Do Americans really not drink 12 beers alone? FBI would just say "doesn't happen lmao must be ghosts"?
Do Americans really not drink 12 beers alone? FBI would just say "doesn't happen lmao must be ghosts"?
A solid wood stick umbrella on a junior FBI agent salary. Wonder if she had to swallow.
Well the chick in the image is saying that people don't drink 12 beers alone and then she decides it must be ghosts who did shit then.
She came from a rich family; it was probably a gift.
so you post it on the food and cooking board? god damn how sad and lonely are you
Seeing as how I don't know how to read Turkish, how was I supposed to know what those words in the image meant?
Isn't this the alcohol board?
Hmmm I think that's why is was spelled out in the OP.
try /pol/ the other teenagers will fall for your shitty threads there
no this is the shitposting board
only posts unrelated to food or cooking are allowed
>haha fuck off to /pol/ with the other teenagers
>us adults have a mchicken thread to post jack webms in xdddd
is Veeky Forums the most reddit-tier board?
I see your shitty thread didn't go as planned so you're trying it here
I must ask again, just how sad and lonely are you? how pathetic is your life?
Okay, well to answer the question, she says MOST people. Generally, only alcoholics drink that much by themselves, and alcoholics account for only 10% of all people who drink in America.
>compares something to reddit
you're pathetic
Yes as you might see this was made within 6 minutes in two relevant boards to see how Americans actually view the question.
>just how sad and lonely are you?
>how pathetic is your life?
Very. After all I post on Veeky Forums.
Holy shit Veeky Forums is pathetic.
you just want to have an autistic fight about flags because you're a smelly turkroach. the only board you want is /pol/ or /bant/ fuck off kid
I don't think this board has flags.
he just wants his questions answered, no need to sperg out like this.
It was already answered.
>h-ha comparing things to reddit is pathetic g-go back to /pol/
>*closes /r/imgoingtohellforthis*
you know a lot about reddit
Hurrr people from /pol/ are teenagers
How about you go fuck yourself you fucking cuck and kill yourself for being s left wing libtard cuck you fucking faggot and grow up
you sound like an adult
It's clearly Finnish. Educate yourself.
>most people
Only 12% of Americans drink more than 7 drinks in a whole week, so drinking 12 in one night is statistically not something most people do. Can you fuck off now?
I'll Finnish you ya piece of shite
What, you mean most people don't start drinking at 10:30 am?
I know I do, and I'm an American. I average >100 drinks a week, but I also know that I'm very much in the minority. Now fuck off.
>but I also know that I'm very much in the minority
so not the 56%?