Why do we shit on people who like their steak well done?
What's so wrong about it?
Why do we shit on people who like their steak well done?
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It's a waste of good meat. If the meat is cheap, then it doesn't really matter. However, if you're buying cheap meat and cooking the hell out of it, why are you making steak and not a braise or a stew?
fuck off
i only eat it medium well, i dont want parasites and worms, also eating raw meat is disgusting.
>steak = not well done
>hamburger = well done
Ground beef is not a fucking steak, they asked me this shit at red robin and i wanted to shit my pants and throw it at them
If the meat is freshly ground in a sanitary environment, then it's safe to eat as rare you want, even raw.
You know how people think something is true just because its widely spread and repeated by many? I ordered my steak well done in a hipster diner and the waiter asked if i was sure i didnt mean medium. He probably hadnt eaten a steak well done in his life just because people had told him it was wrong. A well done steak is just as good as a medium rare one but if the chef dont know whenits done it can easily become stale and dry.
Rare is mushy, well done is tough and dry. In blind taste tests people consistently prefer medium rare.
You realise there is an actual difference between rare and raw, right?
I feel like you're right and people just spread this opinion because they've been told it their whole lives.
The probably haven't even formulated an opinion of their own by trying both options themselves, and are simply parroting information.
Medium is the perfect doneness. Cooked thoroughly, yet still juicy.
>blind taste tests
As if people couldn't tell from the texture alone how it was cooked.
>taking advice from /v/
I always knew they had shit taste, but now I know it's literal.
low fat medium raw
everything else medium
uncooked animal fat is disgusting
I haven't got a fedora large enough to tip this post.
>now I am enlightened
The only thing that pisses me off about it is when I order medium rare and the person across the table from me orders well done I know that my entire order is going to sit under a hot lamp for like 10 minutes.
Rustles my jimmies.
Most people prefer to stop cooking before the food gets burnt. Personally Im just not fond of that charcoal taste
As a preference, well done removes a lot of subtleties of the meat so you can get a wide variety of cuts and qualities and they’ll all taste quite similar. By slathering it with ketchup they’ll taste exactly the same. If you crave consistency you’ll get what you want every time. For me I like medium at a restaurant and when I grill at home I like medium rare.
>somewhere in the world someone unironically has this opinion
>medium rare means uncooked
What did she mean by this?
Blue is the best because I like the meat fibers warm yet wet and soft.
>Why do we shit on people who ask for their wine piping hot in a sippy-cup?
>What's so wrong about it?
If you ask for your steak well-done my automatic assumption is that you are a child. If you don't like steak, don't order steak. That's fine.
Medium rare is not raw you idiot. It's completely cooked. It's just that it hasn't had all the juices grilled out of it like a well done steak.
>this picture
I guess everyone thinks you're a retard then.
mid rare is the perfect pussy
>tfw dick and balls are smaller than retarded persons
literally kill me now
In european standarts the bleu steak in the picture is actually medium
Kills flavor. The savory sweetness of the enzymes warming the center of the half cooked interior is better than chewy garbage. If you're cooking at the right temp, you get the exact same surface carmalization with rare and medium rare as well. Literally just missing the point of a steak.
>M-muh "literally" nignog mastery of the language.
The point of a steak is to enjoy it, negro. If that means someone needs to cook the fuck out of it, that's their deal, famalam. Seriously, though. How the fuck does everyone claim to have 200 IQ, yet fuck up the usage of "literally" most of the time. Not asking for perfection here, just something beyond some grade school basic bitch who thinks ignorance is cool.
What's so wrong about liking well done steak? Nothing. Some people just have bad taste. What's so wrong about shitting on people who have bad taste? That's just kind of mean, I suppose. If by 'we", you meant Veeky Forums, people are often assholes when they can be anonymous.
Literally now literally means figuratively, user.
Burgers medium well. Steak medium. Chicken raw
it indicates a lack of class, culture and taste
I went to a $$$$ restaurant in Seattle once. I went there about once a month and ordered my usual medium-rare steak. The usual waitress brought the steak out and a third of the steak had a red surface. Not slightly pink but just cold, dark red and gelatinous like raw beef. I tried it and gagged because I couldn't even chew it enough to be able to swallow it without my gag reflex kicking in. I was telling the waitress to cook it some more and she actually argued with me that it was "a perfect medium-rare." I couldn't even write off the %25 tip because it was part of the bill. Never went there again
Don't be a nigger.
Has there been a shift in what steak temp has been? What was once medium is now medium rare, at least in that pic
>What's so wrong about it?
It's a waste of good raw materials. If you like "well done" meat by personal preference, that's fine, just don't waste a steak cut on it. Use a cheap cut of meat instead--you get the same results and you don't waste an expensive premium cut.
If you want a non-food example, cooking a steak well-done is like using a very fancy piece of wood to make matchsticks (as opposed to, say, fine furniture or musical instruments)
I don't understand how this is possible, it's too self-contradictory.
Charcoal taste complements a blue rare pretty well, but that would require actual skill at grilling.
