What kind of pan is this?
What kind of pan is this?
Flat-bottom carbon steel wok.
If you want something like that for home, you'll want either a carbon steel skillet or a stainless steel saute pan.
>signs you're at a shit restaurant
1. The food is plated on pans
If I went to a restaurant and I got a pan as plating, I'd ruin that pan so fucking bad
and how would you do that, dumbass?
I'd pit and scratch the shit out of it, of course
Probably pour something acidic in there too
haha clever and ironic
>I'd pit
What the fuck does that even mean?
>and scratch the shit out of it, of course
Are you so stupid that you think all pans are non stick teflon? "Scratching the shit out of" a steel pan isn't going to do anything.
>pour something acidic
Okay Muhammad calm down. Unless you're a terrorist I don't see why you would be carrying around anything acid enough to damage forged steel.
You stupid fucking retard.
A grimy one.
Sure feels good to insult people on the internet huh
I found a picture of you.
Nah, I'd much rather not have to deal with complete retards such as yourself, but here we are.
Pasta isn't good for you. All that gluten. And everyone knows that gluten causes autism.
What if you already have autism?
Vaccines and noodles man.
Probably a sexual one
>soyboy in the pic
po tree
>People historically had to survive on a caloric intake that was mostly bread and various other combinations of flour+water+???
>clearly this explains the recent surge of autism
People ate whole grain organic sour dough though
>Taking off the bran magically makes gluten appear
I know you're baiting but I just needed to vent
have a nice day m8
You're like that fucking idiot that doesn't know how stupid they look. You're a human mistake.
>im going to go out of my way to damage someone elses property
>d-dont bully me
Not that user but you're obviously triggered. Go have a lay down in bed and read a bit or something.
>doesn't know how traditional sour dough affects the gluten differently than modern industrial yeast based bread
Read a book, friend.
>eating straight out of a carbon steel pan
Disgusting. I hope Health & Safety shut them down.
>What kind of pan is this?
It is a rolled steel pan, often also called carbon steel pan. Extremely robust, with many of the best properties of cast iron, but lighter and cheaper. Often used in professional kitchens. They are fantastic for putting a good sear on things like steak or fried potatoes. I have three of them myself.
Is this not safe/healthy?
It's not only safe but good for the environment. No waste, no extra cleaning, no trash, no carbon footprint. It's just food I don't know why y'all want to kill the planet just so you can feel special. This must be a city thing to eat weird food arranged gayly on fancy plates. Out in the country we eat food for nourishment not to project some deep meaning about our empty lives
Fuck you grimesfag
Go back to /mu/ fag
>And everyone knows that gluten causes autism.
Everyone knows you don't start sentences with "and."
>ywn feed grimes pasta while she gives you that look
As mentioned before, acidic foods can break down the pan's seasoning and ultimately rust the pan. do you want to eat out of a pan or eat the pan itself?
>acidic foods can break down the pan's seasoning
Perhaps if you simmer highly acidic foods in a pan for a very long time, repeadedly, and for some silly reason refuse to do any maintenance in between.
>>or eat the pan itself?
nice hyperbole. Though I think a lot of people, especially vegans, could benefit from a little iron.
>start learning piano
>go check out /mu/
>it's /tv/-tier "celebrity" worship with 85% god awful music
Guess I should have expected that
Dumb goblinposter
youre the one trying to be an edgy retard kys faggot
>like I'd trust a restaurant cook to look after anything
>misusing greentext
Hey ya stupid fuck
pic very related, its you.
Dont pour anything acidic over the imagine, it wont do anything.
spellcheck pls
>not meme arrows
Back you go, faggot.
What store is this?
If you don't look like a cross between a Nazi propaganda poster and a bodybuilding competition you're a soyboy cuckleupagus literally screaming about how it was her turn
>thanks for taking me out to dinner user
I best that long handle gets in the way.
>being this new
not a single spelling error.
It's apologize.
>meme arrows not greentext
Wow, could you be newer? You been here all summer or what?
looks like whole foods to me
>using Reddit terminology on the chans
Pure cancer.
the chick is hot in a very strange sort of way
Fuck off back to Facebook, normie scum.
You have to go back.
Plating fags BTFO
>signs you're at a shit restaurant
1. Grimeth is eating at it.
Good goy.
grimes looked okay in that oblivion music video, but i've seen some other photos where she truly looks putrid. How does a woman vary that much?
>go to /mu/
>there's a picture of a skinny puppy and OP asks what your favorite song is
>post in the thread
>it gets deleted 5 minutes later
I don't know if whoever deleted it just didn't realize that it was about the band "Skinny Puppy". Then I started thinking they prune threads and only allow discussion of a certain list of celebrities because they're paid to promote them, and I just couldn't deal with all that.
Go fuck yourself you try hard cuck faggot ass bitch
Didn't always used to be that way. But its horrible now and some of us have nowhere to go. You can't really be a music-listener anymore, its not a thing
Grimes looks like a monkey. I suppose we all do. Some more than others.
t. butt blasted Redditor trying to fit in.
since fucking when is greentext reddit terminology? Its been called that since before reddit even existed.
>No waste, no extra cleaning,
Instead of cleaning plates you'd just be cleaning dozens of pans. It's not less cleaning, it's just cleaning something else.
>no trash,
What's the difference? Do the restaurants you go to usually use paper plates?
>the chick is hot in a very strange sort of way
If you like terrible musicians that resemble pubescent boys, then yes.
I would skull-fuck that whore until her head pops
actually yeah it feels amazing, you should try it some time
British English, genius. And even if it weren't you'd still be the pedantic loser who points out a spelling error on Veeky Forums.
>starting a sentence with "and"
Grimeth a cute :3
Not him but the internet was made by and for Americans, please stop using it, thank you.
I want to fuck that monkey.
But /tv/ is the best board. Wish I had a gf so browsing it wouldn't make me want to die as much.
This. Can you imagine a World with only Americans?
No idea why you aren't directing that at OP.
What kind of pan is this?
do not sexualize the grimes!