Post your poverty food stories here

Post your poverty food stories here.
>Walking to college
>Find a Mars bar on the street
>Pick it up
>Packaging is still intact
>"Nice, I haven't had something sweet in ages"
>Bring it home and put it in the fridge (it was a summer day)
>Eat it later

>living on my own
>15 years old
>try to learn to cook and just.. figure shit out on my own
>cook ragu alla bolognese
>by using premade sauce and ground up meat
>cry alone while I eat

Jesus fucking Christ, I live in the second world and I've never been that poor, not even when my father lost his job when I was little.

Once ate a whole sandwich lying in a trash can. Not really because of poverty I was just really drunk and hungry in the middle of the night

>be poor
>go to local church dinners every Wednesday and Sunday
>subtly sneak food in to-go containers I have in my coat
>go through line 3-4 times loading up on food
>they probably know what I'm doing but it's church so they feel bad for me and don't say anything
>enjoy delicious home cooked church lady meals every day of the week
>haven't paid for food in months


I once ate some little Caesar's pizza, it was disgusting, how do poorfags do it?

>"Nice, (...)"

you're conditioned to eat anything by school lunches

No one ever wants little caesars but you'll eat it anyway because you regularly ate worse once upon a time

I actually work at a church that gives dinners to people and i see one specific guy always doing this. Im going to ask him to start cleaning pots and pans since hes taking extra. If thats you bring sweatpants next time.

nope, I went to a private school, we had real lunches not that fake public school crap

Used to go around McDonalds and other fast food places late nights to grab leftover stuff drunk people had bought.

I'm not poor, but if I found an unopened Mars bar on the street I'd still take it

read his post again

youre a snob

>snowed in for a week
>cant work that week
>no work no pay type job
>literally can not afford to eat
>stop by at my old job just to chat with friends
>help load a customer order for the secretary
>she says she wont let me do that without paying me something

I bought eggs, they tasted so good

>how do poorfags do it?
see >nope, I went to a private school

>having good taste = being a snob

if that's what it takes then I guess I'm a snob

eggs for an entire week? why not a ton of super cheap carbs (pasta) and some super cheap baccon?

>eggs for an entire week?

not the entire week, but closer to three days I had left to go before I got paid. I'm not the sort of person who asks for help, even when actually needed, it was more the gesture that marked it for me, I actually cried when I got home. It's the combination of not enough money because I couldn't work, no heat since the heater I had only kept the wall warm, dealing with 20 degree weather for the entire previous week, the week after was sort of heavy with desperation after I paid the bills and having nothing left for food and no food in the fridge or pantry, being handed ten bucks was just awesome to me. I think I may have bought a cabbage also, because cabbage is cheap as fuck and it will feed you for a while.

>Pound of Rice
>Dark meat chicken
Cook chicken skins, brown the chicken in the fat.
Shove all together into rice, steam til finished
If you're real fucking poor, use sauce or salt packets from some restaurants. This meal's cheap, but there's even cheaper meals out there.
I'm poor as shit, but a good meal makes me feel better about the shitty workday.

>fresh ground (beef?) meat
>finished sauce

get a load of Mr. Moneybags over here

reminds me of stories about people who talk about how poor they are but are buying hot pockets.

bro, the second world doesn't exist anymore


I once broke into an apartment I got evicted from to steal back a turkey pot pie that got left behind.

good man

>Lived off vending machine poptarts for a weekend when my mealplan ran out and all I had was quarters
>forgot about a chipotle burrito and left it in my backpack for 3 days, still ate it bc no money
>had a week where all i had to eat was a grilled cheese sandwich every two days

That isn't poverty, that is called finding a free candy bar.

>11-12 years old during 07-08 financial crisis and dad died a few month before
>moved from comfy nice suburb house in California to shitty weekly slum apartment
>mom brother and me walking home from 99 cent store
>bought hot dogs and buns for dinner
>see bums in the distance getting arrested
>they have a cart full of food with them
>mom tells us to grab stuff in the cart
>"but mom they might come back they'll be hungry"
>tells me to do it anyway because we have no food and theyre not coming back
>feel even worse
>walk home with arms full of weird frozen food stolen from bums and tears in my eyes

>Had a rough patch about 12 months ago.
>Local community group gave me a big box of food
>for free, donated stuff etc.
>Heaps happy. Go home all grins.
>Open box
>Dozens of packets of stir fry sauce.
>about 4 different flavours across so many packets
>Also got one loaf of stale bread. mfw
>12 months later, doing okay financially.
>Still finding packets of sauce fucking everywhere

that is some shit....

where do you live that snow stops everyone for a week?

>caring that some street trash starves.
They wouldn't have cared about you in the reverse I bet.

>Walk through college
>There is a half eaten chicken salad, with coucous, lettuce, tomatoes and whatever else, with two chicken breasts laying on top
>One side appears to be eaten while the other side appears to be...maybe intact
>Look down the hallway, no one is coming
>Great, my reputation will be saved
>Grab the two breasts/tenders and keep it moving

that actually looks tasty as fuck

Heh. I've never been so poor that I've had to eat refuse like an animal. In fact, I've been fat as a hog since I was 5! I guess these types of stories just don't happen much over here in the land of plenty In fact, right now I'm half way through a pepperoni pizza and I'm going to throw the rest of it away in honor of this thread.

