Would you indulge in nyotaimori if given the chance?

Would you indulge in nyotaimori if given the chance?

Would you pay to eat sushi off of a naked woman?

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i usually just stab my food with chopsticks
i wouldn't want to hurt the poor girl

>Would you indulge in nyotaimori if given the chance?
>Would you pay to eat sushi off of a naked woman?
No. If it was paid for sure. Well, I guess if my gf really wanted to do it, then I'd pay for it, but I have my doubts they have many brown girls doing it, so that'd never happen.

1. no
2. no

gimmicky garbage straight out of a hokey 80's corporate espionage drama involving japan, not arousing, not appetizing, not shocking. just gross.

After I was done eatin' fish. I could chow down on some REAL tuna.

Asians smell weird and i dont want my food on her whore body

op stop being lame

I wouldnt even want to eat normal sushi

Make me faggot

Disproven: my gf smells great. It's no surprised only unwashed gross hikikomori women would be anywhere near you, user

nope. girls smell normal with perfume but asians always have a weirder scent. you know im right but u will stay in ur delusion bc ur a weeb

not really into it
however i do like sushi, so if somebody offered to pay for me to eat sushi off a woman's tits, i would oblige.

same here fellow user. will eat em on my gf

the worst smelling vags I've smelled were on white women

asians are always pretty decent down there, it's because we're not afraid of hygiene. for example unlike whites we actually take off our shoes before going inside

kek, being this btfo and angry that i have a superior asian waifu and your hand can never be asian

Accurate desu

It's a known fact that whites don't wash their cunt because they've been told their whole life that their axe wound is "self-cleaning" lawl

How expensive is this?
Is it like a black market food thing or more of an art thing?

I'd only do it on a man. Women have disgusting bodies desu

I would do it if someone else was paying for it, but I wouldn't go out of my way for it.

Only if it was a cute Jap girl and not some white roastie

No, I hate it when my server thinks they should pull up a chair and be part of my meal. I'm never going to pay for the experience.

Sounds degenerate.

Is this like the spirit cooking all the freaks in Hollywood and DC get involved in?

Posting Lady Gaga's hideous face

god damm women sure become ugly when they pass 30

Only If I could grope her, Otherwise It's kinda pointless.

Their uglyness makes them become more degenerate in order to seem more appealing.

See also: strippers. No point.

It's not. I like it when a young chick is degenerate because she doesn't need modesty to be attractive. If a chick has any flaws (being over 30 is a flaw in and of itself), she'd better not enjoy sex otherwise it's just not interesting


If it costs the same as getting sushi on a plate, sure.

I'd use my hands and mouth to pick it up, why would they expect anything less

This is true. Asian girls from Asia actually smell more like fish and think westerners smell like milk

Kinda strange how much sex warps your mind. In intimate situations, you don't mind putting your mouth on even the most filthy parts of a woman. When it comes to this though, no, that's fucking disgusting. Don't want someone's bodily greases and sweat all over my food.

The vagina is self-cleaning, but the vulva is not. The vulva needs to be fucking washed with gentle soap and warm water.

Can I take a bite out of everything on the table?

t. herpes carrier

If I was out with someone and they said we were doing this, and they were paying, I wouldn't say no. But unless I could like.. hand pick the model I was gonna eat off of, nah I wouldn't pay for it. Do they have places where you can eat sushi off a guy, instead?

Oh I googled it, if it's a male model it's nantaimori. Yeah I'd maybe pay for that.

asians literally have a gene that makes them give off less body odor, try harder user

asians smell like sour rice sorry weeb

still not asking for it

1. you're kissless
2. the anime girls printed on your "oriental snacks" from the internet aren't real people

Too awkward; I'm a hetero dude who would eat off another dude's body because I don't care but if he had a boner or something it'd put me off. Risk is too great.

t. angry weeb
i have been with so many girls but ur mad because asians smell weird

No. I would never give money to a woman for doing nothing.

the comeback to end all comebacks. sure showed him dude. enjoy your hand (female).