That isn't blue.
It's actually a giant shit.
I doubt there is many people lile that at all. Everyone's tried a well-done steak, everyone has someone in their family who eats it that way and almost everyone understands that it objectively worse tasting that eating it rare.
this list is shit
>elder god tier
>god tier
medium rare
>fucking great tier
medium, and blue rare
>meh tier
medium well and well done
Especially considering how it's unsanitary and just plain gross.
What kind of humans eat raw meat?
That image is shit
The "Blue" is medium rare. Medium Well and Well look like plywood
the creator of that image wouldn't be able to tell you if it was rare or medium rare user, it's ok
>someone eats steak and enjoys it
>"""waste""" of food
this is my go-to
If you're on a board to discuss food being interested in the "right" and "better" ways to do something should be absolutely implicit, and if you genuinely believed nothing matters and people should just do whatever they feel like there would be no reason to post here. Accept the premise that this shit matters or stop posting or even reading this board
Not her but I think she meant to say it's more of a waste of money for the person rather than a waste of food. If you buy an expensive ribeye or tenderloin then cook it well done, it means you've just cooked all the delicious flavor out of it. If you do the same with a cheap sirloin, you've basically just made a smaller, drier, less flavorful pot roast. You would've been better off just buying a sirloin roast and cooking it low and slow.
does this post have any meaning whatsoever lol
>blue, not actually a hint of blue
Blue steak is supposed to be purple, or in other words ... fucking raw.
That looks so good to me. I wonder where this beautiful steak is from?
It looks fucking awful, I hope you're joking.
>raw fat
>outside didn't even get a good sear
Pic related is how a blue steak should look
Language changes, user. Words aren't set in stone. Believe it or not, words aren't defined by a dictionary, but rather, how people use that word. People use the word literally as figuratively these days, that means the meaning of the word has changed.
I cooked a ribeye well done recently, AMA.
Why would you do that?
It was medium rare at first, didn't have much taste to it. So in desperation I cooked it again, and it turned super delicious. I was amazed.
Literally this
>medium well over medium rare
Steak tartare is the gods' food
yeah and some people prefer fake cheese over real cheese, but just because they enjoy it just as much doesnt mean its on the same level
Nah that's more like rare.
Reminder that no healthy young adult ever died from salmonella. Only children and the elderly need well done chicken.
>Only children and the elderly
so Veeky Forums then
>"clean eating"
Every time I see this image it drives me one step closer to death.
here's the real chart
Raw = 1-6 years old
Blue = 7-12 years old
Rare = 13-18 years old
Medium Rare = 19-24 years old
Medium = 25-30 years old
whoch are you?
Not quite. Everyone has different tastes in food. You can't say something is bad just because you don't like it. In my opinion steak is just a meme food, and should not be taken serious at all, its just lazy cooking a piece of meat.
In order: delicious, delicious, delicious, delicious, disgusting, disgusting
The is a steak = sex thing, right?
>tfw 18
Surprisingly accurate
>man brings steak for me to cook
>2 inches thick
>i want this well done, ill be back in 10 minutes
Well if you put it that way....
That looks fucking atrocious
why are people like this?
It's actually super fucking delicious with raw onions and some capers. Would only make that personally though unless the steakhouse was like Uber fancy
What is the appeal of raw meat?
In the army they would feed us raw meat as a punishment, why do people do these things for enjoyment?
If it makes you feel any better most grill cooks worth their shit know not to drop the medium rare on the grill until at least after a well done have grill marks on it. Plus it is a good thing to have meat rest a little bit before serving it as the juices evenly distribute that way.
>It's not the 90's anymore, STOP using that faggot term
Bollocks, Ameri-fat
I used to think I liked Well Done steaks so I was mad at Veeky Forums but then it turned out that what I was actually eating was medium well or medium, and I actually had a well done steak and it was tough as shit
pick one. If the UK is European, then Cuba is North American
Blue isn't raw though to get a really good blue rare you want to either Pittsburgh or sear it which is basically torching the outside with a super hot pan or open flame until it carmelizes and then let it rest the heat will travel in the steak as it equalizes and slowly gently gelantize the protiens without the loss of any of juices or denaturing them. If the quality of steak is good the flavor is fantastic. That being said if I am suspicious of the meat like Walmart brand or whatever I wouldn't do anything less than med rare but for the grass fed free range stuff it really makes my nipples erect to have, it isn't raw and doesn't taste bloody or anything like that but I get it isn't everyone's thing.
thats not even blue thats just shite
other foodborne ilnesses can be found in raw chicken
>worms and parasites
fucking hell
Well done can be fine depending on the kind of cut but on steak it doesn't make much sense. I much prefer a medium done steak.
Well done on beef isn't always bad, it really depends on the cut. On that note:
Well done carne asada > medium rare steak
Prove me wrong.
Pro tip: You can't
Stop it with this retarded meme, you fucking mentally ill tranny faggot.
Yeah, that chart is way over. Pretty much shift everything down at least one.