You can accurately measure your metabolic rate and, by extension, you can also guess someone's weight by having them answer one simple question:
How many servings are in this large $5 pizza sliced into 8 pieces?
You can accurately measure your metabolic rate and, by extension, you can also guess someone's weight by having them answer one simple question:
How many servings are in this large $5 pizza sliced into 8 pieces?
4 servings. Anything else is wrong.
>little caesar's
1, for the dustbin
1.5 on a good day, 2 if I'm not that hungry
Idk, I get the crazy bread instead.
Well obviously 8 but you eat them all at once if you're not a woman.
8 servings. I'd average it out to 250kcal serving off the top of my head.
>How many servings are in this large $5 pizza sliced into 8 pieces
>sliced into 8 pieces
>8 pieces
>large $5 pizza
>$5 pizza
1 serving.
im usually a big breakfast light dinner kind of guy, so ill pick up a za at 9-10am and eat 5 slices for breakfast and 3 for dinner
1.5 servings
>How many servings
Whatever arbitrary division the manufacturer decided on in order to make the calories per serving look good.
Two, maybe three.
I'm 5'1" 105 lbs and I've eaten a whole large pizza.
>I'm 5'1" 105 lbs
So you're either a manlet or a fat woman.
105 is fat to you? No wonder you're single.
Caught the fatty, boys.
Meh. You're not even funny enough to keep an argument going with.
ding ding ding!
Why even reply to an anonymous person on a Brazilian hemp smuggling discussion forum?
Why not?
And yet here you are, eating it up just like everything else.
3 and a snack
>6'01'' about 140 pounds
> crazy fast metabolism
> 1 serving maybe 1 and a snack
If I ate that, I'd get horrendous diarrhea and heartburn, and my doctor would slap me because I'm not supposed to eat saturated fat
If you asked me 4 years ago, I'd have said 1/2
8 servings total, but I eat 2 servings. I'm guessing it's going to be around 550 Cals.
16 servings anything else is wrong. Literally 16 people can be fed with that monstrosity.
Two; 3-4 if they aren't that hungry.
Get your thyroid checked
Blaming fast metabolism on being a low T soyboy.
3 servings
eat half for dinner, and the remaining half for breakfast and lunch the next day
me too user
fuck off eurocunt
1.5-2 depending on how hungry I am. If it's thin crust, make it 1-1.5.
it's little caesar's, what other crust is there?
1/2 a serving? As in, 4 years ago a whole serving would have been 2 entire pizzas?
>16 people
Are you feeding children? Do you really eat so little that you can be full off a half slice of pizza? It is probably no bigger than 14 inches across so it’s not like we are talking NY pizza size slices.
2-3 slices is a serving. You have to remember the slices on LC's pizza can vary greatly.
On the rare occasion that I eat hot n readies, I'm planning to put that fucker down and maybe have 1/2 slices left for breakfast in the morning.
>8 slices is 1.5 servings
>1 serving is then 5.333333333333333333333333333 slices
So, which answer is correct?
You could easily feed 16 not so hungry ADULTS, or 8 very hungry ones you fat fucking American.
>using not so hungry as a baseline
>very hungry is 2 slices
>the hungriest I've ever been is 2 pieces of pizza
I usually eat 6 slices minimum, maximum the whole thing, and I'm not really that full afterward. Usually I eat something else with it like a small homemade protein smoothie. Also I don't exercise and my hands are cold all the time so I don't think my metabolism is that high.
What, you think i get little caesers to NOT gorge myself?? 2 servers is enough to effectively hate myself AND get the hedonistic pleasure I'm looking for when I buy a fuckin hot n ready
Fight for the rights of every man?
Hello skeleton man
I'd say three but id be lying. I usually eat 4 slices.
>always eat the whole thing
>175 pounds and 6'1"
goddamn its satisfying but I get heartburn and intercontinental ballistic diarrhea every time
Depends on how much everyone's been drinking/smoking and how long it was since we last ate.
Half for dinner and half in the morning
Huh. We have the same height and weight, but I usually get painfully full after eating just 5 slices, and I usually only eat 3-4.
2 servings.