>restaurant is in the subway with the door hanging open
how do they keep the bum piss smell out? or is it hidden behind drench of raw fish?
>restaurant is in the subway with the door hanging open
how do they keep the bum piss smell out? or is it hidden behind drench of raw fish?
Americans may be surprised at this, but it's not a given that public transport should be dangerous, unreliable, and full of human excrement and junkies
The metro is super clean in Tokyo, additionally it’s not really in the metro, its in a secluded area behind doors when walking between the entrances.
Source: been there, done that
they are lacking a demographic that will street shit so they quality of food and of public transportation are better
>they are lacking a demographic
Which demographic?
>niggers are my default excuse whenever shit goes wrong
You'll take credit for "inventing electricity" or some shit, but, somehow, a race of people you forcibly put to work on your land for generations and then "set free" so you could feel good about magnanimously shitting all over for another several generations is beyond your scope of responsibility
Why is this, I wonder? Asking as a friend.
We set them free but all they do is be poor and smell bed on our public transit.
>Every white person is American
> all they do is be poor and smell bed on our public transit.
As opposed to where else?
Are niggers the reason you built that train line so that it only served the worst neighborhoods, and then cut funding over and over again so that the only purpose it could possibly serve is to keep your black homeless population warm in the winter?
You can practically eat off the floor on the subway lines in some countries, including countries where there's a sizeable demographic of some minority underclass.
Stop deflecting, America-kun.
who's this sush' lush?
sir this is /ck ive caught a ban on here for talking like its /pol for that answer go to /pol and ask
>including countries where there's a sizeable demographic of some minority underclass.
Name one that isn't in east asia or some cherrypicked middle eastern oil utopia.
>it doesn't count because muh fee-fees
Just say "but niggers" again, it's a nice default when you're afraid to actually use your head (which is most of the time, after all)
that sounds like something LBJ would have thought about. individualist are not worried about what you do or anyone else for that matter, unless it lands on my doorstep.
no ones named to nog yet buddy a demographic is a sect of people no one said it was black or whites or yellows wtf how racist are you?
Literally the textbook definition of dog whistling here, read and learn folks.
>Implying you're not a racist piece of shit
>dog whistling
>cant find any case of you being racist so i will imply it with no evidence because i am a loser with no life or friends and i feel i need to speak for others to find power in my life?
seek help user
>hey smoothskin
That's not how we format board names here, redditor.
Plausible deniability only works when it's actually plausible, user-kun
You're really not very good at this
seems like it got to your fee fees just like i wanted it to or you would be bring it up. suck start a shotgun pal-o
and even less in Japan, in civilized countries in Europe metro always smells like piss
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>Pretending to be a autistic when you're caught being racist
The whole point of dog whistling is that you imply something without saying it explicitly, you racist. You already knew that and are just pretending to be retarded
keep trying user i was raised by the sword in a jerk water town where everyone had to get along with all kinds of folks race is real but idgaf what color you are. im not racist you keep trying to put me in that box tho ill just go have coffee and fuck my native wife
>Some of my best friends are black!
>i was raised by the sword
From dog whistles to word salads, you're just the gift that keeps on giving aren't you
no black friends keep trying. maybe you should just go to /pol and enjoy the bantz there
So now you're saying you grew up in a community that was really diverse and you only ever made white friends? You're not helping your case racist
It's /pol/
Global Rules, #3, No racism outside of /b/.
>not racist, just realist
I’ll take “Things only racists say” for $500, Alex
no, some of them were irish
Global Rules, #3, No racism outside of /b/.
>ill take never grew up with a diverse group of people. just saw the browns and yellows in the halls never engaged them
>say something extremely racist but carefully worded to avoid the n-word
>someone else calls you out explicitly
>omg that person was being racist, mods please ban this social justice warrior!
Please stay on /r/the_donald/
if you ever wondered why this board has gone to shit, look at how the neo-nazi shit stays and the decent people get banned for “off topic”
damn, my nigga jiro san is Veeky Forums as fuck.
>waah I can’t complain about “the nogs” constantly
>omg why are you racist against whites?
Please note, I said “nogs” this time which means you have no pretext, faggots
How was it? Was it awkward sitting at that counter eating?
You're a stupid nigger wop honkey wetback mick cracker slant-eye chink. Newfaggot.
Wasn't fagbook made for whiny women like you? Stop whining all the time bro, man up for once in your fucking life.
>how do they keep the bum piss smell out?
by being in Japan
Based japs. Creating so much societal pressure that any potential bums commit suicide out of shame before they can dirty up the city
>the only kind of diversity is blacks
Shockingly racist
Saying that ghetto bums smell bad isn't being a neo nazi
Lol seriously it's called having a nose. Ideologues so hard core they lost their senses.
Pick neither, Spencer-kun
if you're implying indians aren't fucking filthy, you need to shut the fuck up you little bitch. They literally are it's a fact, how is stating facts racist. I guess saying the sky is blue and asians like eating noodles is also racist
El 56
the hobo demographic
Ever heard of ventilation system?
there's a ton of bums living on the streets. they just don't piss and shit everywhere, they also never beg for money or anything.
ITT niggers and their coal burning SJW roastie followers
back to tumblr, stephON
They get their asses kicked a lot though by youth gangs because Japan finds the homeless to be shameful and turns a blind eye to their abuse.
Where do they piss?
Public restrooms.