Which chocolate milk is superior; Nesquik or TruMoo?
Which chocolate milk is superior; Nesquik or TruMoo?
Fuck you. That shit ain't even milk
Glad sommeone said it
Best stuff coming through.
Why is there never any white chocolate milk?
>with a touch of almond
Neither. Promised Land Midnight Chocolate mane.
CAPTCHA: heavy please
The fuck is this shit? You should have posted Bania. Post George if its Bosco.
Fuck, you're right!
Can you motherfuckers please just answer the question
The real answer is some fine imported Italian chocolate syrup that they only use in high end cafes.
I fucking love that shit. You mix that and vanilla ice cream and milk in your blender and you chocolate malts for like 15 cents.
both are utter garbage
The store brand stuff that is thickened with corn starch or whatever. That stuff tastes like good childhood memories
Yahoo is a website. Yoohoo is a chocolate flavored non-dairy beverage.
I don't follow
Blue diamond chocolate almond milk
so can I buy yahoo at walmart or no
best on the market
Nesquik is best and it’s the most reasonable because Hershey syrup tastes weird and TruMoo (and equivalents) have thickeners. However, if it came down to it, Darigold Old Fashioned beats them all.
This. And it tastes like crap.
>tfw Monday rolls around and the Oberweis man delivers the milk
YAHOO is not a chocolate drink or any other sort of drink it’s a website. YOOHOO is a crappy chocolate beverage you should be able to buy at Walmart.
Ovaltine faggots
Hershey's chocolate sauce + condensed milk
Kroger Brand
Has the 'beetus taken one or both of your legs?
the madman actually said it
Neither, make your own with cocoa powder.
My local Anderson Erickson Dairy 'l (AE).
Most of their products are top tier
If your chocolate milk doesn't come from a local farm in a thick glass bottle, you don't know SHIT about chocy milk
This. It's fucking platinum tier compared to shitty off the shelf syrups. All you need is cocoa powder and sugar. Mix those into a little milk on low heat until they've dissolved. Pour that into a glass of cold milk. Done.
that is the good stuff
Nesquik because my childhood would shoot me if I said otherwise
You're all massive faggots. The best chocolate milk is Hood Calorie Countdown.
Not only is there literally zero taste difference, but it's only 3g sugars. That's 1/4 the sugar of regular milk and...a hell of a lot less sugar than normal chocolate milks.
whatever brand my high school had
you poor lads
Ya'll don't even know what you're missing
> objectively best chocolate milk in the world
Who even buys Yoohoo? No one I know buys it. I don't buy it, I think it's nasty chocolate water. Why do stores even stock it? I've never seen anyone purchase the stuff.
my man
I didn't know they had Cocio in the US until I saw one on an episode of Scrubs of all things.
I just vomited a bit in my mouth
This stuff right here
I would unironically gomad that rn if I had it.
I like yahoo the best better than ovaltine
Based user.
you're right, it's a silicon valley company that provides online services
More ovaltine please
AE choccy is fucking shit.
t. Iowan
Picket fence my dude.
t. Also Iowan