I spend £20 a week on crisps and I am just wondering if anyone knows of red pilled crisps brands that normies don't know about? Crisps are a huge part of my life and I want to make sure that when I buy my daily crisps that I am not giving my money to Jewish companies.
I spend £20 a week on crisps and I am just wondering if anyone knows of red pilled crisps brands that normies don't...
Get out, edgelord.
You're trying way too hard to fit in, Reddit.
>red pilled crisps brands
Have we reached peak redpill?
Peak retardation maybe....
you reek of /pol/
please fuck off
the rest of the site really doesn't give a fuck about politics and doesn't wanna hear about it related to their boards topic
The best you can buy
Cut down on the crisps mate that shit kills you. Turn it to 6 quid a week and use the other 14 towards gym membership.
GO to polish shops or African shops
Full of weird snacks including some bizarre but awesome crisps
Bong here. I'm amazed the thread hasn't had a dozen burgers saying they're called chips.
That being said, keep it on /pol/.
It's chips.
dick flavor is perfect for you,you fucking retarded faggot, take your redpill meme and blow it out your ass.
This, there's no "red-pilled crisps" because crisps by definition are so unhealthy you should at most eat a bag or 2 only once a year and even that's pushing it.
The only red-pilled way is to make your own, wont turn out as "crispy" as the ones from stores but hell of a lot healthier provided you dont buy the spice-mixes of the kikes.
>Talking about chips
>Red pilled
Maybe stop being such a faggot first, then ask a question.
>A bag or two once a year.
What are you gay or something? How on Earth is more than two bags of chips, A FUCKING YEAR too much?
This thread fucking reeks of tumblr. By the way your dollar sign looks weird as fuck and they're called "chips" not "crispy curvy potato flats" you dumb fucking terrorist faggot.
My favorite. The cheddar is necessary and is what separates them from other jalapeno chips.
Here in BC there's a brand of chips that is actually manufactured by potato growers called Hardbite and they're phenomenal. The All Natural tastes like the perfect balance of potato, oil and salt. They're my favorite.
The definition of patrician. Only low IQ soys dislike them.
German store brand crisps. Depending on your location, they don't even use Glutamat because using it would make thier product too expensive. Especially the salted crisps only use salt and potatoes.
>le (((gym))) meme
yeah let's pay a subscription to lift some weights around in a public place
Or just include natural, free exercise in your daily life
Fucking end yourself, mate
I hate the word natural it is so fucking retarded. What is even natural exercise? Driving mammoths of cliffs?
t. 5'9 140 lbs
unless you work a manual labour job then you will not gain muscle doing "natural, free exercise in your daily life", and that means you have a laughable amount of muscle mass and people subconsciously think less of you for it
Best crisps coming through.
Marcelled. I dont know if you can get them outside the states, but I like their sour cream and onion