Cooking your own meals is healthier than eating out, unless you’re me, and burn your arm with a 400 degree baking sheet.
Cooking your own meals is healthier than eating out, unless you’re me, and burn your arm with a 400 degree baking sheet
Why do you post your burn on the internet like anyone cares? Youre literally that desperate for attention..? Bet you posted it on your facebook too betaboy.
Ice water it for at least 10 minutes, alone, or burn cream. Ideally, chilled aloe.
Otherwise, be more careful. Not sure what else you are expecting here.
user are you fat? Be honest, you have a fat arm.
sorry to hear that friend, burns are really painful
Nice one fag
Grow some balls user.
Pic related is me after slipping on tiny bit of wet floor while cooking about 2 weeks ago
ouch, did you went to the doctor?
Please. Just put a little semen on it and wrap it. Same way I make my burritos.
Yeah heaps of times for redressing and two courses of anti biodics. Almost better now.
You have soft pale unblemished skn....
Wew user, get better soon.
Ty user. Yeah it's much better now. Not even wearing bandage since yesterday. I'm good, just hoping the redness will fade.
Dude, crawl out of your cave occasionally and get some sun. It's ok to be a flabby fuck, but that paleness looks downright unhealthy.
that must hurt like a mother fucker
>not building an immunity by starting with candles
Seeing the lack of hair i'd venture to say this is a femanon's arm.
should've worn your CSA approved slip resistant shoes.
safety and health and 2 different things
Nah it’s probably someone who shaves the hair to show off sick gains
Boohoo, come back when you get a burn where your skin peels off.
>Just make your own meals user, cooking is really fun.
>Make this great meal in my head, now just need to execute it
>Try to peel a potato and immediately slice off the top of my finger with it
Fuck this gay earth.
>ice water
no you fucking idiot, you use tepid water. the contrast of the ice water and skin temperature leads to further skin damage.
How did you slice the top of your finger off with a potato?
>millenial gets a little ouchie on his lithe, frail arm
>immediately posts to fagbook and Veeky Forums for sympathy for his boo-boo
>meanwhile this solidifies the idea in his mind that "adulting is hard"
Japanese potato, folded a gorillan times and sharpened by old chink living in a cave on Mount Fuji.
Can literally cut steel.
That isn't shit. Try stopping the door of an industrial oven from closing on you with your bare arm. Now that's a burn.
I accidentally burn or cut myself every few weeks atleast once even though i've worked for almost a decade in a diner cutting veggies'n meat daily so plenty of practice too.
It's imbossibru to avoid fucking up every once in a while, maybe you are just tired or hungover or your concentration on what you were doing sliped for a second for who knows why and ouchie!
No big deal, you learn from mistakes and then you do new mistakes only to learn from those too!
Just yesterday i cut my finger a little bit with the sharp edge of the metal thingie-wingie over the oven-fan thingie that has really sharps edges.
I remembered from last time i cleaned it up that it has REALLY fucking sharp edges so i was careful when putting it pat on it's place but forgot that the edges are also sharp on the outside though seriously, why the fuck should a metal-covering that's only supposed to cover the fan over the oven to protect it and i'd guess prevent possible grease from the filthy fan to drop down on the food cooked down below have edges as sharp as finest Japanese kitchen knives made with the finest Japanese steel folded over 9000 times?