Name popular but actually bad combos
I'll start
>Orange and chocolate
Name popular but actually bad combos
I'll start
>Orange and chocolate
salt and pepper
their chocolate and chilli is p bad 2.
OP and making threads
Whats wrong with orange and chocolate?
mint and *
Whenever I am offered something sweet, I'll take it even I don't like it that much except if it is orange flavored chocolate.
Yeah that's bad too. And also cherry and chocolate.
My mother says you should never combine onions and garlic lmao
haha her mother also probably told her to never combine semen with her womb
Pizza and pineapple
Sugar and peanut
Fruit and meat
Anything and cumin
pizza and ranch
blue cheese and wings
onions and bacon
mushrooms and beef
>blue cheese and wings
why not
>pizza and mayo
pizza is great and mayo is okay but why the fuck would you ever put that shit on pizza
Never understood why Americans are so crazy for this vile combination.
Is this the thread where we post objectively delicious combos to be le ebin trollers?
>never had freshly made PB&J with Jelly reserves and jiff extra crunchy peanut butter
Lol, your loss
Pizza and ranch is good when the pizza isn't as good
>sugar and peanut
How do you mean? Roasted suger coated peanuts are good
>Mint and Chocolate is bad
What the fuck?
>Anything and cumin
this. I used to like it but now it just reminds me of pajeet body odor.
Jif is a brand of abrasive cleaner where I live, so the idea is still not enticing.
except it's even spelled differently you fucking dunce
Where I live it's an abrasive blend of peanuts, sugar and partially hydrogenated oils so it's not too enticing for me, either.
Okay? One google search and you'll see that it is peanut butter and a very fucking good one at that, Europoors have absolutely atrocious peanut butter so I understand
>"actually bad"
>my opinion is correct and if you disagree then you're wrong
Kill yourself
>peanut butter is abrasive
>using jif as an example of good peanut butter
rapid way to ingest sugar, fat and carbs so they can be the fattest
must be a choosy mom
Ah, so that’s why it’s Vim in Canada/US
Does this one go as well in a PB&J?
fuck you op. my grandma always had these at her house growing up and they are pure joy. the orange is a perfect mix. fruit + chocolate = heaven.
Who would make threads if not OP?
Peanuts and Paydays
Marley and Regge
Every single day and getting a chance to say
I always associate cumin with Mexican food.
>not getting peanut butter freshly ground from the machine in a grocery store
You haven't had real peanut butter yet if you haven't done this.
You go to hell! You go to hell and you die! Orange and dark chocolate is amazing. Just like chili pepper or bacon and chocolate.
This. Especially mint chocolate ice cream is so much better without the chocolate chips. Not only do the flavors not mix well, but the chips get all hard and frozen.
>Sugar and peanut
Now this I can get behind. Revolting
>peanut butter with added sugar
>missing the point this hard
Chicken and cheese
Peaches and cream
try these
mint goes great with tons of shit fuck you. disliking a flavour doesn't mean it's word of fucking god. kill yourself.
this guy knows what's up.
try one that isn't made with hipster trash ingredients like your pic related. it's an amazing combo on white bread like a grilled cheese.
... how??
>Jif =/= Jif ??
I second this- lol very good.
My mom always gave me these for Christmas. Originally I thought it sounded gross because I’m picky about what fruit I like with chocolate, but the taste is actually quite good.
* and mushroom
I can't eat mushrooms and it irritates me how many potential choices are ruined by this shitty ass fungus.
>fruit and pastry
>try one without trash ingredients
>recommends white bread
not every ingredient is good for every recipe fagass. a good pb&j requires white bread or it's not a good pb&j
>Chocolate with salt filling
This abomination actually exists
They changed it to Cif you're stuck in the past.
again with the white bread
I'm sorry your parents failed you so badly
maybe your obsession with white bread is why you don't like pb&j mr. fucking retard. don't be one of those people who hates pasta but only uses whole wheat noodles.
I made a wonderful pb&j ten minutes ago with real bread kiddo
does mommy still cut your crusts?
THANK YOU, OP!! I've been saying this for years. All my dipshit friends think it's the cat's pajamas.
We know better.
It's blue cheese with wings or go fuck your mother
enjoy your seed bread faggot.
enjoy bread made for 9 year olds you autistic mamchild
Bread with chunks in it is gutter trash and has always been gutter trash. If you want a nice bread you go for a sourdough, a dark rye, etc. but if you go for the bread with flax and pumpkin seed mixed in you're just following shitty health trends.
>but if you go for the bread with flax and pumpkin seed mixed in you're just following shitty health trends
when id I say I ate bread with pumpkin seeds fuck youre autistic
go frogpost on r9k
Post the exact bread you eat then faggot so i can judge you.
Bread with big lumpy seeds in it really is pretty awful. Big raw unroasted sunflower seeds are the worst offender. Why do people do this? Roast that shit, grind it into flour, and then put it in the bread.
homemade soyboy
>everything in this thread
fuck you
water and ice
I grind flax and put it in my whole wheat bread because I like how it tastes :-)
pancakes with chocolate chips
People who hate on pineapple on pizza are the type of niggas that don't eat crust
The rabbit hole goes deeper.
1st world countries and 3rd world people
Almost all homemade bread is white bread jesus christ. Not all white bread is wonder bread.
Fruit and meat is great. Try pork roasted with apple or a chicken tajine with (dried) apricots.
Pineapple and whippet cream
Alcohol and weed
Delicious sea salt choc
musty peanuts through the unwashed machine in a public place
I don't mind orange with chocolate, but I find duck a l'orange to be fucking vile. No better way to utterly ruin my favorite bird.
I don't care what you say, I will always rank a good pb&j up there as one of the great sandwiches of the world.
Well, if you don't include the civilized world, that might be correct.
If I had taste as shit as yours I would kill myself so as to not burden the rest of mankind.
I wonder who could be behind this post...
Mint in a soup or sauce.
It feels like you had thrown toothpaste or mouthwash in the food.
Just try the real thing.
pineapple on pizza is for faggots
Are you me?