shaking off the sunday scaries with some cold ones edition.
How are we holding up? Anyone heard from SB?
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shaking off the sunday scaries with some cold ones edition.
How are we holding up? Anyone heard from SB?
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I'm done drinking for good
I've been doing well. Lots of soda water. Only drinking alcohol in moderation during special occasions. Stay strong, bros.
Welp it's been 5 days better celebrate somehow
I usually reach for a drink around noon. If I haven't had one by 2 then I need to. I don't really want to quit or cut back, but I kind of incidentally am because it takes me so fucking long to get drunk anymore.
>inb4 just buy spirits
Last time I had a handle of vodka put an end to that basically.
Based bubble water, makes you think like you're having at least some sort of drink.
Erry time.
just buy spirits
when i did the whole sober thing i crushed coconut lacroix like i did beer.
iktf. i dont understand why i love punishing myself so much. I was always an existential wreck, anxiety, constantly battling nihilism, but after getting drunk a few times i realized that if all else failed,that if life was a meaningless mistake brought about by arbitrary evolutionary processes i could at least just drink myself to death. Just party to the grave. lol, problem is the party stops once the real drinking happens and now i dont know whats worse: sobriety or drinking.
got drunk last night with coworkers and talked to some old boomer chick thats a counsellor or something. she started pressing me on psychological stuff, etc. I told her that the self is an illusion created by biological integration in the brain that creates the impression of a "me-ness" but its not a tangible thing. She gave me a look and told me that was depressing.
anyways sorry for the blogpost
No problem about the blog post m8. I actually found it pretty relatable.
just buy spirits
>i dont know whats worse: sobriety or drinking.
so true
It’s to the point where if I don’t strategically place vodka/chaser somewhere before passing out, gf will wake up and see me drink, think it’s okay, and then all of a sudden I have half as much booze. I’m breddy close to just keeping a handle under the bathroom sink desu.
had 13 hours of nice restful sleep
its been awhile
Carry bottled ‘water’ often.
Get stealth hip flask (disguised as a wallet or w/e)
Hide booze in basket connected to fishing line out of window, reel in as needed. Place new bottles in here when returning from shop.
Fill hosepipes with vodka.
Bury bottles in garden/houseplants, leave screw top protruding, carry straw.
Mail booze to yourself in large container of whatever.
Hide bottles in a box of cereal only you eat.
Jesus I miss sleeping for 12 hours straight so badly. I always used to do it like 10 years ago but that was before I started drinking.
al/ck/ always shits around about how grass is “the only thing that keeps me dry”, and I’m always curious what their setups look like because we all live in such squalor. While the thread is a newborn, wanna shit it up with your rigs?
weed gives me panic attacks
>fill hosepipes with vodka
God damn that was a classic thread. Something that honestly surprised me and that I had never ever heard of someone doing before, but there it was.
I just roll joints desu. One every 1-2 hrs and I don’t want to drink
Do you guys have any cures for WD nausea? I'm going fucking crazy here.
Yeah al/ck/ was awesome for a while. We still get over 100 posters typically, wonder how many are kil
sitting down in the tub with hot water hitting you in the face while sipping warm beer until able to drink again
go take your stoner alch derail somewhere else or go to 420chan ffs.
Same here. Basically at my highest it got so bad I was experiencing what I'm pretty sure had to be depersonalization and derealization. I kept trying to smoke for a while longer because my entire social circle did for a time, but when the highs just kept being bad I dropped it forever.
I'm trying to quit though.
Okay, okay, it was really just the squalor aspect of it all that intrigued me. Calm down, user. Nobody actually cares about that here.
But I
>ran out of vodka
>am too injured to go to the shops
>almost two in the afternoon
>am stuck at a stalemate until gf folds and finally goes to the store and I can throw monies at her
>stuck with DUDE LMAO until then
Usually those posts and responses trigger me, too. But today I was just curious.
I'm pretty confident the guy who drank multiple liters of vodka a day is dead.
He's actually not.
>I'm pretty sure had to be depersonalization and derealization
are you me? it stuck around with me unfortunately. first time getting high i freaked the fuck out and was never the same.
I bought some vapes, but only for health benefits, and they take too long so I don’t use them. Pretty indifferent about stoner culture.
I had a bong, but smoked crack in it one day, so threw it away when booze WD anxiety/paranoia hit.
I just have a papers and a grinder. I’d recommend all alchies try it given how immeasurably healthy it has been for me to use it to escape alcohol.
long hot showers still help, if you have the will power to taper i would suggest that. for me the nausea is usually associated with my headache so treating that tends to help with feeling like i want to yak. pho helps too.
anyone else turn into a degenerate perv when hungover or wding? ill crank one out in bed like 4 times in one day.
this sucks because i have a great gf and think porn is immoral.
