What are your favorite chips/crisps?
What are your favorite chips/crisps?
kettle brand
I really like those as well, especially the Hawaiian Barbeque.
no thanks i'm just browsing
the mango habanero ones with the Hawaiian girl on them, I forget the name but they're amazing, either those or takis/hot Cheetos (black bag or lime)
For me it is Miss Vickie's Sea Salt and Vinegar, the best potato chip.
I love these. Although I'm also partial to Ruffles all dressed.
I like Miss Vickie's because they've got a good crunch I am not exactly a potato chip connoisseur though I honestly only buy like two bags per year
Takis and Fritos
Potato chips are an abomination. Corn is the obvious winner, here.
yes, Fucking amazing chips, they're a pretty decent drinking snack as well, I love em with beer
Regular-ass kettle chips for me. Not a big fan of all the other flavors save bbq.
>Not posting Mike Sells
Crab chips
no salt kettle cooked
i was disappointed by that flavour actually
was expecting more sweetness and ginger
What are the best cheese puffs?
fite me
where to cop
Search google maps for "indian/arab market" otherwise order by post.
The way they coat their chips in the seasoning is great. Grippos are the best thing about Cincinnati, glad I don't have to live there.
what the fuck Veeky Forums
Indian snacks are great. Big fan of the Bombay mix
Holy shit, never seen those before. Do want.
Probably the greatest thing to hit the north since poutine. Slap some on a turkey BLT and welcome to heaven.
Aw, are they only in Canuckistan?
no, they sell them everywhere in pennsylvania, delaware, maryland and jersey. probably can find them other places, or online
the best utz along with onion & garlic
maryland resident here. entry level chip.
Tortilla chips are the best chips, because they make nachos. Canadians can fuck right off with poutine, nachos are clearly the best form of chips or crisps or whatever.
Hopefully in Ohio too. We've got loads of other Utz stuff here but I've never seen those. Will have to look. If not, I am definitely buying some online.
these have been my go to lately
I've been buying two bags weekly for the past two months. They're just crack to me. Try them if you can find them in your grocery store.
The only correct choice
original and black pepper are the best kettle chips
This user is correct. Saw these at a gas station last week.
t. NJfag
>not exclusively eating local or regional brands.
Bugles, but I buy whatever is cheapest because chips are ass junk food anyway.
am canadian and agree
poutine is garbage
nachos all the way
higher quality chips actually do often taste better than shit tier chips
I'm just not a chip connoisseur. The money goes towards other stuff.
reasonable and respectable
Best snack right here
pls /v/
Living in Taiwan, and these are the best chips I've ever had
Anything marked as "kettle-cooked."
Honestly, I think it's the texture that I like more than the flavors. I remember trying it plain and I fucking loved it.
>lime flavor on non-tortilla chips
I'd be willing to try it once. I only saw the roast chicken flavor when I was in Taiwan.
Poutine isn't chips, unless you're going by the British definition of chips.
these are fucking delicious my god
That giant potato looks like he's gonna rape Mrs. Fisher there.
yesssssssss cunts
you poofmericans would be unable to handle how powerful the taste of these are
Tortilla chips are shit. Doritos or nothing.
Idk if they're the same in the US, but here the chip itself is pretty sweet and it goes really well with the (overly) salty topping.
yo kettle brand is probably the best chip
Again, I seem to like any chip made with same/similar techniques. I even like Miss Vickie's.
it's some kind of mind-altering drug I'm sure. Shit's incredible. Kettle-style is the actual best thing. Try out Kettle's pepper chips. They're fucking 11/10
these are good, so is Backdoor Barbeque flavor
There is no greater brand
Literally the GOAT
Lettuces, arugula, napa, plain air popped corn :-)
these are actually the most flavouromse crips ive ever had
>cheese and onion lays
>salt lays
>cool american doritos
they're all pretty nice
Spicy chips >>> not spicy chips
>that bag
Salt and vinegar. Reminds me of my ex girlfriend.
based canuck snack
There's a brand called husmans that used to have the strongest salt and vinegar flavor I've ever tasted. You'd basically have to have some milk laying nearby
I dare anyone to name a spicier chip
Protip:whoever does it will get their dick sucked by me and my mother
Ausfag detected
Prawn cocktail is the best Walker's flavour, if they did Sensation style prawn cocktail I'd buy a crate.
Good man.
Tie between middlesworth bbq and herr's bbq
Forgot picture like a mong.
Chio chips.
bought some lays paprika chips for 0,55€ bretty gud.
herr's crab kicks the absolute shit out of these
Alternatively, you can swish a tablespoon of vegetable oil in your mouth.
Tastes about the same.
Shame on you Veeky Forums
Cape Cod chips are alright. Maybe a tad on the salty side. Remember when Krunchers weren't shit?
how often would you anons eat a bag of these? asking mostly cause over the past ~6 months I have developed an almost heroin-tier addiction to certain brands to the point where I will stop in somewhere just to get a large bag and mindlessly devour them all there and then in my car on an almost daily basis. Have therefore decided to kick them altogether
I'm not fat and almost never eat fast food but have always liked crisps/chips but never really ate them to the propelled levels that I did until about 2 weeks ago. not even sure how or why it happened
Sun chip garden salsa, salt and pepper Boulder chips
fuckin ell could go for a bag right now lads
These are great. Spiciest chip you can find in normie stores.
Scottish fag here. Where can I buy these? Can anyone post me a bag of these, I'll pay via PayPal and throw I'm a few bucks?
where are you guys getting all these wacky chips
the weirdest things I see are like health chips and regional stuff like zapp's and whatnot
I bet these are good as fuck