Yum "pizza" ;)

yum "pizza" ;)

I still wonder what the guy who made this was thinking

This is only the second thread with this picture this week.

I wonder why he never showed us the pizza after he baked it

imagine making something so awful it becomes a fixture on ck

the no poo pizza. no thanks user

Am I wrong for thinking it looks good? Needs some oregano and pepper flake though

Simply surreal.

g-gay pizza baka

What the fuck is wrong with you guys?

It's cheese and fucking bread and hopefully some tomato sauce.
I bet that shit tastes just fine.

is that raw onion


>nine peperoni
>caked with cheese
>"oh fugg this looks empty lemme just sprinkle some raw onion on top"

Classic failure in all ways

Looks good to me.

I'll never win with pizza here.

The problem seems to be a great deal of anons are freaks who love burned fucking cheese. So if they don't see a pizza covered in 75% brown spots it's 'undercooked'.

That pizza isn't cooked at all.

Yeah, I know. I was just saying. 'You undercooked it' seems to usually be the first things that start.

Now I feel bad about replying to last weeks thread. It probably wasnt even OC. Is this just repost material now? Even Veeky Forums is shitposting now?

Needs anchovies.


Why is this pizza posted all the time?

Try hards and YouTube celebrities mainly.

I would eat that. probably tastes pretty good even.

anyone else has furious curiosity to see what that pizza will look like after being baked?

This screams undercooked

I'm gonna wew those quads for ya

the cheese is melted, and browned at the edges. I assumed they just put on raw onions after for some reason.

Looks surreal.

The fuck is going on here. This looks undercooked and seems to have way too much cheese

Looks like they melted cheese in a pan and dumped on top of a disc of barely cooked dough

Looks disgusting

a e s t h e t i c

Positively surreal

the guy that made this pizza is a /v/ poster