>this mad bc i said asians smell weird
user look im sorry i hurt your feelings so badly ok

show tits whore, and I'll enjoy the fuck out of my hand

He is probably asian desu that would explain this whole thing

No. The basic idea is that you have enough money to pay someone to be a plate. I don't really give a shit about objectification, but that just sounds like a huge waste of money.

no, kissless virgin. vags never smell great, but asian vags at least don't smell like something crawled up there and died.
've never come as close to puking from a vag smell than I have from a white chick. if you stop spending so much time online maybe some day you'll learn.

no angry weeb asians smell weird not just their vag
i am sorry ur getting so worked up over this

indians who spend a lot of time cooking smell like indian food, sure. I would imagine a korean chick who spends a lot of time cooking korean food might smell like korean food. I've only dated westernized asians, the kind that eat a variety of foods and don't live their whole lives hunched over a stove. I guess you could be a sexpat or something, but you type like a virgin.

only gays or jealous roasties would answer no to this, for example

Asians do smell weird, at first, but you get used to it. Living in japan, dating a jap, and I have grown to like the scent. But to deny they have an odd smell is retarded.

Pay? Not unless I was doing it on the behalf of someone else's interests. Or if it was like $10 for unlimited sushi and she was there.

If you don't get to fuck her at the end, what's the point?

They smell like cooked rice, soy, and seafood.

You are what you eat.

Would you eat sushi off a qt girls feet?

Back to /tv/ you go, user.

The bf lets me do that whenever I want.

Says the westcuck whose women are the most disgusting whores on earth.

>this food smells fu- ohhh

do you wash out the inside of your rectum
do you wash out your esophagus?

why not, you filthy fuck?


people doing this are cringy neckbeards

angry weeb haha

White people smell like wet dogs

T. Twelve-year-old


Literal retard. Good job.

Thankfully this would never be legal anywhere else in the world

I would because I've never seen a pussy in real life.

Stfu you roast

no its weird


u wot m8?

So.. are you allowed to fondle the girl in this situation or what?

This is the origin of Japanese porn novels.
It is an erotic joke, but it is very popular in the world.

Depends on how much you're paying.

I mean I'm sure it could be arranged particularly in Japan for the girl to be a prostitute who you fuck afterwards. But most everywhere I'm pretty sure she's just supposed to be a plate.

If the whore wasn't getting paid yes.

No. The idea is gross to me. I'm very paranoid about food born illnesses

I am obese
About once a month I pay a prostitute to let me eat food off of their naked breasts. I am still a virgin because I am too beta to have sex with them and usually end up just eating from them.

The best thing to do, in my opinion, is to eat a thick sauce with chicken and 2 tablespoons of turmeric from them. I have been doing this for months with one very pale and sickly prostitute (who is a heroin addict) and she has started to get an orange stain on her nipples. Honestly, it is the closest thing I have to a pregnant wife, as the stain grows I am started to imaging it is my baby and she is pregnant.

Its hot as fuck. I also like eating hot sauce from their nipples so next time they play with their nipples for a client then touch his cock his cock will burn and they lose a customer and need me more.

I would do it if I were making high-stakes illegal business deals. other than that I'm good.

Not him, but your overuse of the word virgin is making me cringe

Veeky Forums

Was this supposed to be funny? It's cringe and a waste of time

Maybe. What's for dessert?


be sure to fix your cropping before you post this on reddit

That's it

Maximum cringe when one of them offered her his hand

No it reminds me of a gross hentai

europeans also take their shoes off inside you dimwit, ONLY north americans wear shoes indoors, and scandinavians have specific lines of soap and body cleaning producs for vaginas (ACO, Apoteket), so basically everything you just wrote is wrong as fuck


My ex's ex once did this. I found the pics on his pc. He still used to fap to them. It was one of the reasons i broke up with him. If he dates whores like that then i don't want to be one of the girls he dates. Ewww.

I've been to europe. You fuckers smell bad.

As long as I'm not paying for it, sure. I'm not going to cough up extra money just because I get to eat my food off of a naked chick.


kill em all

nah, i'm good not knowing whether or not somebody farted on my food while i did not see it in the kitchen.

This is completely unsanitary. 0/11 would not touch with a 10ft pole

*confused reaction image*
Oooooohhhh wow dude gross xD!!!!!!1!!1