>soft boiled eggs
more like enjoy your salmonella
>soft boiled eggs
more like enjoy your salmonella
Those marinated ones they put in the ramen are so good
Only 3 year olds and 93 year olds are scared of salmonella
that looks incredibly disgusting
are you a non-white 3rd worlder perhaps?
Suck my fucking cock
calm down pajeet
Kiss my balls
Show bobs!
>Being scared of salmonella
How does it feel living in a bacteria-infested 3rd world?
Salmonella is in the outside of the eggshell. That means that there is Zero chance to get it from a boiled egg. A raw egg however, comes into contact with the outside shell when you break it, hence the chance for salmonella.
Does anyone poach eggs on the regular? It's like 50/50 they turn out great or a gooey mess even though I'm doing the same thing. Do you throw them in just below boiling point?
it all depends how long they are in the water, do it one by one until you get the timing right
also larger eggs take more time than smaller ones
i like soft boiled eggs sometimes never gotten sick from them
Man you are dumb. Stop posting.
why are americans so cartoonishly germophobe
lovely, thanks you gop
Couldn't salmonella thus be prevented by just rinsing your eggs prior to breaking the shells open?
I'm not worried about salmonella, I just don't like the texture of soft boiled eggs. Something in the back of my mind says "you're swallowing snot" and my body refuses to let it go down. The same thing happens with certain preparations of eggplant and I think it's because I went to school with a bunch of nasty booger eating poorfags and watched people gobble snot well into middle school. Never understood why people did that shit.
Also the temp of your eggs when you toss them in
This is actually a pretty good way to get salmonella. People touch toads and then their eyes and get sick.
They're boiled.
i also have this question...
from a biological standpoint the flavor/texture of your boogers gives you a status of your health.
Thick yellow/salty boogers is a sign of bacterial infection somewhere and means you should rest and be aware.
I love my eggs with the center off the yolks still a bit runny. I hav been eating them like that all my life (40+years) hand I have never gotten sick.
user, those DO look good. Are you a filthy pleb?
Chickens are filthy animals that wallow in their own shit. Chicken is the easy answer to trying foreign food. Chickens will murder each other for the amusement of human beings. There is one motive force behind a chicken, and that's it's own ego, it's own place the pecking order. They're little biological constructs and salmonella-factories, that we use to sustain our own existence, and occasionally watch fight, and eat when we don't know what else to eat.
The mind of a male chicken doesn't go much farther then fucking all the female chickens and eating first. The mind of a female chicken doesn't go any farther than popping out eggs.
OK but do you need to eat them to figure that out?
You could try asking someone
I just did.
yeah, water is a very potent solvent and kills all germs
I meant to taste.
naw, but it's inherent to our monkey ancestry
It's subconscious to most folks to just partake in the act
You're okay with tainted food long as it's been cooked harmless, you fucking pig?
Kek almost made me tempted to go back to being carnivore
yes but how is that different from humans
To taste some boogers? Who's going to do this for me user?
>It's subconscious to most folks to just partake in the act
Am I abnormal for thinking boogers are nasty? It's not like I never picked my nose but after pulling up some gold I usually just flicked it towards people I didn't like.
>after pulling up some gold I usually just flicked it towards people I didn't like.
just like a monkey, I bet you do it with your own shit as well
>Who's going to do this for me user?
If I knew I'd tell you specifically who to ask. I just suggested you ask around. You might have better results by making a craigslist post.
I feel like I should just ask /b/ if anyone.
Stay triggered booger eater.
>Who's going to do this for me user?
Are you a hot girl? L O N D O N?
I can help you out ;^)
I would be shocked if you couldn't find someone on CL to meet you in a McDonald's parking lot and eat a few of your boogers. They might even pay you for the opportunity. Find an answer to how your boogers taste, make a new friend, maybe even get a free McChicken.
>2 of 3 store fronts in captcha were McDonald's
I must admit the draw of a top tier sandwich is powerful.
For me, it's the booger, the best of user's mucus.
salmonella most typically comes from the shell
>top tier
>Not knowing that the McChicken is objectively the best fast food sandwich
No, because water dosn't kill bacteria.
Killing Salmonella requires 60oC water for 1-10 minutes, and at 70oC, that's reduced to less than one minute.
So the easiest and safest method is to simply boil it.
That's if the eggs were contaminated with salmonella in the first place. They are sprayed with ethanol before leaving the factory and going into your orifice.
Salmonella is a meme imo
Literally are a whole package of raw cookie dough I got out of a dumpster over the course of a week, no gut troubles whatsoever. I do eat a lot of fermented/probiotic foods as well though so maybe that makes a difference.
To be fair, it was like 30°f that night so the cookie dough probably stayed at or below freezer temps the whole time
Yes, that is if the eggs were contaminated in the first place, what else? I'm simply stating the simplest method of staying safe.
an clean egg is naturally safe from germs. salmonella only get in the shit stains. Or more likely on your dirty hands.
>an clean egg is naturally safe from germs.
>an egg without any gems on it is gem free
we gotta fuckin einstein over here
Eradicated in “poor” Western Europe. Where are you, India or Africa?
salmonella doesn't magically manifest in anything with raw egg in it or spontaneously appear when it's left out; it has to have first been contaminated. congratulations you ate an uncontaminated pack of raw cookie dough??
tfw live in a 1st world country
If you're vegan, you don't have to worry about this
This. Fuck now I need to go to a Ramen restaurant
Clearly hes american.
In EU you can eat raw eggs and 60c chicken with zero worries.
No, egg shells are porous and the water could potentially push the bacteria inside the shell.
>living somewhere hens aren't routinely vaccinated
It grows inside the egg too.
Kek at all the fucking idiots itt have you never eaten tiramisù? Yes? Then go choke on a dick
Problem is when you use eggs for a raw preparation and let it sit for days in an unproper storaging
Nothing else, fucking amerimutts needs to stop being egg cucks
>bitch lasagna
This is the Autism or Attention Seekers Bible on Veeky Forums.
Claim shit is undercooked and attract attention you can't possible attract in real life.
This is the desperate need of the fundamental loser in life. Fall for it if you want to.
You're ugly, dumb, scared of people, can't cope in the real world.
Stop being an asshole online for your person fulfillment of making sure other people think you exist.
Why are Americans so stupid?
you're not as smart as you think either
it's a bait thread, brainlet
stop saying 'brainlet', you sound like a dumb young cunt. Why do you people create childish words? You sound like I should be tucking you in.
damn boi, why so salty
Sorry, but you sound normal to your peer group, but you sound like an adolescent or child to everyone else.
why u mad tho?
cry more lol
read that back to yourself.
I know you were being an idiot for fun. Good work on the sarcasm.
you're so assblasted you keep inventing a new angle every post to save face, but each time it comes off as butthurt
give up
lol. look at you. keep going, someone will buy it.
Salmonella can be prevented by not eating so many damn eggs.
One or two raw eggs straight out of the fridge isn't going to do shit to you, much less a soft boiled egg with over half of everything in there cooked to death.
You're falling for a troll that wants you to talk about a non statistic, statistic. Stop talking to human fecal golems. They need you to pay attention to them or they don't exist.
So I guess Child Tard has given up on this thread?
I honest to god love watching gibbles fail at even trolling. This night was a gift. They probably recede and consider suicide because they can't even effect the internet.
how many you eat has nothing to do with it. what matters is whether or not the egg you eat has salmonella.
Are you retarded? How many eggs you eat has everything to do with the probability that your egg has salmonella on it, and enough to get you sick
now that's what I call impotent rage
what a nasty person btw
>Veeky Forums - Food & Cooking
What is called a gay egg?..