Just wrapping up a 6 day water fast here
Have you guys ever fasted in your fucking lives?
Just wrapping up a 6 day water fast here
Have you guys ever fasted in your fucking lives?
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Only before a colonoscopy, the shitting was top tier.
because of all the toxin buildup your body had to get rid of after a life's worth of processed food and poor health, and you just not giving a fuck. I dont even shit during my fasts because theres nothing to get rid of. Because i've always taken care of myself even as a kid.
You'd be doing yourself a service to do it again if that's really the reaction you experienced.
I've been looking into this as of late, but read that al/ck/s shouldn't try because withdrawal potential is too great.
Any alcohol fasting redpills are greatly appreciated as I can't swing medical bills at this time.
Yesterday the only thing I consumed was black coffee with no sugar and a lite cocoa. Does that count as fasting?
When I was on meth bad I went a week
Can you elaborate on this theory? I', sure it's rooted on hard science and not feel-good pseudotheories from a ranch in California
nope can only be water. Fizzy water with lime flavor is pushing it and really shouldn't be done.
Your body cant get any nutrients digestible. So no juice, coffee, tea, nothing. Only water.
Now if your goal is to lose weight...thats another story. In that case i would say yes you can drink coffee tea or even fresh juice throughout your fasting days. But my goal isn't weight loss. It's to renew my immune system through my body eating up and digesting old cells that dont get to be digested with all the food that keeps getting replaced in my stomach.
Look at the black color of your poo and yellow water thats coming off of it when you fast. Look at your bad breath. Look at the burning sensation in your legs, which are the toxins your cells have been holding on to being released into your muscles. Look at how after day 3 you feel more energy and focus than ever.
This is all enough for me to be convinced. With your body trying to get rid of all this buildup, the kind that could cause cancer.
That said there are researchers who have found proof that strongly suggest it, and researchers who deny it. So as of now it is still on the pseudoscience fence
you're dependent on alcohol that badly?
How to spot a retard
do you get on omegle OP
I remember talking to a guy who said peanuts are a "nutritionally complete" food, was that you
>Look at anecdote and confirmation bias. Look at placebo effect. This is all enough for me to be convinced.
I've gone two weeks living off of tap water before.
It was fucking miserable.
yeah i did a 43 day fast between september 30th and november 13th, i went from 262lb to 198lb, went upto 207 after breaking fast but down to 203lb atm.
get on my level cunt.
Hows the saggy skin?
how did you work up to that? And did you really do just water?
well potatoes are nutritionally complete so i wouldn't be surprised
that would be a lot of potatoes if you understand what i'm implying
none, autophagy prevents most of the loose skin, maybe you should learn about fasting before you make assumptions, multiple fasting clinics have reported that none of their patients have had to be recommended for skin surgery after their weight loss; this is assumed due to the increased rate of autophagy (turnover of worn out/damaged tissues such as connective tissues)
I was in ketosis before the fast, which made it easier to jump in, I did not do a true water fast, I supplemented with electrolyte pills and multivitamins and biotin/vitamin d every couple of days.
Supplementing electrolytes prevents most of the minor side effects e.g. headaches/lightheadedness.
It was water and sometimes sparkling (unsweetened) water, it was the first fast I had ever done, I only meant to go for one week but I felt great at the end of the first week so I kept going.
I stopped because it was reaching the point where it felt unsafe to continue as my hunger pangs returned (one of the signs of true hunger, the stage where you technically start starving yourself to death).
Fasting is a godsend if you're overweight.
85 hours or so now. Will eat in a couple of hours.
Imagine if these anons actually managed to convince people to starve themselves
>potatoes are nutritionally complete
I thought they were nutritionally void
Yes 23/1 everyday
not really trying to convince anyone bro, but keep trying your low calorie diet, fasting is a natural state of the body, thousands of years ago, we hunted our food and our meals were more sparse, our bodies are adapted to go without food.
As for the evidence, i'm not going to try convince you or spoonfeed you, there is plenty of statistically significant research about fasting available on the internet.
I was just saying that it worked very effectively for me, since the urge to eat sorta diminishes when you adapt to burning your own fat for fuel.
>meanwhile, in the liver and kidneys
Liver: Fuck man there's too much toxins in these pop tarts this little fucker ate like a whole box
Kidneys: that's alright just store it in the fat cells and keep it immobilzed until one day he gets rid of the toxins by just drinking water for a week
Liver: Wow, great idea kidneys!
Those toxins never stood a chance against the mega brain boy, user.
jesus you are dumb
thousands of years ago when we died by 25?
there is literally no scientific evidence that your body stores "toxins" it is a complete myth peddled by the likes of people who also deny vaccines and evolution
but keep believing in your pseudoscience if you want dumbass
If our body just stores toxins all willy-nilly then what on earth do you think the liver, kidneys, and spleen are for?
