How do we fix this?

How do we fix this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Producer of what?

Nike shoes


Jerk off more

chinese rape babies


China with very.little regulations and USA where only mega companies can compete because they get government subsidizing to produce small amounts


How do we fix this?

>total is over 100%

Make a bigger pie chart

It's not supposed to be a percentage you crayon-eating retarded.

what legit marketing purpose would anyone pay money to use this stock image

Is this another thread about soyboys?

someone has actually used my forced “dropped” meme! thank you user

Tanzanian Masterrace reporting in. You faggot Murricans aren't even trying. Can't compete with our per capita abuse even when we are all niggers

Dropped is fucking old

How long ago was this? Ive seen dropped for a while, I think it came about right as into the trash man was dying down. Sort of the next evolution of that one


we created/invented everything your shit country produces. stay poor



What's on maryland

I'm puzzled that Florida doesn't have more Cubans (aka Mexicans).

El Presidente (that's meant to imply something)

tfw this is what Europe looks like
must feel bad to be british

Good stuff.

Based on that I'd be retaining an extra $2000 a year. With a guaranteed 5% raise after this evaluation cycle, I'm going to be sitting pretty. Time to sink some more cash into copper securities for the impending bull run now that China and EU are ramping up their EV production.

Everything's coming up Millhouse.


this shithole board needs better moderation

Use a scatter plot, those are much more sciencey

Science is so kewl! Why is everyone so intimidated by my intelligence?