>go to cheap chinese buffet in shitty part of town
>sit in back
>bring ziploc bags for leftovers to eat later

why not just give it to someone who needs it?...

I don't get you guys, when I don't have enough money to eat, I just don't eat. I'm fat though, so those periods usually aren't long enough to seriously affect my health (week at most).

whats wrong with being fat wiseguy

I didn't mean nothin by it I swear

I survived for a week on just marshmallows once, being broke sucks

I ate spaghetti with soy sauce and pepper for 2 days once.

>No money for food
>Survive the whole day at college with just an apple and a bottle of water
>Or a bag of cookies (5) and a jelly sandwich, among other things

so hard

>zero savings to feed yourself with
I don't understand


Savings are called savings for a reason, I actually had some money in a bank storage box but I’m not going to raid it every time things get a little difficult. And I wasnt glint to stop paying my bills in order to eat.y priorities say take care of your responsibilities

it's probably #5 in my top 10 worst memories, I'm pretty happy now though so i wouldn't have had my shitty life go any other way

i definitely realize that now but being 11-12 i was pretty dumb, plus if not us some crack heads probably would've took it

Post your top 5 worst memories

poast theTOP 25

What a cute little poof

Wasn’t me, but a friend of mine would have water and chilli peppers, 0 calories lol

Back when I was living with my shitty roommate, my grandma gave me 10 dollars for my birthday and I spent it on food, I got the cheapest pasta (2boxes) I could and cheapest pre made sauce(3 jars) and made a huge batch of spaghetti to eat. That shit fed me for 6 fucking days until my paycheck hit. I had no variety, but I didn't spend any money on food.
That isn't really too bad in comparison, but I came from a family that didn't have to worry about food money

I'll just post a few more food related ones to stay on topic
>christmas around that time
>aced my state reading test, got a lot of awards, been a good kid
>think i mightve gotten something
>maybe just something small
>to old to believe in santa but just maybe
>wake up early
>go down stairs
>no ones even awake yet because there's no point
>go back up stairs
>wish my dad was here
>cry a little and go to sleep
>wake up a little later
>mom tells me to come down stairs
>get a little excited again, maybe she got me something
>apparently our aunt that hates us sent us soup
>still happy as fuck because we were living off of spaghetti with hot dogs in it and instant ramen and my favorite food is soup
>its a christmas miracle
>finish 2 bowls
>ask my mom if i can have more soup
>there's none left
>tell her thank you so much and that i love her
>go upstairs and cry a little more
>can hear my mom crying too
I have a pretty good Thanksgiving one if anyone wants me to keep going

Damn son

Keep going if you want to

keep going this is interesting

>spending 10 dollars on eggs
Now this I REALLY don't understand

This is almost Dickensian.

Some don't. You are only reading posts of people who found enough to survive.

I regularly eat food that no one wants at my job as well as frozen pizza. I have lost 20 lbs from frugal starvation so far

Were you friends with David Bowie?

unironically hard from reading this

so your mom was that dependent on dad that she couldn't get it together a little for you?

how duz ur joab hav fre3 f00dt?

>around thanksgiving while we were still dirt poor
>won a turkey for winning a school wide thanksgiving essay contest
>really proud of myself
>teacher helps me surprise my mom with it when she comes to pick me up
>take bus home with the turkey because we can't afford gas
>sit down with it while my mom stands because bus is full
>guy next to me jokes about the turkey (cant remember what he said)
>tell him i won it in a writing contest
>tells me im going to be the owner of a company when i get older
>we get off the bus
>mom starts tearing up while were walking and says how proud of me she is
>say im proud of her for being a great mom even with dad gone
>says im a great kid too
>both pretty much cry the entire walk home
Thanksgiving day
>excited to have the turkey even though i hate turkey because my mom sucks at making it
>having that and boxed mashed potatoes for dinner
>sitting at the table with my mom and brother
>other brother doesn't want to come down
>saying grace
>they thank me for the turkey too
>we eat
>start crying halfway through
>mom asks me whats wrong
>say i wish dad could have some too
>everyone starts crying
>feel bad for ruining Thanksgiving

>people who donate sauce bases and cans of tomatoes
>nothing to do with it because you can't afford the other parts of the meal
>down overly-salted sauce packets and tinned tomatoes for any and all calories
Good on them for donating anything at all, but at a certain point you think they're just fucking with you. God bless the guy who added the bread.

My freshman year of college I was really drunk and went into the dorm parking lot, pulling on door handles until they opened and ate a couple slim jims out of someones car.Humboldt 2008 btw

Holy fuck
A turkey is a crazy thing to win at school

my mom was a real estate agemt and lost her job because of the housing market crash

Thought your aunt sent you soap and I lost my shit thinking that it was your favorite food.

Fuck that's fucking horrible.

