emptying your brain into a green bottle edition
New al/ck/
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Enjoy your piss water.
Im so far down the road of alcoholism that three days of 18 or less beers gave me some withdrawals recently. im only just now out of the woods from that.
I cant imagine what it would have been like if i were a liquor guy.
If your whole brain fits in one single beer bottle it had too little volume to begin with, just keep drinking.
In unrelated news, did any anons try this? I had it the other day at room temp and shit was cash. Highly recommend.
Hurt my back really bad.
When I was really shitfaced yesterday I lifted my ATV up by myself to get it sideways on my trailer so my dad's would fit as well and this morning I woke up and It hurts to breathe in and my back hurts so bad I can barely sit up put if bed.
Solid 8/10 pain. Worst then when I fell off the roof last year.
Im laying in bed drinking vodka for pain and laying on a heated blanket. Nearest hospital is 200+miles away and I don't have health insurance
Wew lads that hurts
Sounds like you need an anti-inflammatory like aspirin or ibuprofen as well. Tearing muscle and other tissue is what you did and those meds are good for it.
I wish I had the energy and sobriety to drive to the store and do that, But I don't drive cars drunk and honestly not even sure now putting on clothes (especially a shirt) wouldn't bring me to tears with pain.
Looks like I'm going to have to tough it out for a few days, Thank God I bought plenty of liquor Thursday.
you could always try to get a doctor to get a house call, cause this shit can last WEEKS depending on how bad the inflammation is.
Really? Fuck!!
I don't make much money and live in a flyover 200miles from the nearest place considered a "town" that has a hospital. I could never afford a house call doctor....
Guess I better get used to this for awhile
Damn, dude. You really should see a doctor. Messing around with your back shouldn't be taken lightly, otherwise you can easily get chronic back pains. Is there any way to get to a doctor (well you should probably also get a CT/MRI) that doesn't cost you an arm and a leg (or in this case your fucking back)?
Anyway, Skol!
If I had gone back in time and told young me how much back pain actually hurts I never would have believed it. I have to lift stuff for work and I've tweaked my back a few times and the pain afterwards is indescribably painful, makes you wish you were dead
Don't forget to take your B vitamins kneegrows. Benfotiamine, B100 complex, and Methyl B12.
So, is this the absinthe thread then? Because I'm more of a bourbon whiskey guy...
Yeah I just recovered from weeks of back pain combined with carpal tunnels otherwise known as wank cramp. If you really can't see a doctor and shit and it doesn't improve you should at least try and eat some supplements as mentioned, also magnesium.
stop going around my filters you dumbfucks.
put your shitty general title in the body of your post or take this garbage to /trash/ where it belongs, you fucking autists. you have 3 of these dumpster fires up already.
Actually, you'll only need the doc to write you a prescription, so if you have some junkie friends that might be a cheaper alternative
Last one reached the bump limit after we told you to fuck off ;^)
I can't afford that. I'm just going to have to tough it out
No shit.
I've never had this bad of pain before in my life. I literally fell 2 stories off my roof onto a concrete pad last year and it didn't even come close to hurting this bad.
>I can't afford that. I'm just going to have to tough it out
Really sorry for you. You probably have a disc herniation and could get one simple shot in your back, which would make the pain go away. Think about it, try to get onto your parents insurance plan or whatever.
taper day turned into drunk night
why do i do this
who back2back tapers here
Could be a pinched nerve or something. Be careful, bro.
My parents pay enough for their own medical insurance, Thanks to Obummer.
You know I would have to get a whole second job just to pay for medical insurance?
Also I can't get on my parents insurance, They stop allowing that at 25. I'm 31
God bless the United States of America
because you dont want it back enough. once you taste the terror of serious withdrawals... then youll take it more seriously.
feels bad bro, gonna buy some beer soon. I woke up at 5pm having slept for 12 hours and surprisingly I'm not withdrawing (yet)
ive been to detox im scared as shit of withdrawals, that's why i dont stop
yup me too
Im not the smartest man, but after about 15 years of 10 beers and vodka night after night I started getting really bad pains. Bending a certain way would feel like needles on my left side. Somehow Ive managed to only drink 1 or 2 days a week. Weed kinda helps.
I would give half of whatever life I have left to have an alck gf to have a relationship with. I could even do without sex as long as she loved me
Had 2 drinks last night, woke up with cloudy yellow piss.
Im still waiting for tge results of my bloodwork from my pissing doctor.
Again, title goes in title. Learn to filter.
Also we're drunk and this is Veeky Forums, so deal with it. You could also just click [-] every other day, it's not that hard.
