What are some next generation cookware?
Pic related: youtube.com
Hi-Tech Cookware
there you are motherfucker
Induction is new?
tortilla pod machine
wifi connected juicer
Pasta maker with dyes rather than rolling flat on a manual. Yeah, it's $300.00, but fuck it it's goat pasta and nip noodles.
That looks fucking retarded
that thing is maybe the most egregious one
>goat pasta
>anything but bronze dies
this thing, the juicero, went under for being a stupidly expensive silicon valley proprietary juice thing. the user was to pay like 700 bucks for the machine, then buy special bags of shredded fruit that the thing would then press into juice.
I use horse grease
I like how she jumps from Mexican street vendor "furlrlesh too-teedas" to the whitest accent imaginable.
its the future
trying to pronounce the fucking shit like its some kind of alien lang and you dont actually have the accent is what makes it racist you stupid bitch
Yeah. Everything in this thread is stupid as hell. Didn't you notice?
yes, Bose invented it
they also invented the 4th order bandpass enclosure ^_^
This thing apparently. It's just an ice maker, except it makes the ice into little spheres like at gas stations. It costs $500 and it sold out on black friday.
I'm still looking for the machine that can make this.
Anyone know?
It's like juicero except just as retarded and useless.
>it's like juicero except just like juicero
I love the random bits of hispanic accent she throws in.
...is that just an induction hotplate and a steel rod to use as an immersive heating element? Couldn't you just put a spoon in the glass bowl or whatever and save yourself the marketing costs?
She rolled the r in "fresh".
>people actually bought this fucking thing.
This is the funniest shit to come out in a long time.
My sister used to do this at Italian restaurants.
>Uh, yes, I will have one order of the "spaghetti"
enunciating spaghetti like she's a natural born italian from 200 years ago, while the rest is socal valley girl
>people actually buy this stupid fucking shit.....
What's a panini?
Not nearly as cool as their suspension
I've never seen this before thats actually really cool
Tell me what you think of this
Two or more panino.
Makes rice so you don't have toooooo!!!
Actually pretty bitchen for the price, one pot meals and shit. Not just for cooking rice.
This, fucking swinging wildly between accents. Annoying af
not one white person to be seen kek
>friends get married
>they have an expensive pasta maker on their registry
>go over their house
>see they already have a hand crank one
how much pasta are they making that they need an electric one? the hand crank one was sitting way up high on the shelf so I'm sure it's never seen any use
i love the dramatic bite the kid takes at the end
They'll probably use the electric one once or twice and then stick it up on the top shelf to collect dust next to the other one too.
why though?
got to exaggerate those rolled Rs to seem authentic.
*teleports behind you*
it's italian, it means grilled
How much is this supposed to cost?
I don't know if this is getting released still, but I would like to see and use one at least once in my life. I like how you can keep feeding liquid into it for viscosity separation and if you think about it this could really change proffessional cooking substantially.
$200 wifi enabled wine bottle with a subscription model
Is a pan that's cold on the bottom worth the expense? Being able to set a precise temperature for the bottom is amazing! Maybe that delicate circuitry is possible because of the insulation?
I went to a cooking class with a griddle/range with *water* channels on the bottom, so you can clean it by just turning on the tap.
not a pan.
It's a saute pan with short handles. From the video: "I want you put your hand underneath this pan and hold it."
I appreciate your post even if no one else does. I wasn’t aware of this item and it is interesting how much stupider it gets.
There was a video about a very fancy fryer that was so fancy high tech that they threw ice into it and nothing happened.
The special juice bags were literally CD-key tier intellectual property secured. It was crazy. Like a monthly subscription to 5 bags for $30 or something, too.
Not new but still well outside affordability for a home user.
I'd like to play around with one. Try making some interesting ice creams.
>a plastic cup for every tortilla
The whole device was absurdly overdesigned, too. It cost >$200 to manufacture something that squeezed a plastic bag because they hired people that thought they were working at the next Apple.
This screams of Shark Tank.
Retarded people with too much money and not enough common sense.
Aerogel is extremely fragile, it's not a gel, it's a solid lattice, you can crush it with your bare hands and it completely shatters from a drop of 1cm.