This meme has officially gotten out-of-hand.
Well, one of them is to house your Soul, for starters.
mommy gets mad when I don't eat
read their threads and laugh
and/or cry
Does it count if I don’t eat from 8pm to 1pm
Your organs do not contain souls. You can replace any organ in your body besides your brain and still be you
Your brain contains your soul
Go on a vodka fast
Wow how did you know that I poop out gross stuff?
No, never purposefully.
I think the longest I've ever went without eating was only for a small time like 24-26 hours once when I was a kid because I was literally so busy playing I didn't eat anything all day.
that's a complete fucking myth. people didn't die by 25 unless a person or animal killed them. the 'everyone died young long time ago' meme comes from including infant fatality with adult longevity - making it a useless data point. people lived just as long. and they were healthier.
>I dont even shit during my fasts because theres nothing to get rid of
literally proof he is lying
you don't shit if you don't eat.
You can replace your brain and you'll still be a retard, we don't have fucking souls.
>we don't have fucking souls.
Until you can prove it without a doubt Im gonna say eat my filthy butthole
is it ok to drink lemon water while fasting?
then what do you consume when it's time to eat and how much of it?
>It's to renew my immune system through my body eating up and digesting old cells that dont get to be digested with all the food that keeps getting replaced in my stomach.
sounds like science to me
Eat my filthy butthole until you can prove we have this mystical intangible soul thing that is separated from the physical plane but still affecting your body. We'll just have to disagree on this point.
Okay. Your posts were pretty useless then werent they
I'm not lying AT ALL
Dude, you plan on spending a lifetime putting a constant influx of food into your poor body. Give it a break every once in a while and let it recuperate and take care of whatever it couldn't take care of before. Like digesting possibly cancerous cells
it wasnt the fasting that killed people by 25. You're just a fattie making excuses because you know you couldn't handle several days without cookies
It's venom, retard.
I dont really have any problems with that. I go easy on the first hour, and then just eat normally, usually dinner since i start fasting after my last dinner.
because of poverty or what?
>water fast
>not snake juice
what a fag
Where does all the poop go then?
to da past, you already pooped it.
last dinner? how many do you have during your fast in one day?
And people think time travel is impossible.
/ck is one of the most brainwashed retarded boards on Veeky Forums. You retards deserve cancer and miserable lives.
Straight into the shitposting.
>imagine you're frosting a cake
>deep swirls and you don't miss a spot
>this is what your stomach lining looks like with toxin build up
>detox works likes a million hungry orphans' fingers, stealing every bit of the toxin
>stomach walls clean as a freshly baked cake
that is science my friends
About as pointless as you are. Idk why anyone brings up theology on Veeky Forums
>on an empty stomach
how did you keep those down? I swear doing that without at least a slice of bread makes me sneeze and vomit
Why in shits name, would i purposefully deprive myself of food?
A good way to get rid of toxins is to jump off a cliff.
They most certainly didn't live "just as long" and there has been a huge change in lifetimes just over the last 50 or so years.
They definitely didn't die at 25 either though.
How are you this fragile?
8 days in. lost 7 kgs so far. Incredible difference that 7kgs makes. My man tits are hardly noticeable anymore
post pics or youre lying, tough guy
Why would i lie about that?
gone 2 days.
i've love to do a extensive fast (15-30 days), but i'm weak af.
Fasting isnt gunna do you any good if youre a boozehound. Work on weaning yourself off so you dont risk acute withdrawl first.
>there are people unironically this stupid
I mean i usually start my fasts at 8pm, after i've eaten diner, my last meal of the day. Then 5,6,7 days later at 8pm i break it
are you for or against fasting user?
come on, at least do 3 or 5 days
no because I'm not so fat that I'm forced to not eat for extended periods of time to maintain a healthy body weight.
im not doing it to lose weight dumbass
made the mistake of drinking 4 lemons worth of juice in a glass of chamomile tea few hrs later puked like a motherfucker at least my fever went away
I do time restricted feeding, and only drink black coffee/tea/water during the day, with one big dinner at night. Been doing this for almost a decade now.
Only Europeans need to fast because they're too poor to afford food.
Nibba, I bet you don't even mix in distilled water to go that extra mile. Once you do a day or two of that in the middle, that's when shit starts getting real crazy.
im not the guy who talked about toxins you retard, i'm the guy who fasted for 43 days, like i said, if you're interested in fasting, read the MANY studies behind it, before i attempted the fast, i spent a couple of weeks going over studies and research articles into the mechanisms of fasting.
