I have an awful diet, one of my teeth just fell off, what can I eat to help my mouth grow it back?
I have an awful diet, one of my teeth just fell off, what can I eat to help my mouth grow it back?
Is this a joke? Do you really think you can just regrow a tooth back?
OP is 5 probably
Well, it happens when you lose your baby teeth
This has to be a troll/10
Maybe he's a shark/human hybrid. Try and be more sensitive.
isnt that how its supposed to be? it already happenned once i think
Humans grow only two sets of teeth; your baby teeth and your adult teeth. If your adult teeth fall out, they’re gone for good. That’s why dentures exist.
Some American Indian populations can have three sets of teeth.
>all these toothlets with only two sets of teeth
Your tooth looks like shit and you're an idiot.
I was terrible at cleaning my teeth when I was a kid yet I have a full set of healthy teeth now with no fillings or anything.
Most of my friends have mouths full of fillings or have teeth missing altogether. I mean what the fuck how did I get through it all with a full set? I had a varied and quite good diet growing up so I guess that is it.
Drink stem cells injected into the gumline followed by growth therapy
Pasta puttanesca, even if you don't like spicy things
Is your diet rocks?
Medication, soda, and genetics.
You might have scurvy
You might just want to eat less, and use the money saved to go to a doctor and then dentist. Also, yeah Vitamin C is a good idea.
you can regrow fingers by putting pig bladders on them, why not teeth?
look how sad that drawing looks. he needs more teeth from you
tooth integrity varies greatly depending on genetics.
Related to this, if you have missing teeth and your dentist recommends a bridge, do what you can to get implants instead because they have to grind the surrounding teeth down to put the damn thing on, ruining those probably good teeth in the process.
Jesus, do you have fucking scurvy or something?
eat shit :^)
Xylitol prevents cavities
xylitol cause cancer
Can't get cavities if your dead from cancer
Everyone is a little different. I've known people with absolutely shit diets loaded with sugars, processed foods, and not particularly good dental hygiene, who never seem to have any problems through most of their lives.
In my family, on the other hand, we were pretty much fucked from birth. It really didn't help me that my tongue is oversized and thus pushes against my teeth, and that my bite had never been corrected. But my parents feeding me way more soda than I should have had, and not going to the dentist for over a decade, and no amount of brushing or flossing could save me. Just had a couple molars just break apart this year. I need to go to a dentist before I get a nasty infection or something.
Yeah, at one time bridges seemed to make sense to me, particularly when you consider how fucking expensive implants are. But the more I thought about it, the dumber that procedure sounds.
Immediately add some salt into a glass of water and rinse your mouth with it for around 30-60 seconds. oh and don't drink it, retardo.
Dental technician here, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. What kind of bridge are you talking about? What type of pontic? What was the prep profile? Is it a Maryland, a cantilever? Does it have a support stop? Ceramic, PFM, PFZ, gold, monolithic zirconium? Do you in fact know fucking anything about dental surgery or oral prosthetics?
No, you're just going to go with the "I know precisely two-fifths of fuck all about a subject but I'm going to claim to be an expert on the net". Go fuck yourself you ignorant cunt. One way or another you deserve to be spitting teeth.
Bridges are less expensive, more adaptible and more biocompatible than implants. Don't listen to untrained anonymous fuckwits, listen to well trained and experienced ones like me.
>Dental technician here
lol at what stage did you give up on life to be a slave to a dentist and spend your day holding suction pipes inside of people's mouths? It's a plebs job for plebs.
soda is legitimately one of the worst things you can do for your teeth my dude
You're confusing a dental technician with a dental assistant you moron.
>Bridges are less expensive, more adaptible and more biocompatible than implants. Don't listen to untrained anonymous fuckwits, listen to well trained and experienced ones like me.
No offense, but you're a dental hygienist, not a dentist, nor a cosmetic dentist. You have far too much attitude for an allied health worker with limited schooling. All of what you said is bullshit tangent from your point of expressing your superiority first and foremost. That poster was simply saying to someone that price concerns are nothing compared to maintaining your natural teeth, period. He was advising someone not to be tricked into some kind of suggested crap idea because of cost.
Not everyone is so stupid to realize that most people are living paycheck to paycheck and are only given the most likely dental repair suggestion, consequently. All doctors do that, from prescriptions that are offered to other treatment. If it isn't cheap, isn't covered by insurance, they will omit the data from the decision making process to avoid the drama that isn't their fault.
Biocompatible? I think you could have made a better point if you simply stated that implants are foreign objects drilled into bone and an anaerobic infection in the bone of one's jaw can be deadly and one of the hardest things to treat, and loaded with complications such as trigeminal nerve damage to loss of jaw. The pain is described as the "worst pain known to man." But, oh well, continue your sales talk on the awesomeness of yourself and your opinion. Next time post a great link to an actual authority like the ADA.