You drop that pan once and it'll stop working.
That is ridiculous and the webm makes it look even dumber. I can’t believe people would pay that much for a machine that squeezes bags. I thought the whole appeal of juicing was the “freshly juiced” taste and nutrients. What was the supposed benefit to their bags of pre-packaged juice over buying say, Odwalla?
Being the smuggest numale in the room who owns a bag squeezing machine.
Thermomix, the blender that also cooks shit and also loads up recipes over the net and yells at you to add the ingredients and close the lid to make a recipe you selected.
Bread machines.
I worked in a restaurant that had three of these. they're fucking awesome.
It's a ferromagnetic pan with a non magnetic botton, wow. Just double my pan weight up sempai.
Also i never actually burned myself on a conventional induction stove.
Why use them in a restaurant?
I thought this was for unexperienced cooks.
No inexperienced cook is going to buy a $1,500 kitchen appliance unless they have more dollars than sense.
It cuts down on waste!
it's useful as fuck regardless of skill level. it heats and mixes precisely at the same time. would you rather make a chef do that or make them do more complex, dynamic shit
I guess they have learned nothing from juicero.
how the fuck are they still in business if they make such new things and never successfully bring them to market??
>a new way to wine
jesus christ the cringe is immediate i havent even seen the product
>restaurant with a thermomix
sounds like you didnt work at a restaurant user.
it was a Michelin starred fine dining restaurant, you are the one who does not know shit
it literally is a useless appliance, the same can be achieved with a mixer and a food processor for $1000 bucks less, all other functions are useless. and no cook is ever going to need a thermomix when they already have a food processor and mixer on hand already.
My brother brought one of these from Italy and has it plugged into a giant inverter in his kitchen. That thing is fucking amazing.
are you forgetting the 'thermo' part of the thermomix user?
it makes working with hydrocolloids, making fine purees and custards and shit a lot easier.
you act as if it was a highly sophisticated temperature precise cooking vessel. maybe your restaurant should invest in a thermometer, enameled cast iron pots and a better cook.
I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I do agree with him. The amount of utility it adds is minuscule. I don't know of any hydrocolloid that requires any special precision. I've never had problems shearing them in with a commercial blender. Likewise, a proper commercial blender like a vitamix or a blendtec makes fantastic purees. If you want something smoother then you can't beat the pacojet. I've just never had the desire to heat something at the same time that I'm blending it. And I suspect that like most "combo devices" it's performance at either task aren't as good as dedicated devices. I'd be curious to see how the thermomix's blender compares to the industry standards.
The one thing I wish the thermomix did was COOL rather than heat. Running a blender generates heat in the food due to fluid friction. A good strong blender can actually boil its contents simply by mechanical agitation. Sometimes that's a good thing but sometimes it's not. I would actually like a "reverse thermomix" that could chill the contents while it blends. That way you can run long cycles on foods that might be damaged by unwanted heating. Right now we use the pacojet for that. It certainly does a great job but it has the inconvenience of having to freeze the containers first.
right, because if there's anything someone brand new to cooking wants to do, it's.. work with hydrocolloids?
it is temperature precise. and the point is you get high shear effective mixing at the same time as heating to a precise temperature. a task much better suited to a machine than a cook. if you already accept food mixers and blenders instead of getting a spotty commis to scrape hot carrots through a sieve hour after hour to make the soup of the day, I don't see why you don't accept the thermomix.
> don't know of any hydrocolloid that requires any special precision
then you don't know about hydrocolloids
Well, why don't you educate us then, mister Adria. Can you name any specific hydrocolloids that the vitamix can handle but are impossible to use via other means?
All I know is that I've used locust bean gum, carob gum, a couple different kinds of gellan, agar, and various blooms of gelatin and never found myself wishing for greater precision in my heating when shearing them into the mix.
I never said they were impossible to use without a thermomix. but even something as simple as an egg custard benefits from that kind of consistency and precision.
kitchenaid sells $200 temperature-controlled mixing bowls-- wouldn't those work well too?
i don't know about them, but a blender type mixer will certainly be more effective at producing a uniform result than a bowl mixer.