Post things that make you rage


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>racism outside of /b/

I don't see the problem. Can you explain this to a neurotypical?

Being generic human filth must just make you suffer, right? You feel like shit all the time.

Pretending not to be annoyed by niggers
>niggers outside of /an/

I'm assuming he's upset it doesnt show the middle

Happy and honest with myself.


i actually found that video the other day on youtube by searching up “italians show you how to make food” because i wanted to be inspired and culturally enriched and i was disappointed


don't you have a kfc thread to post in m'butu clickclick?

What a waste of a perfectly good cutting block

lol niggers on Veeky Forums thread..


if you die in a ditch, I would feel sorry for the ditch top have to put up with your rotting corpse

I don't see the issue OP.

saved. pic related is my favorite /pol/ response image


i can't get mad at this. look at his face, he looks so proud


So does this guy, but that makes me hate him more, not less.

>tfw cheese like this will be going the way of the dodo when you let your country be overrun by deathcultists known as muslims
>tfw no face because kuffar face is haram

yeah this is on a whole different level of garbage food though

the other guy just looks like a well-meaning but incompetent uncle at a potluck

Does anyone have the " Mexican food " webms?
That shit triggers my autistic rage.

too easy


>stop being RACIST you white trash are all VIRGIN and UGLY and FAT and BALD and and .
you can keep the whole hole logic embarrassing drivel for your subredddit lad.

Go back to your safe space, snowflake.

top kek!

>having the slightest concern for racism

Bet your parents are real proud, too.

Actually the nigger myth was debunked already.
>pic related

>5 UNBELIEVABLE images that are shockingly real!!

>[SOS] - Save Our Soy

Shouldn't you be paying attention in your math class or something? Your teacher is going to be pissed when she finds out you're shitposting instead of doing your class work.

Oh fuck Alex Jones was right!

> for more wet salad ideas visit our website

>All those round faced soyboys

This is Veeky Forums, not reddit.