Never used it before, can you make a case for using it?
Can you describe when it would be good to add?
Never used it before, can you make a case for using it?
Can you describe when it would be good to add?
>hates basil
Pretty sure that’s actually a crime in Italy. Don’t go there unless you want to see what the inside of an Italian prison looks like. Or the underside of an Italian police officer’s boot.
Don't Italians have like a 50% illiteracy rate? Couldn't you just fool your way out of any crime?
What are you just going to pretend to like basil to trick them?
how's it feel to have shit-tier taste, user?
I don't do any spanish cooking and not very much of southern french cooking.
if I ever get any land. I'll plant some and in a few years I'll have a yard full of saffron. though it takes 50 flowers to make 1 teaspoon of spice.
Butthurt turdskin detected.
Grow up, kid.
Having had 2 kilos of the stuff in my hands, I can say the material isn't all that special
it's high cost isn't related to it's quality. it cost a lot because it's rare. it's just another ingredient. kind of over rated.