I hate this country sometimes.
I hate this country sometimes
I hate the gooks as well however this thread would be better suited to .
I'm in the process of trying to get a japanese wife
I'm all about that christmas cake
a whole country full of perfectly good and only slightly used women nobody wants. its a shame really
>a whole country full of perfectly good and only slightly used women nobody wants.
Fuck that.
They’re inbred as fuck.
Your kids would likely turn out to be mongs.
Thats what happens when you spend 80 hours a week at a soul sucking job, kills you on the inside.
What country is 'this'
I see three different forms of gookspeak
Judging by the price, Japan.
the japanese birth rates are very low and an overwhelming amount of the population are virgins well into their 30s
this isn't because the females are non-receptive, in fact they want men. The problem is on the male side, they just aren't pursuing the women anymore and have taken to just being wage slaves and buying tengas
there's also this idea in japan that after age 25 women are all used up and worthless, so there are millions of 20 something year old japanese girls who would love a bf and no bfs are anywhere to be found
racist much
>virgins well into their 30s
Hahaha holy shit, you don't actually believe that do you? This is the country of casual sex, and pretending it doesn't happen. They've all been taken to a love hotel at least once, I promise you that.
not according to the census data which shows 25% of japanese over 30 are virgins
when I try online dating in america I can't even get average looking girls to reply to me
but in japan I'm getting really good looking girls, even some that barely speak english giving me a lot of attention
a year of online dating got me 5 conversations in america, a week has netted me 31 in japan
>when I try online dating in america I can't even get average looking girls to reply to me
because your profile and messages are garbage.
I don't think you understand. They fuck like crazy here, they just don't want to admit it because being a slut is still majorly frowned upon.
And yeah, you'll get more attention, but I'll give you some tips. A lot are using you for free English practice, a lot are boring or crazy, and most will ghost you without thinking twice.
Don't get me wrong, I prefer the girls here on average, but it pains me to see another dude come over with rose tinted glasses. They all learn a hard lesson, and it often makes them bitter as fuck.
maybe by american standards, because there is a lot of competition
but in japan I'm just a biiig hwito penusu standing erect and proud as a beacon in a sea of thirsty broads
Naw you're wrong. There plenty of people who are very casual about it and more than an insignificant number who get tricked into working at a hostess bar or into an AV, but theres also a significant number who end up being virgins accidentally into their late 20s and 30s.
Girl I was dating was a little bit nerdy (but easily the best sex I ever had) and had two friends that were career focused in their early 20s and now were in their early 30s and worried about their dating situations. Both were virgins and were scared that would make it even harder for them to date and asked for advice on it. I told them to just fuck the next guy that they had a decent 2nd date with. One girl was a little worried about doing that (and was picking her specialty as a d doctor so had little time for dates anyway) but I think the other may have taken the advice to heart.
>blatantly ignoring the fact that girls can get away with being virgins and guys can't
Not even a virgin but come on son, get real
Both told you they were virgins. You believed them. You're such a nice guy :)
I was dating their friend, had no interest in them (they weren't cute at all, but they were Japanese so standard nice but skinny body) and they only consulted me because they had brought their worry to their female friend I was dating and the girl specifically set up two separate home dates so they could ask me in a 3 person setting. Literally no reason for them to lie.
Once I got to know the girls closer there was more than one occasion where I was out with one of the two as well drinking, and since they're all little Japanese girls they couldn't hold their liquor, and would blurt out drunkenly their continued worry about being a 30+ year old virgin in a taxi or while we were all walking around sobering up/looking for somewhere else to drink.
>census data which shows 25% of japanese over 30 are virgins
Why would that question be on the census?
>ruined the purity of two girls by feeding them Jewish lies
You're the cancer that needs to be eradicated.
Nice erotic fiction. Do continue.
