Any other cops on /c/? what do you eat during stakeouts? your boys getting hungry up here

any other cops on /c/? what do you eat during stakeouts? your boys getting hungry up here.

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like all pigs just eat whatever slop is at hand

steakouts more like, amirite?

Who's the faggot with McNulty? I don't remember him.

Other officers cum



The year I worked vice I usually pounded back Monsters and protein shakes, a few times I got fancy and ate lunchables.

Then I transferred back to patrol because stakeouts are stupid.

Bash hte fash am i rigt comrade

I like sunflower seeds :^)

>my uncle is a police officer the post

What do cute anime pictures have to do with either food or law enforcement?

>big meanie cop took my joint when I was 13 the post

Girl's Last Tour is about potatoes

What is this disgusting style you're using

The default one

Cops are like 50/50 cool or fucked ass hole with a penis insecurity. Highway patrol men are 100% fuccbois with small penises whose only real job is to tax users of the road for the purpose of funding local counties and courthouses.

I don't get it.

do you put your moniter vertical or something why is it so tall

Cops are the lower level bullys who picked on the wrong people one too many times in school and got their shit kicked in. Considering that as fact, they eat sugar coated donuts with ass cheese chased with some pussfag frappe frilly from Starbucks..

only ANTIFA consider policemen to be pigs

>Tyrone breaks into your house
>starts raping your wife and her son
>call 911 because of course you don't have a gun
>your life now depends on a cop

>get disease
>go to hospital
>while waiting to see a doctor go to washroom to take a piss
>slip in piss, head first into a toilet
>drowning in piss until a geriatric cancer patient heroically drags you out
>you are now indebted to piss hero, jeez aren't guys great huh

I'm not antifa and I think most cops are a waste. Most of or cj system for that matter. It's a corrupt public-private industry that sucks a tremendous amount of money out of the government
I have two guns. Anyone, anywhere in the united states can own guns. Relying on the state for basic protection is the first mistake. Calling 911 wouldn't even help because the rapist would still be raping your wife b4 a cop could get there. It's like throwing good money after bad, you didn't actually protect your wife or home from trauma.

fuck off government cuck

>your life now depends on a cop
statistically speaking, you're fucked.

It's called resizing the window because there's no need to use a fullsize screenshot for a quick shitpost


For the life of me I can't remember any character named omar or beadie, or what role he played in the story.

Roland "Prez" Pryzbylewski

Oh shit, no foolin'? He looks a lot different with the hat on, must be why I didn't recognize him.

i posted that but honestly i’m not 100% sure. i just can’t imagine who else it could be.
it’s been a while since i’ve had a The Wire marathon

>it’s been a while
Yeah same here.

Honey Nut yo


It's the idea that because you don't have a gun, you now are relying on the police whom you edgily denigrated. It's lose-lose

it's all in the game yo

do a bunch of blow

>tyrone breaks into your house while sleeping from a night shift
>shits his pants when he realizes someone was home
>stab him in the leg with a kitchen knife as he scrambles to get back out the window
>cops turn up sometime in the next few days to take dna samples and shit

Anyone crazy and desperate enough to continue forcing entry when they realize you are home gets the buckshot

>any other cops on /c/? what do you eat during stakeouts? your boys getting hungry up here.
Slow roasted, shit-riddled, STD-spiked, kidney stone crunch smegma. Lots of smegma. Keeps a badge fag fat and angry about the fact that they made straight D's in school and are basically widely hated corrupt niggers living off of tax dollars for almost no real contribution to society arresting niggers without the faggot luxury of badges.

Kill yourself, pig.

>cops hate civilian weapons because it makes their job more dangerous
>law abiding civilians love to have the means to protect themselves because they simply cannot rely on these people to make it on time
>cops encourage change in laws only the law abiding will ever respect

I'm ex infantry and run a store sometimes late at night, and have a police panic button. Tested it of course. 14 minutes later two females turned up plainclothes, the nearest unit I guess. Think for a moment about how being stabbed for 14 minutes by 3 men feels, or if you are lucky standing in the corner watching them take all of your shit

I know I have more weapons experience than these little girls so what gives? Their bosses actively lobby to prevent guys like me protecting ourselves, because they are cowards when it comes to arms in the community.