So you took back what was right fully yours
You are not alone brother

>Thinks insurance is a bigger priority than eating
>Saving money so he can starve
Shit like this is literally the reason people think capitalism needs to go don't justify liberals that's just repulsive

>roasty rides the artificial wave
>doesn't see the tide turn

>mfw my mother was a real estate agent in Las Vegas and she quit and we moved literally two years before the crash

Want to keep capitalism? Raise minimum wage and index it to inflation.

Why does this board have so many fucking homeless and poor amerifats?

Seriously, it's unbelievable

>was homeless
>got fired and had to survive off of 5 dollars a week
>poor student and only have 1 buck a day for food

Why are Americans so fucking dirt poor and why do they browse this board so much?

>those random bits of pasta
>that deformed egg
How did it taste friendo

>University years
>Always making sure there are at least two girls in our pack when hanging out in a bar
>They are full after half the serving
>"Are you going to finish that?"
>Basically eating second serving of two different dishes for free
>For five years

>Working in a hotel, helping around the delivery to kitchen
>One of the guests ordered a fried pasta
>Left it after taking single bite, complaining about being "too spicy"
>It wasn't spicy at all

How about this
>Being condescending cunt, because you never experienced poverty
>Confused how people can be poor or eat cheap
Fits you like a glove

You do know not only Americans use this board, right?
And when I was studying, I had classes from 8 AM till 6:30 or 8 PM entire week, only having weekends for some part-time job and crashing graveyard shifts as a receptionist in a hotel [spoiler]mostly because I was allowed to sleep if nobody was there and had a free breakfast as a staff member[/spoiler]. After paying rent, I was left with barely any money for anything, because I had barely any time to earn it. And then I was working my ass on double shifts each break just to get money surplus.

I've made two crock pots full of split pea soup for less than $7. Shit is delicious.

That is my go-to sauce tbqh. What was your face, when?

>Lel, how stoned were you?

you need to be 18 to use this site

Why are you posting then?

>grab a bunch of ambiguously spoiled leftovers
>soup them all together without acknowledging how they would complement each other
>add uncomfortable amounts of anything spicy on hand and hope for the best

my shits are wildly inconsistent but I'm still alive

If you have the means I prefer any pasta, not necessarily spaghetti, tossed in warm extra virgin olive oil, garlic salt (or garlic powder + salt), pepper, and Kraft Parmesan (optional). It's cheap and filling. You can even downgrade to lesser oils if you're strapped but the garlic powder can't be compromised unless you want to smash some cloves and caramelize them in the oil. It's my go-to cheap and easy snack.

I know we couldn't even afford milk when I was a kid, but my parents turned it around and are financially independent with a high standard of living.

user, how are you doing right now? Are you still poor?

I stole a burger from a dog

>Won a turkey at school
I think they just felt bad for you champ

Rich people rarely bother learning how to cook

that's onion, friendo

WOOHOO the burn

I’m decently well off now but when my parents divorced and I had to spend a week staying with either of them due to split-custody, I had to fend for myself when I was at my dads.
>be 11
>Dad is a drunk
>frequently the fridge is empty, save for some ketchup and beer
>I’d get dropped off by the bus at 3 o’clock
>sometimes Dad would come home at night, sometimes not
>never went grocery shopping
>would tell Mom I was hungry
>she’d load up my backpack with food I could prepare myself
>hot dogs, ramen, noodle type meals, canned soups, canned veggies
>one time she’s on business trip so she’s out of state/ had to stay with Dad for two weeks
>haven’t seen Dad in a week
>beer in fridge
>decide fuck it, drink his beer
>he came home two days later and beat the shit out of me with a 2x4 with sandpaper stapled to it
>explain my case to him
>told me if I mowed his grass, he’d get me groceries
>$20/ a week goes a long way
>start making hamburgers and cheesy broccoli
>survive until I was 14
>get after school job as car mechanic’s assistant
>be rolling in $100/week paychecks
>survive high school
>get shitty scholarship and graduate with a business degree
>now I’m a licensed contractor
>$50,000 a year
>very liveable wage
>still cook shit, haven’t developed my skills

I’ve gotten weak and dependent on fast food and I am in a position where I’d like to reform that, and learn how to cook good food for myself and my wife who also can’t cook

> Be a child
> Live in trailer in woods, family of 4 on $10k/year in mid 1990s
> Eat stew made with poached elk every day
> That generic franz whole wheat bread or bread from breadmaker that has texture of cardboard
> Powdered milk that separates in one minute or less

I'm doing well and making a living off of my art. About to attend an opening party for a store that I recently had a wholesale agreement with. The owners are a couple repeat customers. Not poor anymore. Don't worry user.

In prison. In the first place i was the food was fucking terrible. It was terrible to begin with but they also let it sit for about 2 hours before actually giving it to you. For 34 days i ate a piece of cake and drank 2 juice boxes a day. Never been so hungry in my life.
When i got to my final destination, they brought us in to a proper cafeteria for lunch. Served us two meatballs that were hot and fresh with some noodles and sauce. I could take as much salad as i wanted and they had a big :) in of apples. I aye 6 apples. Best meal I've ever had.

It's almost like you wouldn't wanna go back huh?