Just came into possession of one of these carbon steel pans. How do I maintain and treat it, fellow cu/ck/s?

Just came into possession of one of these carbon steel pans. How do I maintain and treat it, fellow cu/ck/s?

>le industrial chic
Pointless meme pan for people who think that garbon pans are chosen for reasons other than cheapness. And now they've doubled in price because people don't understand how to cook. Basically, the Victorinox Fibrox of pans.

Eventually you'll learn, and buy a real pan for adults

It was free.

you'll have to season it first or cooking anything with it will be an eternal nightmare

look it up on jewtube

nice and hot

Get anodized aluminum, OP. Great results and none of the tears that go with traditional cookware.

season it by pouring in a lot of oil, potato peels and a tablespoon or two of salt and then frying everything until the peels are burnt black. Other than that it doesnt require a lot of care, just make sure retarded family members, friends or roommates dont put it in the dishwasher, or leave it in the sink to "soak".

What the fuck? What part of this makes you think wasting food is necessary? There are a few different ways to season a pan but none of them involve leaving food in it until it burns. Whether or not he should even season it depends on what he plans to do with it anyway

youre an idiot, that anons method is absolutely the best way to season a pan. this is a cooking board not a charity board, no one cares about wasting 50 cents of potato peels.

I said potato PEELS, not potatoes. Peels, as in the dirty, insect-gnawed and bruised and scraped skins of the potatoes that need to be removed anyway.

Shut the fuck up you retard

season it and then its practically indestructable as long as you aren't a woman

this fuck that guy man

here's your (You)

So not stainless? Fuck, that'd be a pain of a pan.


its a fucking pan, you cook shit with it and then you wash it

You can't get a nonstick like seasoning on a stainless pan.

Wew someone hit a raw nerve with this one

>Idaho spuds made from dead animals
>Frozen pizza made 100% out of starch

i meant to post that on an /x/ conspiracy general, my bad

Season it. Get about two spoonfuls of high temp oil (avocado, grapeseed) and heat it in the pan on medium-high and swish it around until it starts smoking. Take a bit or rag or paper towel and using a pair of tongs use it to oil the inside of the entire pan with oil, rub it all over the inside surface gathering hot oil from the middle, once covered, discard oil and rub dry. It's seasoned.

Rub with a cloth and warm water to clean. Use table salt as an abrasive to rub pieces of food off but it's best you just lift them off using heat and water.

Enjoy the pan, the more you use it the better it'll perform.

One more thing...that thing may be covered in wax from the factory to protect it from oxidation, which must be removed before seasoning. Check if it is, and if so gently remove with hot water.

Christ, /x/ sounds worse than any board I've been to. Thx for the warning.