Not my president.
>at least you know what they are putting in it
>avid eater of fast food
I don't understand it.
>avid drinker of sugar water
I don't understand it.
Billionaires are fucking weirdos. You don't get that rich by being normal.
What a child.
You assume it was his decision and not a half-assed clickbait article. Every news source has turned into obama-era fox news and you idiots guzzle it down like top shelf horse jizz.
He's a ridiculously busy man. Same goes for Bill Gates, who is reported as eating McD's for lunch nearly every damn day.
There's a point at which you're making so much money it stops being worth it to cook your own food even if it's cheaper. That's time you could be spending managing your businesses.
[spoiler]two scoops[/spoiler]
Some people just want to have shitty food. I don't get why people make a big deal about it. Literally who cares.
>according to the post
Well you can rest assured knowing that the Washington Post would never lie and are full of nice people.
>conspicuously avid drinker of (product he is a major shareholder of)
Assuming they don't want to hire a chef to cook whatever they want whenever they want, they can go to a decent spot to eat at.
>hire a chef
Too expensive.
>a decent spot
Too slow.
It's like you're completely forgetting the reasons why fast food became popular in the first place.
Personal chefs are a poor person meme dream. Rich people dont become rich by wasting all their money on that bullshit. They get an in-house catered meal a few times a year for guests and thats it. Bill gates washes his own fucking dishes .
>I have never seen a thin person drinking diet coke.
Now that I think of it neither have I.
I'm thin and I never drink non diet of I can help it. It's mainly because I dislike all the sugar.
>too expensive
Fucking god user, why am I actually fucking laughing at you this hard. I shouldn't, it's mean, but like, did you even think before you typed that?
It's top shelf horse jizz for a reason.
You can't buy good taste
No, you just convinced yourself that sugar is bad for you. If you really disliked sugar you'd be a defective human and your ancestors would have starved by eating just leaves.
So why not drink something other than sugar water without the sugar but instead has synthetic sweeteners that may cause cancer?
Buying stupid shit like personal chefs is how musicians and actors with hundreds of millions of dollars go broke in 2 years and idiots like you dont know how it happened.
Rich people are rich because they are frugal. Trump lives in his own apartment building, drinks his own trump water, eats trump steaks, etc. Etc. You need to pinch pennies
I like it. Why else.
>Rich people dont become rich by wasting all their money on that bullshit.
Spoken like a true ignorant poor person.
There are 2 types of billionaires. The kind who get money and then spend it on whatever they want, and the kind that make money and are extremely cheap. I once worked at a fishing lodge and would gut and clean the fish for people. Lots of the working man crowd would give me a tip for doing so. The millionaires, and there where quite a few, never once tipped me for anything.
Having your singular waiter cook you mac and cheese =/= a personal chef.
compensating for what exactly? he's very tall, has a big family, a lot of money, and is the current king of planet earth
also according to his ex-wife he has a tremendous penis
You don't get rich giving away money son.
lol, fuck off
>Bill gates washes his own fucking dishes
Different user here. I 100% get the point you are trying to make. But in the singular case of Bill Gates it doesn't hold true. I like the fact that he still washes his own dishes, but the man makes enough money that he'd still be rich as fuck even if he hired a platoon of personal chefs.
But yes for your average self-made millionaire, they did not get that way by throwing money around. They are much like the example given by
It is much to Mr. Gates' credit (and likely the teaching of his father) that he acts like money still matters to him.
It is pretty clear he is insecure as fuck. Even with all the things you mentioned, and all the power he so obviously has, he still wastes so much time responding to braying dogs that a more confident and secure man would simply ignore.
You men shitposting on twitter?
He wants to be the new Churchill, I personally like it but I can see why it rubs people the wrong way.
There are far, far worse things about that man and his administration to worry about besides hos objectively shit taste.
Trump is nigger rich. despite what the media tells you he didnt grow up in luxury. he was raised in a small home.
He's like a rapper or basketballer who makes it big then buys a bunch of obnoxious expensive shit but "keeps it real"
John Carmack used to eat a Domino's pepperoni pizza everyday at iD