Bent over barbell row

Please help me understand this exercise, Veeky Forums. I've seen directly contradictory videos and articles regarding how back angle, grip, and grip width affect the muscles worked. Is it even that useful of an exercise for upper back width?

wrong board u stupid dummy

Exercise? Nah man, just sit and have a McChicken with us.

>Is it even that useful of an exercise for upper back width?


And regarding angles, pick the one that works the muscles you care about the best. Start with a low weight and pump those muscles and you should feel what's working.

Barbell rows aren't "essential". They're a very good row exercise, but there are lots of row exercises.
You can replace them with one handed rows or cable rows

WHOLE egg, guanciale (not pancetta), mix of parmesan AND pecorina romano, no fucking cream. Get your shit together, OP.

Do pendlay rows instead

Pendlay rows aren't worth the risk.

are you retarded? pendlay rows have zero risk. you're thinking of yates rows you moron.

You're putting a LOT more stress on the lowerback with a Pendlay than a standard barbell row

bend LOWER faggot. all the work is done by your shoulders and LATS

For the row itself, yeah, but maintaining your position is all lower back

you mean fucking BENDING OVER? you don't exert any muscle force to maintain that position. YOUR BACK IS FUCKING NEUTRAL. all the force is carried out by the lats with the shoulders and biceps acting as stablizers. there is ZERO stress on spinal erectors, obliques and other muscle groups making up the lower back.

I setup like a deadlift with an ohp/bench grip and then pull that fucker off the ground for five reps personally, don't lift more than you can handle just like with any exercise.

When done properly a pendlay row is an *explosive* movement. In otherwords you are basically tossing the weight up to your chest (more or less) in the first second of extertion.

For me, it Kroc Row.

Dude, you're saying that you're holding 100+lbs in your hands in a totally 90 degree bent over pose doesn't put ANY stress on your back?

That's totally fucking retarded

Actually busier here than Veeky Forums in this bread.

Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums probably have huge overlaps in userbase

it's not like a bench where you guide it all the way up to your chest and pause. all the JERK is done in the first inch or two off the floor and it's carried the rest of the way by momentum (you use your shoulders and arms to stabalize the trajectory). in otherwords it's just like the motion of a real boat row. you don't push evenly through the waves with a uniform motion, you pull suddenly (i.e. rapid change of acceleration) and glide the rest of the way.

surprisingly we get more disgusting boogie threads on Veeky Forums than here. so i'd rather spend more time here than on Veeky Forums

I'll never stop posting /ourguy/ user.

kys boogie you cuck

How is Booger doing nowadays?
Is he drinking fry grease in order to maintain his weight?

he seems to be steadily losing weight. lots a spam about him crying on his stream about his wife leaving him to get dicked upstate.

Agreed, all the other ones make you look like a raging homo

Right, but how else are you suppose to signal to other gym goers that you're open to protein transfusion?

Barbell hip thrusts

>Hey bro let me grab that 85, 95, and 105 real quick for pyramid sets no you can't work in

that hamstring machine where you lay on your stomach and bump your feet to your ass(hole)

You could have just said "Used any machine"

hey,new to the board. wondering whats a better plan for working out. brosplits or full body. ive only been working out for a little over a month now and ive only done brosplits but my bro says full body is better

depends on where your fitness level is at. if you are just starting out you should do full body program to max out your beginner gains. then when you have moderate amount of strength move on to a split to improve your physique

the full body meme came from mark rippletits, an opinionated blowhard whose main preoccupation is breaking down the willpower of nubile young boys and molding them into beefy football players on a full time training regimen as rapidly as possible, with a particular emphasis on fast weight gain

there's nothing wrong with following a regimen with a specific goal in mind, but full body is just that. splits can be good for some people, for example: do you have limited or unlimited time? are you more into this for "making the team", or aesthetics and general fitness? are you 15 or 25? are you interested in drinking 3500 calories of milk every day or a balanced diet? does exercise have some mental health component for you, such that more frequent lifting is preferable to lift/rest/lift? finally, are you or have you ever been a homosexual?

tl;dr splits are fine, and full body is fine, people who say "you should only do starting strength" almost inevitably don't know what the fuck they're talking about

When doing chest exercises, is my scapula supposed to feel like it's digging into the bench? It's only on my right side and I have no fucking idea why it feels like that and it's pretty distracting.

When you're doing bench, you should be forcing your scapulae together. Make sure you're doing that.
If you are, then ask for a form check. Maybe you're naturally tilting and you just can't see it yourself

thanks my dude. I'll make sure to do that next time I'm doing chest

gotcha thanks

Way to do an exercise named after a trap, faggot.

Instead, do bent over 1-handed dumbbell rows. Use a strap and lead with your elbow (LEAD. Don't PULL). Externally rotate your upper body at the top of the movement for extra contraction.

/this post was sponsored by Delorean Yakes.

is this what all Veeky Forums threads are like? lmao

stress != force != work done.
The work is done by your shoulders and lats, because you are moving something. There are all manor of forces. Your shoulders and lats apply a force to move the weights, and your core applies forces to support your body. Stress is just the force on something normalized by its area, so there is most definitely stress on your spinal erectors, because there are forces present there.

Just use dumbbells and eat more.

Yes, you would know if you have ever exercised in your life that there is still an active discussion going on about what lifts are better for you.

>all lower back
Next time load your hamstrings. It helps

i'm not into Veeky Forums but carrying weight like that looks extremely bad for you
lift with your kneeeeeeees

So you have no understanding of what a row is?

t. my mom, when I was in high school
>all those lost gainz