>since they're all little Japanese girls they couldn't hold their liquor, and would blurt out drunkenly their continued worry about
I'm not the guy who was questioning you before, but I dated a very conservative Asian chick once and she would do shit like that to seem "modest" and "pure". Like, two sips of something and she'd be "falling down drunk"
At first I tried to make sure she understood that saying "I'm really drunk" over and over again, as a way of signaling that she's ready for sex, is highly inappropriate in western society. But the emotional programming runs deep and eventually I just got used to working with it
btw they can drink a hell of a lot more than you think when the situation calls for it, don't confuse foreplay with lack of alcohol tolerance
tl;dr good on you for playing along and making her feel like a lady, but you weren't "playing along" were you
Im currently married to a different Japanese girl.
Some girls do do that, but wife is slightly tispy after one fucking beer and basically trashed after 3 beers or a second glass of wine. The girl I was dating could handle her liquor and Japanese girls feel a lot safer if they have a friend who is drinking heavily. I've lived in Japan for 5 years now, its not that hard to learn the culture, and know when people are bullshitting you, if you make any effort at all to learn the culture and language.
>Literally no reason for them to lie
because japanese people are dying faster than they are being born and the government needed to know why
my friend has been talking to a nip girl on line, he said she wanted to exchange lewds but he refused because he has this idea of japanese girls being pure like in his animes and didn't want to taint her. Now he's spending thousands of dollars to go see her
the desperation runs deep. And I'v seen pictures, she's not bad looking, I'm sure there are many men in her life
It's ok he lives in Japan and knows how to speak and understand basic declarative sentences in their language. I think he would know.
Just ask for the burger without the creamy potato if you're afraid fo new things. Mos Burger is fucking great so it probably is delicious as is.
>"L-look, I definitely didn't use google translate!"
>damage control white knighting
Surely you wouldn't agree that she's a bad person because you weren't her first. So maybe consider whose honor you're really defending here.
Google Translate is terrible for Japanese
So Japanese males are retarded.
Basically yes, the guys are better in some parts of the country, but you'll be hard pressed to find a girl saying nice things about a Tokyo guy unless they met in college
Even guys in osaka ;;
Kansai guys were the only ones even worth sorta making friends with, but the females were still way more interesting to talk to.
>not actually Japanese
>not Japanese
>but in japan I'm getting really good looking girls, even some that barely speak english giving me a lot of attention
That's because Jap girls literally worship the big white cock (bwc).
>there's also this idea in japan that after age 25 women are all used up and worthless
>after age 25 women are all used up and worthless
this isn't wrong though
Bullshit, the girls are 90% boring as fuck no matter where you go.
>my hobbies are food anda travel anda Disney
Japanese girls aren't white women. They don't start looking like shit in their 20s.
Japanese girls haven't taken 30 cocks by the time they graduate highschool.
So true
Them fucking tinder profiles
"My hobbies include breathing and drinking water, and occasionally I enjoy blinking #notbasic"
Not true, they like travel, food, and good authors like Steinbeck, Dostoevsky, and Salinger. Sometimes even lolsorandum like Haruki Murakami or Chuck Klosterman
Don't just say "hey" and don't message me if ur profile pick is shirtless, I'm not like the other girls tee hee (p.s. no one under 6'8")
Share a pic of her and your friend
Food is a legitimate hobby in a place like Tokyo. Easily one of the best places in the world to eat and theres always a hot new place opening up serving something amazing. Personally I prefer waiting until the hype dies down after about 6 months to a year but I've been on some great dates and to places I never would have thought to look up.
You're such a naive weeaboo. Japanese women take 30 cocks every time they ride the train.
Disregarding this retarded myth for a moment, your Christmas Cake's fertility will be floored and the likelihood of her giving you healthy children diminishes greatly. There's a reason why men, regardless of race or culture, favored young women as mates.
Do you think this is the early 1900s with zero prenatal care? Women of all types in first world countries can have completely healthy kids well into their 30s and even in their 40s