>as I soldier I know I have more weapons experience than a police man

Yeah no shit, retard. Be all you can be in the liquor store though.

t. cop faggot, salty about someone who tried to do something for the country, not that he would know anything about that beyond keeping Dunkin' in business

>someone who tried to do something for the country

Please tell me more about how drone striking mud-farming villagers into oblivion halfway across the planet protects my freedums

Go back to lereddit you nigger lovers. I can just tell you both parade about town virtue signaling all through the night. Fucking fags. And the only 2 guys in my high school who became cops were super nice. Maybe dont be fucking degenerate scum and police wont bother you

oh, shit, warning shots fired into the back a civilian out of necessity for MERIKUH! t. cop faggot getting toasty because he is walking, talking human shit

>I luvs muh freedumbs
>I gots to suck off officer shrimpdick at the drop of a dime to attain muh freedumbs
>ya'll is niggers for not suckin' off officer shrimpdick

>I was just trying to do something for my country...
>Murikah! die pigs die

Welfare queens, everyone.

>made straight D's in school
no wonder your cops are scum, they are uneducated shits.

How come you outnumber criminals, have more training, have better equipment and are better organized than them and still you can't stop Tyrone from robbing a liquor store without having to shoot him dead?

a) they don't know you denigrated them
b) it doesn't matter whether you have or not: if you're relying on them, based on the track record of the police in the US in this and similar situations, you're fucked.

wait this thread is on Veeky Forums

>cops hate civilian weapons because it makes their job more dangerous
The ones that aren't crooked as shit understand the concept of "outlaw guns and only criminals will have them"

I should have been a cop. I wanted to be one ever since I was in 7th grade and when I said that to my mom instead of encouraging me she said absolutely not, you will get shot and killed.
she did the same thing when I was talking to the marine recruiters in high school

she basically sabotaged my life, I don't know why I listened to her but now here I am almost 30 and I'm very unsatisfied in my life, and I still look at cops the same way I did when I was a kid "when I grow up I want to be just like that!" and then I realize he's 10 years younger than me

Eat a cock, you twizzler dicked piglet.

Haha holy shit mate i didn't get it at first but then i did jesus fuck hahaha nice Steak out dear god hahaha

Most agencies nowadays won't hire you if you have anything less than a 2 year degree.

My agency hasn't hire a non-college grad in like 5 years.

The "hurr hurr GED high school drop out" shit is a meme.

That's the best option because the last 150 years of American history have shown niggers can't be reformed in to productive members of society. Might as well put them down early.

why can't you become a cop at 30?

To keep watch on those predatory loli of course. You never know how many honest-working salaryman have been fallen to the beer and rock cd bait by them.

The guy who became a cop in my high school was a str8 scum bag who sold drugs and cheated on his math homework. And when he knocked a bitch up he needed a steady job for child support and custody so he went on down to community college and became a cop.
Yeah, first mistake, relying on the state for your personal home security. If you think about it how would that ever be possible in a free society?

Cops are the criminals deputized by the overlords to protect them and their property. Consequently, they eat the pig slop fed to them and lick the boots of the trough fillers. Literally the same as the criminals they fight, except the criminals are free.

i know! that pun was.....well-done!
get it!!!

anyways i'm back off to Reddit, got some grocery store sushi to post in r/foods

All you fags whining about cops but when Tyrone breaks into your house and starts raping your daughter youre all gonna go hide in the closet and call the cops to come save you.
>inb4 i got 3 guns ill save myself blah blah

wrong you cocksucker

Don't you have some innocent fuck you can plant 1/2 oz of marijuana in his car while searching so you can seize all his assets whether he's proven guilty or not instead of posting on a vietnamese tilapia farming board?

>police thugs endless war on drugs: 10, freedom: 0.

>it's not my fault I broke the law, I swear mommy

if you don't shape up then you had better get used to eating tossed salad

>tfw nobody here realizes the true job of the police
They keep roads safe from bandits and shit so that we can travel. Police are basically just bandit prevention squads, but they dissuade bandits really well just by existiny, so cops spend most of their time catching people that go too fast. Relying on and expecting anything else from cops is stupid.