Right now I just have nausea and some shaking/heart palpitations. I can't even keep water down.
how many hours/days since your last drink and how much were you drinking?
if its bad you might want to consider medical treatment so you dont get seizures
nah but i dont wank when im drinking
but goddamn that first wank after not doing it for a week
Yeah my libido becomes fucking dangerous, I hit on absolutely every half-decent gril. Will presumably be beaten up/attested soon.
hmm for squalor:
live in a college dorm apartment.
one room to myself and a shared kitchen
Only have my computer( on a computer desk), a fan, a dresser and my bed and empty bottles.
I have the dreaded beer flies in my room now.
Everyone else has AC, TV, and other shit.
They just acknowledge me as an alc and I heard one roommate say "He is always drunk", so oh well.
I just have a little glass pipe an ex got me years ago, and a little bong (maybe a foot tall) that I smoke on the porch.
weed is readily available where I live (west coast BC). Just hit up the nearest dispensary (there's like five within a ten minute's walk from my house) and bought a gram of a hybrid called Scout Master for $10, should last me about five days. Smoking a cheeky bowl in my rooms, listening to the local university radio and sipping on a cider before I go to work. It's some lady speaking in russian and playing russian music, pretty cozy desu
My last drink was around midnightish. I've been to the hospital at least 12 times alone this year. they're sick of seeing me. I usually drink around 750ml of vodka per day. I can't take living like this anymore.
If you’re talking about 1.75l boi, I’m right here baby.
ever try the high cbd low thc stuff?
the high thc shit makes me fucking mental but im curious about the high cbd stuff
How are you doing these days?
wish i had more answers for ya man.
idk how im not fat. i drink like 6-18 beers a day and dont eat particularly well
Do you tend to starve yourself when you drink? I go days sometimes without eating so my tolerance doesn't go up.
maybe a little but its usually like one giant meal. i do lift during the week but i am drunk 24/7 from 5pm on friday on the weekends
I've never actively seeked it out, I don't really pay attention to that kind of stuff, I just buy whatever. I can handle THC pretty well (daily smoker so my tolerance is pretty high) but I'm definitely interested in CBD. I think it might help with sober anxiety.
I don't know how you guys can smoke weed. Shit sends my anxiety through the roof.
i think most active alcs cant desu
only times i have ever enjoyed marijauna i was bordering on blackout drunk
I am ok. I gave myself some gnarly rugburn (I’ve been shitposting about that), and also posted my recycling last thread.
I’ve been immersed in the sopranos lately but that’s about all I’ve been up to. Phantom pains in my lower right abdomen area, but I’m making it to the next thread for sure.
Thanks for asking. How are you, user?
Just used to it I suppose. I know it’ll give me anxiety for the first 20 mins or so if I let it, but I can just tell myself it’s normal and it disappears. Not like the booze WD anxiety, over which I have no control.
>Not like the booze WD anxiety, over which I have no control.
WD anxiety feels like psychosis. I remember once i near had a damn panic attack because i didnt recognize all the creases in my hands
Yeah it’s disgusting beyond description. The worst possible shit I can imagine happening to me suddenly feels imminent and threatening.
Last night was pretty bad
>spend a lot of time making a meat sauce from scratch
>grew everything in it
>decide to reheat it(what was left over) for a nice meal to hopefully sober up a bit so I can drink longer
>pass out on the recliner
>wake up some time later to a disgusting burned food smell
>pan is reduced to a pile of burned charcoal that was once a delicious tomato-basil meat sauce
>pot of water I had boiling for pasta is completely empty
>entire house fucking reeks of burned food smell
I ruined the $100 pan I had the sauce in too. Pls kill me.
I can only smoke when I have my life in order, otherwise I know that the anxiety is warranted.
When everything is alright I can get a really cosy high though. Weed is only worth it if I'm stacked up on good boy points.
>using expensive stuff when loaded
bad idea
I drink and smoke weed every day. I don't smoke huge amounts, usually a couple small bowls a day. A gram lasts me about four or five days. If there's any anxiety it usually passes pretty quick, and i usually only get anxiety from weed when I'm not drinking
The memory stuck with me for sure. It got better with many years, and I never literally felt it again, but goddamn it it was the worst most horrifying thing I've ever felt. I think I was quite affected by it for several years, but I just kept drinking and it seems to be more distant now. It was a huge existential problem for me though.
Same here. I kinda miss my crazy libido from when I was drinking all day, I'm a year dry and wanking feels lame.
You should force yourself to eat, you're fucking your pancreas otherwise. And it doesn't affect your tolerance.
I would love to if I could keep anything down.
