink red wine
don't eat fast food
eat anything you prepare
cut your portions in half
eliminate salt
i'm down 30lbs since august 1
Do not try and eat less. If you do that you will be hungry and you will break. Instead eat MORE vegetables. Fill yourself up on 300 calories of vegetables instead of 1200 calories of carbohydrates. You will lose weight easily and not be miserable while doing it.
why not fill yourself up with warm water? its like 0 calories
That is more lean muscle mass than professional world champion body builders in the pre-steroids era. Are you taking steroids, or are you underestimating your body fat percentage? I've seen very fit laborers, but I've never seen ones that look like Steve Reeves. Yes, you're saying you are fitter than that guy was without even working out.
roots, beef, oats, nuts, seeds, raw eggs, wholegrain rice, kefir milk, grapefruits, apples +++ no processed foods, chemicals, additives etc. clean water ++
Oatmeal, fruit, salad, and soup form the bulk of my diet while I'm losing weight. Keep it below 1000 calories/day and you'll be good to go.
Have any of you ever reached a stalemate in weight loss? I've been steadily losing weight for almost year now (lost 20kg) but I haven't dropped any weight since October. I'm not doing or eating anything differently, but it's just not budging. And I only want to lose 5kg more so it's really frustrating. Am I doing something wrong or is this just my body's way of saying "fuck you, enough"?
Bacon, eggs, sausage, cheese, cauliflower, broccoli, pot roast, pulled pork, mushrooms, spinach, lettuce wrapped cheeseburgers...
Lazy keto + 23:1 IF fo lyfe dogg
Works for me. Been eating one major meal a day for the last 4 weeks, lost a bunch of fat. What I eat for that meal doesn't really matter.
Doing anything besides this is retarded. Just control yourself.
keep a diary of exactly what you eat
just write it down - get aware of calories
have goals in mind
be mindful of calories
and last, the one I need to do, is to get off my fat butt and start moving
it really works
I'm with you OP
stop eating calorie dense food
Plain baked potatoes. These are the most filling food in the world in terms of satiety per calorie. They must be plain and either baked/boiled, though.
Also, definitely avoid these foods because they are poor in terms satiety per calorie:
Chocolate, Ice cream, French fries, Pizza, Cookies, Chips, Cake
Literally just stop eating then when you're thin don't eat shit
Lost 240 lbs and kept it off. I'm not a dietitian or anything but here's some stuff that worked for me.
>Count calories
>Never cheat
>Stick to a schedule for eating
>Plan what you're going to eat ahead of time
>buy very little butter/oil, anything made with flour, cheese
While dieting I ate a lot of
Green beans
Iceberg lettuce with salsa salads
Sugar free jello
Potatoes-O'Brien w/ hotsauce
Chicken breast
Pork loin
Rice cakes
I'm 150lbs and 6'0--
usually just eat bread with pic related and some nutritional yeast. Switch it up a few times a week with a swiss cheese + tomato sandwich. Besides thatI'll, drink blended carrot/mango/water or some green tea.
I'm not exactly on a diet to lose weight, but I'm trying to eat healthier. What I've recently started doing is to put everything I want to eat in a day on a plate - except for food that needs refrigeration, of course. Having all of it in front of you really helps with portion sizes, figuring out how healthy your food for the day will be, and stops binge-eating.
never shop hungry
i stopped buying food in bulk
its not as cost effective but it stops me from overeating
also i set up a specific scenario where i allow myself to eat junk food, and stick to that rule
>"do i really want this? do i really want to jump on the treadmill for the next hour just to eat this sweetened junk which will last 2 mins before going into my stomach?"
This is disordered thinking although you generally have the right idea otherwise. You are only maintaining your weight through over exercising on the treadmill and when you inevitably hurt yourself and can't exercise it's going to rock your weight.
I'll echo what a lot of anons in this thread have said but especially I really think the way to lose weight is not to see diets as some short term thing, but make positive changes to your normal diet. For a few months at a time I will eat a stricter keto diet if I need to drop weight. But otherwise I have found that skipping lunch and having 1 fast day a week has been fantastic.
For the benefit of OP I'll lay out my current weight loss routine (I'm getting ready to gorge over Christmas):
Going for a run 4-5 times a day is an easy and achievable thing to do. Doesn't matter how fast you go at the start, just aim to be moving for 45 minutes or so. You'll improve rapidly at the beginning and it will burn a few hundred calories.
Got a bit over memed, but it works well. Don't worry about calories, just worry about cutting out carbs. Key hidden carbs include milk, ALL fruit juices (inc lemon juice etc), and anything that is 'fat free'. Eat plenty of veggies along with steak, cauliflower chesses, Moussaka etc. Almonds and peanuts are very low carb, so ground almonds can be used to make good 'cakes' and thicken things a bit like flour.
I have a strong suspicion this works well for people because the ketogenesis promotes a feeling of fullness, and it is physically hard to eat excessive quantities of cheese etc without carbs.
Drink lots of water. Makes you feel good and full.
Have one day a week where you really fast - any 24 hour period is fine, so a dinner on day 1, to dinner on day 2 is an easy way. Once a fortnight I allow myself to have a huge cheat meal (break keto etc), then fast till dinner the next day, and return to the keto pattern.
saving weight loss thread from paste spoon
just be fat and die 10 years early but happy
skip lunch and eat smaller courses at breakfast and dinner. eventually the stomach and appetite seem to mold to this schedule.
LITERALLY the same shit as before, only that you exercise, you lazy piece of shit.
But no fast food!
The first time I quit drinking I lost about 15-20 lbs without even really working out or changing my diet. I drank a lot though.
one which is constantly and comically overstated, especially by people who want to roleplay being a drug addict for bizarre reasons
on a diet? well, I just eat what I normally eat, but I eat less and I don't eat out or anything prepackaged/convenience.
Not adding salt to food will make no difference, unless it causes you to eat less because nothing will taste good. It's also coming out now that it isn't to blame for high blood pressure like everyone thought 30 years ago
my meal today is:
3.5 oz french bread with 2.5oz parmigiano-reggiano toasted on it
1lb frozen steamed broccoli florets
12 oz low sodium v8
a bunch of vitamins and minerals
a gallon of water
also 60mg dxm
>I'm 22 now
Your metabolism hasn't even slowed down yet user.
>Going 24 hours with no food is fine, even when you get nauseous from hunger
That nausea is your body telling you that you are hurting yourself. This is not good.
Sounds kinda low protein user. Frankly low calorie too. That's not all you're eating today, is it?
t. Stay Puft Marshmallow Man
Manual laborers almost always have a spare tire or three, you're either new to the job, or you're in denial
Gotta eat small to get small...
I might eat some greek yogurt instead of the v8
>not just eating 1k calories a day and drinking diet soda or water
l m a o
Fruits and vegetables and no junk food. Drink cold water after you wake up to boost your metabolism, and do some curl-ups before you get ready for the day.
Protein and veggies (usually frozen microwaved because I'm lazy) usually eat two meals a day. Like breakfast is two eggs, bacon, a little bit of mayo, cauliflower and carrots. Dinner chicken thigh/breast with pickles/sourkraut and cauliflower and carrots.
water fasting changed my life. go to the Veeky Forums general thread about it.