>not knowing the difference between a chairside assistant and a dental technician
>Still thinking its opinion is relevant
Go look up what a dental technician actually does before you comment further. I'll help you- I'm a 'crown and bridge' technician. Do you need help finding google so you can research that term, you blown-out anal prolapse?
Onion juice.
>Not knowing the difference between a dental technician and dental hygienist
All aboard the fucking 'ignorant but opinionated' stupidity train.
All this online aggression and foul language indicates that deep down you know that your employer and patients, and society in general, do not find you worthy of consideration or respect. Just stop with your professional credentials now. Again, you should post a link to a peer reviewed article, or a society or consumer education page that suggests choices, not resort to low education reactions to insults. Seriously, respect breeds respect. With a little more education, or a better career choice, or maybe some therapy, you'd understand why you appear quite ridiculous.
> You have far too much attitude for an allied health worker with limited schooling
Three years' full time work/study and another four years' on the job experience. Hardly limited.
>That poster was simply saying to someone that price concerns are nothing compared to maintaining your natural teeth, period.
Bullshit. He was advocating implants (which replace the tooth root) over bridges (which preserve it). That's the opposite of what you're claiming, you cunt. Are you being deliberately misleading or is your brain fucked?
> I think you could have made a better point if you simply stated that implants are foreign objects drilled into bone and an anaerobic infection in the bone of one's jaw can be deadly and one of the hardest things to treat, and loaded with complications such as trigeminal nerve damage to loss of jaw.
Yeah that's so much easier to understand than 'biocompatible'. There's a reason that professionals use words that replace sentences. Of course, anyone too fucking stupid to look up or understand a word like 'biocompatible' is probably not the kind of asshole you want to take medical advice from. YMMV.
All this online aggression and foul language indicates that deep down you know that your employer and patients, and society in general, do not find you worthy of consideration or respect. Just stop with your professional credentials now. Again, you should post a link to a peer reviewed article, or a society or consumer education page that suggests choices, not resort to low education reactions to insults. Seriously, respect breeds respect. With a little more education, or a better career choice, or maybe some therapy, you'd understand why you appear quite ridiculous.
>When you can't argue with the message, attack the tone of delivery
I'm aggressive because I've spent tens of thousands of dollars investing in a career and I see idiots spouting off like they know shit when clearly they don't.
It's like if I went online and started giving people advice on how to suck their own dicks. At best it'd be wrong, and at worst, actually harmful (and impinging on your area of expertise). You wouldn't like that very much would you, mr. double-jointed hips?
>Three years' full time work/study and another four years' on the job experience. Hardly limited.
WTF is your damage? You are. not. a. professional. You are a blue collar worker. My Comcast technician has an engineering master's and work experience too.
A doctor has a 4 year degree before passing a grad school admission test and excellent grades, then going to medical school, another 4-5 years depending on research PhD track, then another 3 years of residency or more, followed by a fellowship or two, and then work experience.
I wouldn't respect you whatsoever because you don't even know how horribly lacking in depth of knowledge you are. When I am picking a specialist for a medical problem, you can be assured I don't thumb through websites or plan books and think "four years on the job experience sounds the best." Show me Ivy League. Show me top residencies or show me 15 years surgical experience. I wouldn't respect a foreign trained dentist if he wasn't a superstar. Get over yourself. Intelligent people seek intelligence if they care about themselves, not people who made lazy choices.
Wow I didn't know you could do that, thanks for the tip
>I'm aggressive because I've spent tens of thousands of dollars investing in a career
Most doctors have hundreds of thousands of student debt and also know not to open liability and give advice to people who aren't their patients. Hrm. What is this tangent about? Oh, you seem to have a lot of anger about unrelated things and/or unprofessionalism.
put it back in and set an appointment with a dentist. if its dirty rinse it with milk
>4-5 years PhD track
Your steps are a little exaggerated but otherwise I agree, fuck Dental techs, they're the nurse techs of dentistry.
Nice try you pretentious dickhead. I don’t have to have gone Ivy League to know more about dental tech than the chucklefuck I was criticising.
Once again, you’re not criticising the ignorant untrained cunt I was rebutting, you’re criticising a trained and experienced professional.
You two niggers need to get your priorities straight. I’ve spent more time accumulating skills and knowledge in this field than all you cunts put together. You have literally zero fucking knowledge of the field so your opinion of my skillset means fucking Jack.
Anyway, it’s midnight here in Australia and I have a big day ahead handcrafting nature-identical crowns and veneers out of multiple layers of fired and glazed porcelain.
Fucking worked lmao
>My Comcast technician has an engineering master's
Bull fucking shit, he's a fucking cable stringer.
>All this online aggression and foul language indicates that deep down you know that your employer and patients, and society in general, do not find you worthy of consideration or respect.
Who is worthy of consideration or respect?
holy assmad
Just saying, I really wish hiro would open a /med/ board. Occasional medical stories threads on /k/ or Veeky Forums are nice but they're so rare.