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I'll take a Coke and a number 1 please

I prefer the reciprocating action of the Kalashnikov but honestly wouldn't go out of my way to make sure it had priority over other arms.

I mean ar's are fine too but the real winner here is any 7.62nato rifle.


the nazi version had a different gauge

... I'm sorry? I don't understand.

Why is there a penis inferiority complex popgun thread on Veeky Forums?

But I'm a big dicked gay dude?

Is there a comfier feeling than ordering a Coke and a number 1, no matter the restaurant?

>the nazi version had a different gauge
What did he mean by this.

I guess the one on the right is carbonated, that's all that seems to be suggested

the original nazi mg42 was no 762 mm, only the nato mg3 is 762

The original mg42 was in 7.92x57mm(aka 8mm mauser) if that's what you meant. The picture here is in 8mm mauser.

I still do not know what you meant. Also calling an inanimate object a nazi gun is a sure way to get people to completely disregard your opinion.

check again

half shower half bowl

>being this defensive
Being into militaria is perfectly innocent, having a strong interest in WW2 german weaponry might make people wonder but you're probably still in the clear.

Getting butthurt because someone said a nazi gun is a nazi gun on an okinawan bukkake forum is a step further, and simply confirms you're a creepy, nazi-loving, holocaust-denying weirdo.

? A rifle made long after the nazis(1959) is no shit not going to be chambered in 8mm... The original design was in 7.62x51nato.

This is basic knowledge to some people, obviously not yourself. I'm not butthurt, im not correcting your miniature rice carvings. Not only am I not a nazi but I'm also not spouting any kind of rhetoric.

Here's a japanese rifle if you want?

Sorry, you're confused. That was my first post in the thread, and, yes, you're a nazi, mr. defensive.

You remind me of those pedos who go "ayktyually, the age of consent in {random backwards country} is eleven, so technically I'm not a pedo"

This is the weakest bait.

>one guy
>says he likes nato 7.62

>another guy agrees
>but posts the original nazi 7.92 version instead of the nato 7.62 successor

a gun that was invented in nazi germany, by nazi gunsmiths, manufactured in nazi companies, used by nazi soldiers, is a nazi gun, sorry. as opposed to its later nato version. all your damage control won't help you here.

But the h&k g3 was never in 7.92? It was in 7.62x33, 7.92x40 and 7.65x35french.

If you're talking about the mg3 then what the hell are you talking about nazis for?
The bait is so blatant you look mentally disabled.

because the OP was a repetitive and retarded attempt of trolling, and that's what happens to those

don't you know that the mg3 is more or less the mg42, but with less cadence and with 762 standard nato ammo?

... Yes but its standardization came from it being such a good gmpg, not because 'its a bad nazi gun'. It's a good design that was later retrofitted to use 7.62x51nato years after the nazi regime fell.
You're trying to explain how 2 + 2 = 4 to someone doing 103 calculus..

Don't forget where you /k/unts are. >pic related

you agreed to a 762 post with a non-762
you'd better take logical thinking 101

But we're not even talking about russian/soviet arms? Now we are.


The joke was that there was no food

>The Virgin Water
>The Chad WATER

If you're refering to the post targeting a g3 which is chambered in 7.62x51nato while you meant to talk about the mg42 posted which was chambered in 7.92x57mm, then yes we had better get to the bottom of this.
>you talk about the wrong thing
>i, giving you the benefit of the doubt assume you didn't incorrectly link a reference to this post here .

You were talking about the mg42(in 8mm mauser) while linking posts and acting like the h&k g3 was chambered in 8mm.
>you'd better take logical thinking 101

also I would like you to think about that I did not use the word "nazi gun" as in "bad nazis" or "bad nazi gun" or "a nazi gun is a bad gun" in "nazis are bad so nazi guns are bad so guns are bad"
that's stuff that is going on in your own head alone
i only used the term nazi to discriminate between to design versions, it was just an adjective to me no judging.

I dont understand.

