Let's settle it once and for all, is (dark) chocolate healthy or unhealthy?


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the darker the healthiest

There is no blanket healthy or unhealthy, it's a scale, not a line in the sand.
It's ok in moderation, better than most other sweets, but still a high source of fats and sugars.
It has some antioxidant properties but that's doesn't mean you should substitute it for anything other than dessert.

>eating chocolate to be healthy
>caring if chocolate is unhealthy
Please leave utilitarian scum

>implying health alone maximises utility

its an excuse people tell themselves so they can eat chocolate guilt free every day
same with the people that drink wine every day because muh health

if you weren't doing either of those things you would be healthier all together, but its suggested that IF you were going to be drinking alcohol and eating candy regardless, then those are the least bad of your options

It's not really black-and-white. In moderation, it can be very healthy, boosting mood and dopamine and all that good stuff. However, it's still a sugary food with little nutritional value.

You can get 99% dark chocolate. Guess what? It has no sugar in it.
Guess what? Go fuck yourself.

Guess what? It tastes like shit.

Unsweetened Baker's Chocolate is the bomb.

I use Hershey's cocoa powder in my otherwise black coffee.

now i read the alkaloids in chocolate can reduce the risk of heart attack, imma not do a book report here so i found an article what sounds like the one i read, here,

Sounds right

If you are going eat a snacky/desert it wouldn't be bad to choose a dark chocolate

Nice with a dark tea for me

i drink a bottle of wine every day plus one or two chocolate bars because science says they are healthy, don't you believe in science?

>I use Hershey's cocoa powder in my otherwise black coffee.

Nice tip, will try.

I'm not the guy who you replied to, but I corroborate his concoction via the many times I've done it myself. Just use a nice cocoa powder, not some hot chocolate poop.

Thirded. Coffee with a touch of cocoa is amazing.

Yea OP it's so healthy you can just substitute it for any meal you want and youl get super slim and built and your dick will get bigger etc I know this because I read it middle-aged woman weekly

Dietary antioxidants are a meme, they actually increase oxidative damage.
It's a hormetic effect.

>Dietary antioxidants are a meme, they actually increase oxidative damage
are you saying every food that is called an antioxidant is bad for you?

It's not a terribly strong effect, the main takeaway is that it doesn't actually block oxidation. It's unironically a marketing ploy.
You aren't hurting yourself by eating such foods unless you buy into it as a magic bullet.

makes sense, most messages seem to be completely wrong or backwards, almost as if the powers that be want people to suffer more

>dark chocolate
>high source of sugar

You aren't eating dark enough.

Chocolate isn't necessarily unhealthy. It's labeled unhealthy because it's rediculously dense in calories and people gorge on it. That plus the fact it takes decades to spoil make it perfect to stockpile during a famine.

Nutrition science seems to do a 180 every week.

Enjoy your chronic cadmium poisoning

more like cadbury's poisoning

Healthiness isn't a universal scale either, different people have different dietary needs.

I agree that it’s not a line in the sand but it depends on how dark you actually mean.

Do you mean Dove “dark chocolate”? If so, eat it in moderation with portions like you would eat milk chocolate.

Or do you mean 99-100% pure chocolate? 90% and above is pretty rich. It has fats, sure, but it’s also low in sugar (at 100% it’s no sugar) and the darker you go, it’s also higher in fiber.

In a nutshell, 100% pure dark chocolate is high in fiber, low or no sugar at all, and full of antioxidants. It’s healthy. The more you add to it, the more volume is made up by unhealthy ingredients and the less healthy it is.

Pic related: Pralus 100% chocolate bar (contains extra cocoa butter though)

sorry, pic now attached

One square a day of 70% or darker is marginally beneficial.

You should eat cocoa powder instead. Good source of minerals and the theobromine.


healthy compared to what? meth? yes. running a mile. no.

Just drink some green tea instead

I eat either cocoa nibs or milk chocolate, dark chocolate is shitty middle ground, excelling at nothing.

How pretentious do you have to be to fuck up the gridding so you can carve your obnoxious brand name on the chocolate? This is Apple tier faggotry.

It doesn't matter, I'm not gonna stop eating it regardless.