You guys do have food prepared right?

you guys do have food prepared right?

In addition to my emergency meals, I also have an emergency stove, water, matches, 72 hour survival/first aid kit, compass, knives. You don't want to go too overboard with the gear because I personally think that the mobile scenario is more likely than the doomsday bunker scenario, so two years of food is essentially worthless if a wildfire or a tsunami trashes your base. Just keep enough to survive decently long enough and if the situation lasts any longer than that, well... the world's ended and you would have to become a hunter gatherer anyway.

i have a shitton of dried meat

I barely keep enough food on hand to make one meal

your kitchen is a shithole

When SHTF looter bands will ignore kitchens like that and attack the clean, nice looking kitchens instead. It's called tactical filth.

please don't be hyperbolic

you should consider an emergency supply

even seventy two hours will be beneficial to you

You're right it just looks like the shit-speckled flesh around the asshole.

dude that sip better be empty

I just keep a stash of canned food that I'd normally eat anyway and rotate stock every so often.

I do this because I nearly had an autistic fit when some snow shut the stores down last year and I couldn't buy tuna.

Clean your fucking kitchen. That's fucking disgusting.

That's the preparation you should be doing.

I keep @ 20lbs of jerky, 50 quarts of home canned stocks, fish, tomatoes and stews, dried squid, peppers and fish, dried fruits and veg as well as 30 gallons of well water. I had a manual pump installed on my well for when all our utilities are knocked out.

That can keep us going for a bit, but any longer than that and there'll be roving independent military units going house to house taking everything and consolidating control over their territory anyway and my popguns will simply be a target for them to acquire and eliminate me in the process. I don't suffer from the delusions of /k/fag weekend paintball players who think muh popguns and paintball tactics supplemented with muh soldier of fortune magzines will hold off a well trained and armed military unit.


enjoy your botulism, you manky fuck.

clean your kitchen

what's a sip



All packages are in Franglais meaning Canadian detected. Also, bag of pancit canton noodles -- so you're probably Filipino, I guess you're in Winnipeg? If you live in the North-End you probably are wise to have emergency fucking everything.

>product of usa written on the box in huge letters

just hide

>>product of usa written on the box in huge letters

>>Somehow doesn't understand that yankeeland exports food for sale in foreign countries...

>food prepared
I have at least 15lbs of flour at the moment, of various sorts. That, along with the jerky, dried lentils and peas, and dehydrated veggies from my garden, would last at least a week and a half.
Even got a solar oven recently for camping, and it'll still work when the gas turns off. We don't get many overcast days so I'll be able to cook almost every day.

I don't live in a frontier law shit country with 5 guns per capita and unestable political panorama

I reckon the "water/food/electricity are unavailable in a natural disaster but come back in under a week" scenario, the "someone gets a snake bite or a bad cut" scenario, and the "shit catches on fire" scenario are more likely, so I keep a 20L drum of potable water, some 100% cotton clothes and a fire extinguisher, a first aid kit, a torch + batteries, and enough sealed non-perishable food to last a little while.

Good just don't take any precautions you are so right it would be stupid to be prepared cause nothing will ever happen wow are you a university because you seem like just the smartest I bet your erections are just tiny because of all the blood in your brain and your transcendence of base human instincts everyone lookit look at this superb poster he probably has a cosplay gf dozens dozens of cosplay gfs that he just ignores