I never talked about the g3, all the time I was talking about the mg3/mg42
do you even read the posts?

He's butthurt over being called a nazi all the time because of his nazi beliefs, it was just reflex that he went into damage control overdrive when someone called a gun unequivocally designed and manufactured by nazis for nazis a "nazi gun"

This board is for food. Relax your trigger finger buddy! If you want to talk knives, that's totally a food and cooking thing.

This is the only relevant post here. Post more of the glock guy's food guns, like the mallow one.

So you personally knew the designers of these arms to deter whether they were nazis or not?...
>nazi version by nazi gunsmiths in nazi countries by nazi soldiers
>nazi version had a different gauge
>nazi verson

>yeah we're talking about nazis and referring to an inanimate object having a political stance, but lmao its not meant to be a blanket term to trigger people

>unequivocally designed and manufactured by nazis for nazis a "nazi gun"
>hes just butthurt people keep calling him a nazi, so im just going to keep calling user a nazi
Source on that please.

It's almost like this thread sucks and is meant for shitposting.

the term nazi can also describe the historical period (items from the nazi era), or a certain lawful neutral/evil alignment (e.g. grammar nazi),
it's not only a political movement.

So it shouldn't exist

>just because we refer to a time by its political and nationalistic characteristics doesn't mean we're talking about it
Are you an actual retard.
Just like when you refer to 'fascist italy' you mean mussolini. How ignorant are you?

Source is your assblasted nazi damage control from someone using a historically correct word on the food and cooking board

yet here we are. Pic related. Change the subject and provide content if you want.

Well fuck I'm convinced.

>So you personally knew the designers of these arms to deter whether they were nazis or not?...
he looks like a real opportunistic Nazi to me, not only a simple Mitläufer or Schreibtischtäter


okay next time I talk about things from the nazi era, I'll say nazi era gun, instead of nazi gun, because it triggers certain people who wish to differentiate more openly instead of impliedly

>born 1904
>died 1995
Surely he was a nazi. That whole germany nazi regime that lasted 10 years while he lived in austria SURELY makes him a nazi. But anyway.
Vollmer was the actual original designer of the gpmg identified as 34 and then later improvements made in the early 40s to account for manufacturing costs by Grunner SURELY MEAN they're nazis.

I'm not sure what I expect to be honest.

No, that's a soda machine. Wells are dug into the ground.

he joint nsdap in march '33
he was a professor in braunschweig
that is a full nazi
he even got denazified after the war

>show example of an 'anti fascist' group that has gone full on genocidal against their countrymen
>'lmao ur a nazi'

Its almost like nazis were only bad until they started to do bad things. Really makes you think.
I'm not defending nazis; just saying. We have pro communist people in the US now making such a show, what makes them any different than the start of socialist control.

I'm obviously drastically outnumbered, i do have a bean catalog though.

>54 posts
>14 posters
You'd be surprised actually.

Gruner, in Austria? Sure thing user. Good bye.

>I don't know how manufacturing works
>meanwhile american springfield pistols are being made in croatia
really makes you think

People consider the nazis abhorrent because they were at the core a nationalist, ethnocentrist movement that targeted and killed people for their genes. Despite the name "national socialist" there is very little socialist about them, other than the generally populist nature of their ideology. American Nazi groups were closely tied with German immigrant organizations and attempted to create alliances with other supposedly "pure aryan" groups in opposition to blacks and Jews and other "subhumans"

Communism, for all its faults, was conceived as a transnational universal ideology. Moreover, the fear of the communist boogyman is often associated with fears of a global Jewish conspiracy - in essence, the very boogyman that the nazis were obsessed with.

Your attempt at equating the two fails.

Well, assuming only half of the people are still looking at the thread that could still be a solid 2v5. I'm also outgunned, obviosly. Logistically I've got a slight advantage.

What the fu/ck/ ?

I guess if being a part of a discussion that doesn't support your side is all it takes to discourage you then that's what it is. Sorry.