So I can just make alcohol by adding sugar to water and leaving it in the sun?

So I can just make alcohol by adding sugar to water and leaving it in the sun?

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No, you would also have to add yeast for that to happen.

I guess? Just make sure everything's clean and sterile. It'll probably taste like shit though.

I used to make my own cider by heating up apple juice and adding brown sugar and bread yeast. Then I'd let it sit in my closet for a week or two to ferment.
I'd put a balloon with holes punched into it on the nozzle to keep it from exploding.
end result was decent enough, I'd get drunk and it tasted okay.

If you don't boil it and add a pure strain of yeast, you're at the mercy of whatever fungi and bacteria are present on the bottle and in the water you used.

The result could be alcohol but would more likely be a bacterial sludge that would make you sick.

This, yeast eat sugar and poop alcohol until the sugar runs out, or they deactivate themselves because their environment is too alcoholic.

Vegans are fooling themselves when they claim that eating yeast is vegan.

But if the alcohol kills the bacteria then its not a problem

I made my own wine from about 4,6-4,7 kg of strawberries and blueberries, about 500g of raisins, 5,5kg of sugar, and the pre-boxed set of yeast and stuff to make it actually happen.
The whole thing from start to finish took a bit more than three weeks, although the wine was ready to drink after two weeks. The last week is to make it clearer and to sweeten it if necessary.
It ended up being a tad under 16%, a strong strawberry flavor but I believe the blueberries made the color really nice. Also, gets you drunk in a second and then you wake up in a hangover and take a drink and here we go again; before you notice, you've been drunk for four days straight and your sanity is beginning to crumble. 5/5 I totally recommend trying!
Posting a few pictures now, in this one the berries and raisins are in a loosely woven cloth bag, there's lukewarm water in the bucket and we've just poured the yeast powder in.

Here we are bottling the end product. Old craft beer bottles and whiskey bottles turned out to be pretty good for this, ofcourse after meticulously washing them.

Unfortunately I don't have pictures of the wine while it ferments.

as you can see in this photo, the wine turned out to be very clear, it was so surprising to see that there's nothing floating in it, and the color is just delicious.

It is rather strong to be enjoyed as-is, although it depends on the consumer's drinking habits.


How did you prep the fruit, just smash it up?
Let it get old first?
Why the cloth bag for the fruit?

>How did you prep the fruit, just smash it up?
>Let it get old first?
My family owns a strawberry farm, so I have loads of all kinds of berries in the freezer. I chose the ones that were sliced and diced before freezing. Then boiled 10 L of water beforehand and poured it into the bucket, added the sugar, then add the rest of the boiling water and lower the cloth bag in the water. This way it was easy to measure how much wine I want, and the hot water really forces the juices and flavors out of the berries.
The cloth bag is very easy because it's machine washable, re-usable, and liquids flow straight through it. No need to fish out the gross after-fermented blobs out of the bucket either, just lift the bag out and that's it.

the definition of vegan is that no animals should die for me. yeast is not an animal.

No animal should labor for me, actually. That's why they don't eat cheese and such. Correct on the other part, though.

[spoiler]Part of me thinks I should go vegetarian, but I could never do vegan.[/spoiler]

This is how you die.

I think I got a hummingbird drunk accidentally by doing this.

Why does the type of organism matter? Plants can feel pain, are at least as intelligent as fish, but it's fine to eat them?

that part of you is wrong

So I distill as a hobby and have homebrewed beer extensively.

Basically, sugar yeast and water makes alcohol. For beer, use barley for the sugar. You're not going to get much above 13-15% alcohol using bread yeast. Even champagne yeast tops out at 17% or something like that.

If you want higher alcohol concentrations, you need to distill the product. Stills are very easy to make and it is insane how little money it costs to make delicious rum or whiskey.

People are vegetarians for different reasons. The pain inflicted is only part of it. And remember, if you're eating meat, that meat had to eat plants to live long enough to get to you, so you're inflicting twice as much suffering compared to just eating the plant directly even if you consider it to be black and white like that. Plenty of the vegetarians I know do it for conservation reasons instead of simply to cut down on animal suffering, for instance.

no. you need yeast
here's an easy mead
>15lbs honey
>5 gallons filtered water
>champagne yeast
>8 to 10lbs mixed berries. i used blackberries, strawberries, and raspberries
>ferment at 65ยบ for about 3 weeks or until fart valve is inactive
>x'fer to secondary fermenter and leave it for another 3 weeks for clarity
>bottle or keg
>let it age for at least 6 months
pic related 14%abv

You'll live but that's how you get godawful hangovers.
t. used to do the same thing except with store brand sprite

I homebrew but I'm interested in trying some mead recipes
do you have a proper recipe for that one? it looks interesting


they have chemical responses similar to animals, in response to trauma. they however cannot in any way feel pain as we define it, as they lack a central nervous system. quit spreading this stupid misinformation

just follow what's in the post and since you're a homebrewfag, you know all about sanitization. you'll do fine

>as intelligent as fish


Why would that result in death? Its not the best homebrew setup but if everything is clean..

oh, ok I guess
I'm just used to measuring gravities and temps that's all

ah. there's nothing to mash or boil. you'll measure your OG before fermenting. then your FG after fermenting...that's how i knew it was 14%abv

>making mead
>not degassing

If there's yeast in it and something else it can use as nutrient, pretty damn sure it will work. Very ripe fruit will start to ferment on its own as well.

