Is this salad dressing racist?
Is this salad dressing racist?
*strikes gong*
Hello Newman...
today, yes
It used to be much worse
I’m talking about against redheads
Holy shit.
Kek. Mexican Paul Newman is bretty funny too
That’s surprising to see... but I don’t tho anyone cares that much except white people on the left.
No, the Japanese love sharing their culture, imitation is the highest form of flattery is a concept that's understood.
African American please!
They like sharing their culture but not their land, lmao
Where have I seen this before
When is the Left going to boycott Newman for being a grand wizard of the KKK Nazi branch?
>lighten up
Target and Walmart and Costco and sams club
t. chinese
Yes and it's also fucking badass. Don't start shit with based Newman's Own you fucking bitch.
That's pretty fuckin' cool though.
2000 years in ms paint
Fuck your mom
I meant pic related m80
sucky sucky won ton
No. Liberals can't be racist
Top fucking kek
Sesame and ginger are foods for Asian culture, so when whites like Ralph Newman use them, and by consequence the white people who buy Newman's Own products, it's a form of appropriation.
What's the point of running a business/selling a product if you give all your profits to charity?
Are they running some sort of charity scam or something?
I'm a liberal and I fucking hate hispanics. Say that again
>What's the point
Uhhh, to give money to charity? What a stupid question.
Chinese had a word for them: 白左
Liberals can't be racist, look up the definition
What kind of retard runs a business just to give all profits to charity?
Do they live off thoughts & prayers or something?
No, because it is not making a statement that claims or infers that people of a different race are inferior.
>he doesn't know the difference between a liberal and a leftist.
Some of the biggest war mongers of the last century were liberals.
"Profit" only counts money earned after operating expenses (production, ingredients, salary of employees, maintenance, etc.) are taken care of.
It was founded by the actor Paul Newman. Donating profits doesn't mean literally all their money goes to charity, it means that after business expenses are factored out they donate the rest (THE PROFIT) to charity. Did I really have to explain this?
open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
Looks like I'm open to the new behavior of finally kicking hispanics out of this goddamn country
I know that profits are classified as whatever remains after all expenses are covered, there's still no reason to run a business at a $0 profit even if you're the mother Theresa
Running it at a $0 profit gives no leeway to expand the business because the business generates no capital to reinvest, it also boggles the mind how someone can spwnd lots of time and energy to structure a business and give up the profits without anything in return.
The return is that you're benefiting people via charity. The world doesn't revolve around your sorry ass, user.
>benefitting people
So why not sell the product at a much lower cost while still retaining some of the profits? That way you benefit the consumer AND your shareholders/owner
The creator of this product/business is not really benefitting anyone but himself, he is using the retards who pay for the product to finance his 'philanthropic' endeavours so he can get a big fat tax cut while the Soyim foot the bill
You should've revealed you were a /pol/ drone in your first post. Would've been easier to ignore.
So cynical. Do yourself a favor and shed some of that unhappiness and distrust.
Never. Newman is an outspoken leftist. My parents actually bought his products because of this. If I remember correctly, dad said that even the charities that he donated the profits to tend to be left-leaning. Don't confuse left-leaning with SJW, we aren't all going out of our way to be offended by everything.
Also I've never seen that bottle before, ****in' lol.
I don't go to /pol/, but I do share their hate for a certain tribe of 'people', so please spare us from that /pol/ boogeyman.
Something was fishy about a company that gives away all its profits, lo and behold, I was right - pic related.
Jews are notorious for integrating these sort of charity scams into their portfolio of financial trickery, it would not amaze me in the slightest if this is what's happening behind the scenes.
You can choose bliss and remain ignorant, or open your eyes to what's happening in the real world.
Thanks, I was living as a sheeple for thirty years but you swayed me. #Woke
>jews are notorious for being selfish and stingy
>a jew gives away every cent of profit from a large business enterprise
See? The second assertion proves the truth of the first! We damn sure 'nuff logic on /pol/!
Did you miss the part where this guy isn't giving away anything? The consumer is footing the bill to operate the business AND financing his big fat tax cuts
Sarcasm is the favorite tool of the brainlet
Inanimate objects can't be racist
Absolutely they can't.
Inanimate objects have no desire nor sense of self purpose.
Have you ever studied philosophy?
Tax writeoff while they enjoy their six figure salaries
What about this?
Wtf I'm racist now.
>Lighten Up
oh i am laffin
I don't care how racist it is, it's delicious and it's only 35 calories per serving as opposed to most other sesame gingers which are 70+
At first I thought it was cute, but then
>Chef kamikaze
Top fucking kek
Wait did Paul Newman try to kill Osama?
>mfw was just thinking of doing this
Profit isn't the same as revenue. You pay yourself a fat salary, maybe reinvest some or all, then anything left over is profit.
Real good actor though back in the day, and damn good salad dressing albeit really expensive.
>le jews are insular cosmopolitan capitalist communist maymay
The /pol/tard is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a /pol/tard and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
>Japanese love sharing their culture
Is that why their women love white men?