Cayenne Fucking Pepper

Let's talk about this shit. My mind is blown by this stuff I treat it like I would a drug such as caffeine or ginseng, except its effects are extremely beneficial for the body's long-term health. Physiologically, the capsaicin in the pepper acts as a vasodilator, simultaneously lowering blood pressure and increasing vascular action throughout the body, which by the way increases metabolism. It's actually the only known stimulant to simultaneously decrease blood pressure. One use in herbal medicine is for the treatment of heart-attack or stroke, in which case you mix with hot water like tea and pour it down the patient's throat. The widening of the blood vessels helps to clear the blockage.

I carry this shit with me everywhere, and aside from cooking with it I will take small doses of cayenne powder under the tongue throughout the day. This does make your body feel hot, it's almost like I'm jumpstarting my metabolism into burning its calorie reserves. It gives an almost immediate rush of energy with no crash. I also put this shit in my orange juice pretty much every day for breakfast, works just like coffee.

Cayenne pepper is amazing and you should be taking it daily

Are we seriously doing this but not talking about Smoked Spanish Paprika?

There's little to no capsaicin in paprika. It might have some other medicinal effect (which I would be interested to hear about), but the health shit I am talking about pertains just to peppers with high capsaicin content. I think Cayenne is perfect for use like this because it has a decent capsaicin content while still being tolerable to take.

Smoked spanish paprika is fucking dank though I use it all the time

>Physiologically, the capsaicin in the pepper acts as a vasodilator, simultaneously lowering blood pressure and increasing vascular action throughout the body, which by the way increases metabolism. It's actually the only known stimulant to simultaneously decrease blood pressure. One use in herbal medicine is for the treatment of heart-attack or stroke, in which case you mix with hot water like tea and pour it down the patient's throat. The widening of the blood vessels helps to clear the blockage.

These effects are not medically significant and cannot be used for the purpose suggested.

>He's having a stroke!
>Quick, get the cayenne!

Well of course you would call fucking 911 but if there's something else you could immediately to improve the odds, then why not? There are reported cases of cayenne being used to successfully mitigate cardiac events, not to mention its centuries of use by herbalists. Medicine is all just chemicals. Whether those come from a plant or a pharma lab, they both react with the body.

FYI it's also an anti-inflammatory and it has been shown to help fight certain types of cancer. So go stuff your contrarianism up your ass

I've taken to consuming a fresh chilli after each meal. It's probably healthier than cayenne pepper, but the real reason I'm doing it is to build up a tolerance for when I go to India a month from now.

If you think cayenne peppers gonna have any remarkable effect on your metabolism I feel very sorry for you. Godspeed to all the retards.

>Cayenne pepper is amazing and you should be taking it daily
Ja/ck/ agrees as he uses it to cure his pink eye.

My brother is an EMT and the cayenne training is a big part of cardiac management syllabus.
You shouldn’t comment on subjects you have no knowledge of.

Nice webm.

thanks :^)

awwwwww babbys first pepper, so cute

You don't pour anything down someone's throat when having a stroke.


You're thinking seizure mate, and even then you only want to keep clear of the mouth so you don't lose fingees

It's good for dishes where you want some heat.
Not for every Fucking dish though. Looking at you chef john.


Is that you, Chef John?

>Chef John-mind

I want Chef John to leave

Assuming OP is actually right, where do you get good cayenne pepper?

I actually wouldn't be surprised if he posted on Veeky Forums

>Chef John doing cpr
>"And add just a little touch of Cayenne pepper."

He looks like a hamster with portion control problems