Lmao. Yeah, that happens all the fucking time, for sure dude. You guys are fucking delusional. How many niggers have you heard say they "dindu nuffin". Same thing with the planting of drugs. You really think every cop runs around with baggies of coke, meth, and weed? Fucking morons.

Bring all your own meals, ready to eat. You never order anything locally from the area you are staking out. Anyone watching for shit can spot patterns in orders like that. It can send enough of a red flag to have someone casually check it out then it is all over.

>inb4 i got 3 guns ill save myself blah blah

I have 2, but my daughter has 3.

Being a cop is a pretty attractive job for people who want to protect others and uphold the law. It’s also a really attractive job for former highschool bullies who couldn’t find another direction in life.

I was about to go through all the testing and training for state police. I took an entire week to think really hard about it. I realized I didn't want to be around the people who I'd be around in order to do the job.

Now I shitpost on Veeky Forums 24/7/365 and I'm the better for it.

>vidya all over the net of thugs in uniform planting drugs
>uniformed thugs routinely sieze cash without even charging the person with a crime because suspicion
>in 'murrica

Us po-lice dindu nuffin, we're your frenz :)

I figure for meals you should have lunchables or like a sub. If you’re hungry, go ask whomever uou’re surveilling for a meal, lmao

Id rather live on a street surrounded by cops than one with the thugs you virtue signal for. You wouldnt last 2 fucking seconds in these neighborhoods people like you campaign for.

Yes, and they'll pat you on your scrawny little head and let you lick their boots. Some of us have self respect.

I'd rather live on pig street than nigger ave too.

Scumbag bitch police officer i hope you and your kids are brutally murdered. You are nothing more than another gang member who steps on the backs of others for your own personal gain. Kill all police on sight around my area bitch no joke.

the only reason tyrone exists is because you failed to shoot his dad before he reproduced

How's the eighth grade going?

Duh you eat steak on a steakout why do you think they're called steak outs.


Holy shit I thought cops weren't supposed to be this dumb.

>her son
I see what you did there

A blood sausage made from the teenagerz you shoot in the head and a nice drink from the tears of immigrant kids you send back to get cut up by gangs.

A large amount of American cops are bad - so all cops are bad.

iq 89 tier.

>I thought high school bullies weren't dumb

Back in grad school I used to work at a pizza place part time and whenever cops would come in late nights I'd fuck with their food all the time and on purpose. But for paramedics I would always give them clean food and extra garlic bread.


I don't remember him being important but he asks McNulty if he really had sex with two prostitutes during an undercover op.

Yeah I get that.

What do you mean fuck with their food? Like fuck up the orders on purpose?


Objectively wrong term has been around far longer than ANTIFA, some cops are pigs but not all or even most.

t. cop

Yeah I purposefully fucked up orders (wrong toppings, skimped on the cheese, gave them less etc) but other stuff too. I'd sometimes use the washroom right before and not wash my hands after wiping my ass, spit in pizza, drop food on the floor and then serve it anyway stuff like that.

In all fairness though I didn't do it indiscriminately. There were some police officers who were really genuinely nice people and I'd just treat their food with respect but like 80% were always rude/macho hardasses who walked in like they owned the place, would never say please or thank you, just the sort of insecure hypermasculine types of guys who got bullied in high school and are now on a power trip. I was sure to give their food the extra special attention.

You sick fucking faggot ass soyboy. If I knew you in real life I'd curbstomp you for bein a little bitch. I feel sick to my fucking stomach reading this. When I become a cop I'm going to fucking do terrible things to people like you, you can count on it you twisted sick piece of shit FUCK YOU

Yeah the black panthers coined it in San Francisco and Oakland waaay back when some cops in California would literally just pick out dudes in black neighborhoods to beat up then they'd bounce and act like nothing happened.

Full disclosure I do not hate cops but this is a factual part of their legacy in California.

youre a piece of shit

>To people like you
How would you know swine? Just going to pick on anyone you get a paranoid feeling about? Don't be part of the policing problem. Be kind and respectful and you will receive kindness and respect.

This happens in a lot of places. Chicago got busted a few years ago for having a giant abandoned torture warehouse, gitmo style, which they'd use to "disappear" people when they needed intel and they couldn't get people to cooperate through conventional means