I don't know what toxin guy is going on about but there are many health benefits to fasting, even in short term periods - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Psuedoscience generally doesn't have a wealth of peer reviewed data to back it up, fasting does, educate yourself on a topic before you talk about it otherwise you only reveal yourself as an asinine ignorant tool.
I'm talking about how from a evolutionary standpoint, it takes tens of thousands of years for adaptations to occur, the human body functions the same as it did back in hunter-gathering societies, farming/agriculture on the grand scheme of humanity's life cycle is quite recent especially refined grains / carbs.
Your point is nonsensical, the way you're phrasing it indicates it as if our diets back then were the major influence in a low average life expectency, when the clear contributing factors were infant mortality and lack of medicine/healthcare/general hygiene, educate yourself on a topic before you talk about it please for the sake of not making yourself look like a fool.
t. retard who cant read peer reviewed studies backing up my original points outlining the effectiveness of fasting on the human body.
For the sake of humanity, don't breed, your stupidity and ignorance isn't needed.
I did 43 days lad as my first fast lad, the first 4-5 days are the worst as your body adapts to using ketones as its sole energy source.
But the hunger pangs diminish as the body stops producing the hunger hormone ghrelin and you experience mental clarity (known as hunters high), this is due to how your brain operates much more effectively using ketones as its energy source instead of g
If it upsets your stomach, you can crush and dissolve the vitamins into water, helps lessen the negative effects of taking them on a empty stomach.
By far, fasting is the most effective weight loss method, obese patients have had weight loss as high as 1.5-2 pounds a day.
The key component of fasting is that by not eating, you're keeping your insulin levels low (which typically inhibits fat burning/oxidation) which maximises the amount of weight you can lose)
post pics you filthy jewish gay cunt
>sneeze and vomit
I get the same reaction, holy shit. I think it's the zinc. I remember taking zinc supplements at one point and I would get the nauseous/sneezing sensation hardcore.
You piss out toxins, you don't shit them.
They don't magically go back to the digestive track, they are filtered out by the kidneys.
It has nothing to do with eating or not, though being well hydrated helps.
Dead cells don't magically travel to your stomach to get digested.
They're eliminated naturally each walking second, starving yourself only slows this process.
I know it's a troll, but I thought I might as well point this inconsistency.
Taper. It's easier with beer or benzodiazepines, but can work with your regular booze if you manage to not just drink as much as usual. Benzo are cheap, you only need to see a GP who knows how alcoholism works once for a prescription (or get them illegally.)
And eat, fasting kills your pancreas when you're an alkie. You don't want pancreatitis.
Drink water to eliminate any toxin you'd need eliminating. You'll fuck around with your digestive track once the withdrawals are over.
>Live in a tropical forest next to cousin monkey
>Can go 43 days without finding any edible fruit, berry, root, bug, or worm.
That argument doesn't hold up.
Anyway, don't starve yourself outside a medical environment, you need some micro nutriments, oligo-elements and vitamins even if you can skip macro-nutriments for some time.
>all the toxin buildup your body
you fucking retard
If our bodies adapted to not having food, wouldn't they adapt to having it?
The yellow is bile and the black is old shit that is passing throuh that you dont notice in regular shits because it is blended in
The body doesnt stop producing bile to go into intestines from gallbladder immediately when you start fasting, the yellow is simply the color of bile. Its not showing you toxins, you moron.
Fasting has healh benefits ans i plan to do a three or four day one soon, maybw longer after, but your reasoning is stupid and why people think its a psuedo science, because you just do shit and believe fake shit to justify your habits
Its like people who do liver cleanses and think the nuggets they poop out are bilestones when they have been analyzed and they are simply soaped up oil from the oil they ingest at stsrt of the flush
Autophagy doesnt mean your loose skin from morbid obesity is cured, you fucjing stupid twat
I believe in fasting foe health butnmy god, some of you people are so stupid. Its not alright to be so stupid even if you have good intentions. You saying clinics say it isnt a problem sounds like something you shouldnt have even bothered typing becsuse theres no evidence in just saying muktiple clinics report this
You really believe fasting feom 300lb to 150lb will leave you with no loose skin. You are moronic
so what are the health benefits then moron?
Autophagy, faggot
Unlike you i dont make decisions based on info gleaned off a mongolian carpet bashing webforum
Sometimes I'll go without eating for 2-3 days, but that's because I lack a normal appetite.
Does that count?
I fasted for 7 days before to lose weight
lost around 13 -14 lbs, put on 3 after the fast and maintained it for a year or so
was already pretty skinny before the fast, at 112 lbs
honestly don't know how I did it, I was going through a dieting phase where I was just restricting my food in different ways and intermittently fasting
homesexual and false