It's okay. You can admit it. Beer sucks. You...

It's okay. You can admit it. Beer sucks. You, like so many other men at some point in your life decided to see what the big fuss was. You took your first sip of that watery, bitter, amber liquid and recoiled in disgust. "but I'm a man," you think, "and men are SUPPOSED to like beer. It's the natural order of things." So you kept drinking. You drank until your tastebuds became numb to its yeasty bite. "Aha!" you proclaimed in your secured masculinity. " Looks like I finally acquired a taste for beer!"

Yet still, upon every night out on the town, as your female company orders their grape juice and tequila infused slushies, you look upon them with wistful envy. "I'll take a beer." you say to the bartender, a sadness behind your eyes. Because men drink beer. It's the natural order of things. And you are a man, aren't you?

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It's easier on my stomach than wine and liquor, plus I'm able to pace myself better. Stop being a teenager.

I've maintained my whole life that beer sucks, hard liquor is what REAL men drink

t. sugar-addicted manchild who destroyed his palette by drinking mountain dew daily

>caring this much about what people like

Your shitpost belongs on Veeky Forums dumbass

I like beer

Since this is the history board, I would like to remind people that beer was only drank out of necessity. You couldn't trust the well water but you could trust beer.

Now that modern sanitation exists there's literally no point in beer

>not being an alcoholic and respecting the benefits that beer offers over other choices of consumption

I feel that's bullshit, beer is not a substitute for water since it doesn't hydrate you.


In small amounts it hydrates you. Ever ran a marathon? They have beer waiting for you at the finish line because of this.

Beer back then had a lower ABV

What do you think sailors drank? Where do you think the drunk as a sailor meme came from

Your pallet typically changes as you grow older and bitter foods become less bothersome.

I prefer some brands/kinds of beers over others but if I'm gonna get wasted nothing better than red wine because I hate white wine. Why are you such a faggot OP? Hurr Durr don't drink beer that's playing the game of the patriarchy.


Common beer is probably my least favorite alcoholic beverage. Makes me burp and feel bloated.

I usually prefer the darker shades, if I have a choice of beer.

>tfw you've drunk so many cocktails and hard liquor that beer is basically a soft drink to you
Maybe I shouldn't have tried to compensate in college so hard for being basically prohibited from drinking before I was 18 years old. It's not pretty to get stuck puking water for half an hour in a bathroom.

It essentially is the soft drink of alcoholic beverages

idk I think it's more that we learn to like what tastes bad
I mean, when I can get down to it I can acknowledge that, say, rum tastes "bad", strictly speaking, but it does not stop me from having a flavour preference and a sense of enjoyment from something the same as from something that I would more readily call "good". It still tastes "bad", to me, but I do not treat it as such, I enjoy drinking the rum I like, and not just simply because it gets me drunk.
It's hard to articulate, in any case I've done a very poor job of doing so.

Warka is legitimately delicious.

who /straightedgebutacceptingofothers'lifestylechoices/ here?

I was, then I said fuck it

id rather smoke a joint anyway

where do people even smoke weed? id be scared id get caught bc of the smell or smoke

When you're younger you have tastebuds that are more sensitive to bitter flavors. As you get older these tastebuds die off and you can taste the subtleties in things like dark chocolate, mustard greens, coffee, and beer. So basically underageb&

Not him but I live in a legal state in the United States. Even in states where it isn’t legal it’s not that hard. Weed smoke isn’t like tobacco, you can smoke weed in the garage or a bedroom and you’ll be fine if you leave a window open. It won’t ruin a house like cigarettes will. I just wear cologne for the smell. It doesn’t really bother me because I wear cologne anyways.

The only beer I like is Guinness Extra Stout, it tastes like black coffee. imo Ciders are better than beers.

You have to move out of your parents house first

Pic related has always been superior to every form of alcohol.

>Veeky Forums vs a two year old Veeky Forums copypasta

>night out on the town
>female company

No, that's cider.

Stop binging on sweet sugar loaded drinks and you might start enjoying bitter flavoured things. That, and stop drinking piss and get some nice beer.

he took brandy with his tea

>tfw superior german-irish ancestry allowed me to love stouts and hefeweizens on first sip at age 12

Here is Bavaria: beer is just a food item, nothing more. Even women drink it here as well. And in former times it was the only steril kind of drink, because it´s brewed, therefore it was given to children also ... with no ADHD-disorders at that time btw ;-)

Me too

You don't like beer? Okay, your loss. You want to imply that no one actually likes beer but instead only drinks it because of beer pressure? I'll call you a faggot. How do you even think peer pressure would be formed if nobody liked it? Because for peer pressure to come into being, a critical mass of people need to adopt an attitude toward something freely (there is no peer pressure to coerce them). Now how do you think that would be possible if no one liked it?

less need to pee with liquor. Amateurs...

t. soyboy

>Drinking because that's manly, not because ale is a top drink
get a life


Light beers a shit
Stouts a goat
Disprove this thesis

OP drinks Bud light or some shit, no wonder he doesn't like beer

Are you serious? I smoke at home. If I feel like it then I'll do a little walk.

Do you honestly think people will call the police if they see someone with a funny cigarette looking by? Lmao

>"Aha!" you proclaimed in your secured masculinity.
>"I'll take a beer." you say to the bartender, a sadness behind your eyes.
you're trying far too hard.

Drink "helles weizen" or other bavarian beers and the fruity flavors will send you directly into heaven!

This is nonsense dreamed up by teetotal Victoria scholars to explain why their ancestors drank beer. Obviously they didn't drink because they enjoyed it! That would be a sin. No, no. Clearly they drank because the water was dirty. Just like everything else in the middle ages.

Please disregard that medieval towns and cities went to extraordinary lengths to maintain clean water supplies.

I just drink coffee

Not many people drink beer because it tastes good. It's more of a social ting sort of like how you have children because it's considered normal, not necessarily because you want to have children.

It's an acquired taste, no doubt about that.

Kek, they re-posted this bait on Veeky Forums and it got moved here.

>beer pressure

I've liked beer ever since my early teens. Don't remember ever disliking it. I love the taste now. It's not a masculinity thing, I'm the first to admit that I'm a scrawny faggot. OP you are truly a retard if you think everyone's experience of the world matches yours.

>t. drank coke instead of schweppes before he turned 16

Yes. the only things that tastes good is spageti with ketchud, pizza with no topping and soda.

People who like spicy food and put pepper on things are only kidding them selves :^)

That would be wine coolers, Mike's Hard Lemonade or Twisted Tea®

This is actually bullshit that even the most basic amount of research will disprove

I don't like chocolate, using your logic everyone that likes it is just pretending.

Beer in storage would last longer than water in storage, but there isn't enough alcohol in beer to make it safe to drink if the water isn't safe after boiling anyway.

No not at all

Beer is life, literally

Go drink some sex on the beach you pussy