Just one more thing to add to the list of things I've destroyed while wasted.
strugglecore desu
gets the job done though.
jesus alcohol sweats make your bed smell
With alcohol withdrawals I get incredibly hard erections, often for no reason. If I sit around fapping all day I get porn flashing through my head when I close my eyes and it rapidly degrades into horror movie stuff that keeps me from even attempting to sleep for several days or until I get drunk again. This only happens when I'm too sick to keep drinking and forced to detox a bit
Is 500ml of vodka (drank with 2l of coke) a day alcoholism?
I managed to lay off beer, which is good, (I could drink like, 8 bottles a day...) but I started to drink this shit...
I don't know how to stop... I'm thinking about askimg wife to keep money away from me, so can't buy anything... But I fear humiliation.
>fap binging on wds until there's porn on your eyelids
Post your bank card to yourself
Youre probably right..
I lost 19kg after laying off beer.
Awesome dude. So proud of you. What do you do to make life bearable?
probs on the road to it.
theres no line where suddenly you are an alcoholic.
>If you’re talking about 1.75l boi, I’m right here baby.
Did you stop?
havent washed my bed in over a year
sheets were white at one point
>Is 500ml of vodka (drank with 2l of coke) a day alcoholism?
>I don't know how to stop...
Then yes it is.
Switch back to beer and taper that. Or taper spirit but it's often harder.
>Is 500ml of vodka (drank with 2l of coke) a day alcoholism?
Yes, and you know it is, which is why you asked in the first place.
Also see:
>I don't know how to stop
You need to get help.
>But I fear humiliation.
As opposed to becoming a full blown alcoholic living under a bridge because he lost his job and his wife left? Get help now while you still have a life. It's easier to become a normal sober person if you have an established life. If you ruin it all, you have to start from the bottom
Do you have your own washing machine?
i thought i was the only one
when i'm hungover, i'll lay in bed and watch mommy joi vids til my dick explodes
good advice but you sound like a dick
my melenated bretheren
best porn out there
Yeah I was at hospital last year for 12 day stints after getting pancreatitis really bad.
10 days each time drifting between sleep and pressing my morohine button every 5 minutes to try and numb the pain.
I haven't been in this year but still drinking like a Trojan. I think having a job so can only drink at night helps. Last year it was pretty much 24-7 drunk.
I think a lot of alcoholics have enablers in their life that tip toe around this bullshit. Alcoholism is a serious fucking mess and an alcoholic needs to be told what to do, not babied.
The dude asked if he was an alcoholic and it's clear that he is. He needs to be told exactly that.
Holy fuck, and I thought my libido skyrocketed from loosing so much weight (doc told me that less fat = more testosteron in body) & cutting of beer (which has estrogens).
Nah, he's right.
I once read that you're an alc. when drinking starts to cause problems with your life, regardless how much you drink. I find this def. to be fair & just... It does cause problems with my work.
There’s a hair in your sandwich.
yep, just don't have the motivation to clean my house sheets are the least of my worries
Going on over 8 hours of throwing up and counting. Fucking end me.
>having bed sheets
Well la dee dah your majesty, I just collapse in whichever part of the house has the least shit on it.
First weekend where I didn't drink. I feel good but when will this tingle sensation in my body and feet go away? I was a weekend drinker for 5 or so years and I quit last week cold turkey. For the record I drank beer not liquor.
>tingle sensation in my body and feet
That may be nerve damage. Don't go cold turkey, always taper with alcohol or benzo.
Also I don't know how long that last or if it ever goes away.
Not yet. Considering a taper for the holidays but have no real motivation.
not a doc but i doubt weekend beer binge drinking gave longterm nerve damage.
imo probably an underlying condition.
lil peep was so good
I'm gonna fucking die al/ck/
Howcmuch do you drink now?
But that's the best place to start and the easiest. Just go throw them in the washer. No detergent? Use body soap or a little bit of dish soap. Hell, even shampoo will work, just be sure to use the "heavy wash" mode if yours has it. You'll feel better when you aren't sleeping in scum.
>last night 12am
>decided to go for a walk to taco bell
>about 10 drinks in, Feeling great
>just finished taking a dab from my wax pen
>see bright light coming from behind me
>turn around
>It's a cop shining his spot light on me
>"hey man, where ya headed?"
>I was just walking to taco bell sir
>think the cop in the passenger seat could smell the alcohol on me
>"lets give him a ride"
>gives me ride to taco bell
>even waits then gives me a ride back home
>when the passenger cop lets me out of the back he says "thanks for not driving man"
I was pleasantly surprised they weren't dicks to me, Or even tried to ask me my name or bother me.
Bro cops are pretty rare nowadays
Did you at least give him a complimentary blowjob?