WEBM Thread


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what now

>The chad jack jr vs the virgin jack


I know its irrational, but I feel like his hand-tattoos are making the food dirty.

I go to Culinary School and Disney came to the school a few months ago for job interviews. They gave a presentation before the interview on what it will be like to work there, the rules, living conditions, etc. One thing that will prevent you from getting a job at Disney culinary is having tattoos below the wrist. You can have tattoos on your arms but they have to be covered up by a long sleeve shirt at all times.

Honestly, that's most jobs, I think. Past the wrist or above the neck will fuck you.

Exactly what I thought


Even his own kitchen is trying to kill him now.

Who the fuck wants to work at a disney restaraunt lol

Culinary school is so stupid

Should have taken your tuition and went to france and done a few stages then came back and worked from bottom up in a decent kitchen

I learned way more in 6 months at a good kitchen than the 2nd year students who came in to work with us

She hongey

>When you get out of women's prison.web,


She is like little baby.

>has a girl on his shirt

lol fag

Envision that peristalsis.



Nigga just buy some gloves

LMFAO the way he disappears.


>tfw so scared you drink an invisibility potion


this is a very good post


just watched this one, I just realized jack doesn't clean these things before he uses them



I don't get it.
I chop up spicy ass peppers all the time and have unhealed cuts on a couple fingers because I have a nervous tick. I never have this problem. The odd time juice gets into cuts the pain is "Hey, this is a very mild inconvenience I can quickly ignore" unlike fucking red onions where I can end up crying like the time my dog died.


My fucking sides, jesus. You can practically hear the [YOU DIED] sound effect.



Bell peppers don't count as "spicy ass peppers."


spray cheese would be such an amazing product if they could make it taste good

those strombolis are good as fuck





can somebody please find me the video where he makes a non newtonian fluid

hes a disgusting eater but a burger dipped in a shake is legit the best fucking thing

No fuck off, this is a beast thread.

Grill on left is top shelf wife material


us gamers amirite?? XDD. Game reference!!! zing!!!!!111!

wtf take the sticker off first you fat piece of shit


no you fuck off, this is a Jack thread and damn it i will maintain that

the video recorder needs to be hanged

My sister is a chef (a healthy fit one at that) and told me she was pressured into trying this at a fair and that it was actually amazing.

ok gonna need a name.



Katie Thornton.

>blog blog blog stupid shit that doesn't matter blog blog more boring personal shit nobody cares about
>a person liked it


Did something crawl up your ass this morning?


yeah I, who am a money manager (a healthy fit one at that) was pressured into letting something crawl up my ass at a fair and it was actually amazing.

No, not really

what video is that? and he always uses sliced ham never actually just has ham

>he isn't aware


Someone make this happen!!

So bacon and egg hash with the bacon replaced by ham and added tomato sauce?




>respect muh flag
>eat it
>turn it into napkins
>turn it into clothes

I'm getting a lot of gay vibes from this. In fact I don't think it would be out of place in a gay porno movie.

The thing I always loved about The Office is that they always got PA brand stuff.

They could have easily done Wavy Lays or Ridgy Brand Ridge Chips but the fact they went out and bought Herr's chips makes the show feel more real.



not sure if handicapped or just clowning for the customers


Either that guy just picked his nose, do did a bump. I hope it was the latter.

average cheat day

if an Italian guy somehow found and killed this person, and I were put on the jury at his trial, I would find him not guilty

He's probably high on meth




I thought it was doing a little dance with the top bun.


He starts off looking scared, and you can see the fear in his eyes only grow as he chugs.

I can only assume he lost a bet and had to do this.


These bots are getting cleverer, this time the video didn't have the same filename, so it must be parsing the context. Very impressive.

Unless of course it's the same dim witted retard making the same comment every time, in which case it's very very sad indeed.


all those happenings on the fridge

>leaves the sticker on
>fails to cut it anyway
I hope this guy dies immediately

The fuck?

I love this one
Obviously a joke but his parents' faces are great