>they however cannot in any way feel pain as we define it
What the hell does that even mean? So they feel it the way plants define it. It's still pain to them. It's not impossible just because we can't yet understand it.

sentient life you retard


No, that stresses the yeast and makes it nasty.

moldy food goes bad not just because of bacteria, but because of whatever toxins those bacteria poop out.

Technically yes, just make sure everything isn't sterile beforehand.

Wild Yeast is common, that is why when making alcohol with yeast, you sterilize everything, to prevent any wild yeast from working it's funk.

But you should be able to make alcohol without yeast, depending on where you live. It's a retarded way to make alcohol, because yeast is pretty cheap, but yes, you can make alcohol by adding sugar to water and leaving it in the sun.

>what is wild yeast

>bacteria are fungus

so how do criminals imprisoned in jail for crimes make booze? where do they catch the yeasts?

I prefer adding my fruit, spices, and aromatics at the second fermentation. Gives it a stronger color and more robust flavor.

Im gonna be doing a 5 gallon pretty soon with a basic 15 lb clover honey base, and then splitting it into 5 1 gallon glass carboys to try experimenting with different flavors and backsweetening

Also, if you want to break the cellulose in your berries and fruit to get the flavors more accessible, freeze and thaw them several times.

Wild yeast and pray to God they don't die.

>or conservation reasons
They should do us a favor an neck themselves

Learn how to make Finnish Kilju, which is simple and inexpensive. Finns make it because they are the second most heavily taxed nation for alcohol in the world, and also have one of the highest rates of alcoholism.
Here is a guide to kilju. All you need is yeast, water, a container, sugar, and a lemon.

Bread and ketchup packets

Cheeky fucker canteen workers were selling it to other prisoners with their lunch. Prison officers are fucking useless

They don't have a nervous system or any sort of conscious awareness as far as we can tell. It's like saying a robot can feel pain if it's programmed to avoid sources of heat.

How can homebrew give you a worse hangover than say 40% spirit from a store? Like what's teh chemical difference

https:// en Kilju is basically what you'll be making

Go here if you need help making decent booze. Please.

>most heavily taxed nation for alcohol

Austria has 12EUR/l of pure Alcohol.
6,48EUR/l for Home brewers (first 100l)
10,48EUR/l for Home brewers (subsequent 100l up to a boundary)
(Home brewed stuff cannot be sold commercially or be brought outside Austria if you have payed less than 12EUR/l.)

So 70cl (typical bottle size) at 37.5%vol (26,25cl pure Alcohol) has a sprits tax of 3.15 EUR excluding sales tax. Including 20% sales tax: 3.78 EUR.

Methanol and other stuff.

That's mostly horseshit. Unless you use a lot of fruit pectin you won't get much methanol at all. Foreshots are around 100ml per gallon if you're using a stripping still.

Barely any methanol in kilju. Most methanol comes from fermenting fruit/fruit juice.

You want to make a pure sugar wash for cheap to distill into vodka, use this..

$ per litre of alcohol

My grandma does this with sour cherries from her tree

>put cherries and lots of sugar in the jar
>leave in hot July sun for a month or two

It's a low alcohol content but good for desserts. You don't need yeast, just don't sterilize everything because wild yeast if everywhere. The reason we don't get sick is because UV light kills bacteria.

Made this. It turns out like sprite mixed with vodka with a yeasty hint.

Turns out the minimum rate for pure alcohol is 5.50EUR/l in the EU.

Finnland (before upcoming tax hike):
45.55 EUR/l of pure Alcohol (and 24% VAT on top)

So 70cl (typical bottle size) at 37.5%vol (26,25cl pure Alcohol) has a sprits tax of ~11,96 EUR excluding sales tax. Including 24% sales tax: ~14,83 EUR.

Thats ~392,24% of the Austrian spirits tax (including sales tax).
So nearly +200%.

Finnland has or will have more than that.

is right

I've gotten food poisoning twice in my life, once after a trip to mexico and once after trying to homebrew some mead. I thought I cleaned everything perfectly. I drank 3 bottles, was fine. Then a few days after I drank an unrefrigerated (but airtight sealed, still) bottle, and projectile vomited all night.

I now have emetophobia

just started two gallons today, lads. One gallon is just regular mead with pomegranate and the second is a recipe I just call "super".