I get some wicked wds from like 45 beers a day
I only buy 6 packs now
that's impossible...45 a day is impossible
i am a hardcore alkie saying this
time for kimchi and a detox
I know an alcy that can down that many maybe once a week, but i agree - per day that has to be impossible
Try some meth to cure pain
mfw that "on my way to my dorm room with a perfect pizza" thread from 12/8 is still on the board and al/ck/ is needing new threads every 18 hours
I used to drink 30 in an 8 hour period every day for years. 45 in 24 hours isn't unheard of
I was having seizures and shit for four days after that. I counted empty cans and divided by the number of days since starting....about 45 6% beers per day, yeah
It was just after getting fired from the third great job in a row
dog damn, sounds rough
well fuck, good job boys...any good seizure stories?
>nearest hospital is 200+ miles away
Jesus Christ. I'd fucking be too wary to do a single thing.
>they stop allowing that at 25
Dude it hurts so much. My parents always wanted me on their plan in case anything should happen, and right when the actual shit went down I was a few years out of the window. I'm 28 and had to get a hip replacement.
I hear that hip replacements aren’t always totally cosy. I thought mainly 90yo’s needed them
sorry to hear that. i know how bad that place is to be. but you can always try the beer taper.
I had mine done by a great dude who really knew his shit. I was up and physically walking the day after the surgery. I just had to rehab it a bit, take some hydros and follow the physical precautions.
I feel totally normal today, it's like a miracle. I think about it every day of how thankful I am to have my new hip, the pain when the joint collapsed was easily the worst pain I'd ever felt in my life, beyond anything.
The thing is what I hear is that knee replacements are much more painful and take forever to renormalize, a huge window of recovery in comparison to a hip replacement.
I once had a seizure after donating blood. Wasn't fun.
shit in the blood donation area? did they haul you away to ER? or later on
nice name by the way
It was right after the 0,5 L had gone into the bag, I felt wuzzy, called the nurese, but it was to late. I felt like my head was stuck in a piston-driven propeller airplane. I woke up with massive throbbing in my head and they were pushing 2 L of fluid into me (and by pushing I mean they were squeezing the IV bag through the same port that I had donated blood with as fast as they could) after 4 L of fluid they told me to rest a bit and then released me. No ER, no nothing. The doc told me it was a very rare side effect of blood loss. I went home feeling pretty much fine, bought 3 bottles of wine and probably thanks to the fluid had 0 hangover the next morning.
I forgot to turn it off, was triggering someone on Veeky Forums
He'll probably end up on opiates some day. OD in the front seat of his car outside of a McDonald's.
Wait, so if I get too drunk, I can simply slit my throat, perform a blood transfusion, and avoid a hangover?
Yeah, but that guy that got that pizza probably posts here too..
That really isn't how it went off. I was sober when I donated, and it was in a medical facility without any throat-slitting, but I think if you pump yourself full of IV-fluids (not just NaCl, but with other salts and shit) you will get less of a hangover.
Alternatively, you can drink water while you drink alcohol to avoid dehydration, the main cause of hangover.
I can't determine the proper way to taper.
Reducing by 2 drinks/day makes sense if you drink a lot, but what about when you get to the point of 2-4 drinks/day
Should you go 4->2-> or 4->2->1->0.5 or 4->2->1->1->1->1
If you take a substance you've had every day in some amount for years away it could be bad.
One thing I never understood is how people consume alcohol with meals makes me sick just thinking about it. I like to drink on a settled stomach hours later
I went from 18 a day for a month to none
Don't be a pussy
Same here! Especially wine or beer. Just gross!
Below four or five beers a day just space it out as long as you can, basically. Maybe two beers all day the last day.
I prefer to drink on an empty stomach, get that buzz going and then start cooking some delicious drunken combination of ingredients
Drank 70cl of 40% and an unknown amount of vodka.
Threw up, but didn't have a hang over or anything.
Am I an alcoholic yet
Probably. Not a bad one yet until you get withdrawals.
Nobody said this was a pissing contest you annoying bitchass.
I need serious advice.
>been al/ck for almost seven years
>in the last two it’s escalated to averaging 1.75l of vodka per day
I posted last thread but I don’t feel like I’m having much luck. I get the shakes so bad after about 8 hours without that I can’t use my phone, and I sweat something crazy w/ the hot cold hot colds.
I want to taper, but drinking every time I feel shitty is what got me in this situation.
What’s the next logical step down/ how long will I need to taper before being rid of these symptoms?
Please don’t say benzos, I can’t go to a doctor because I don’t want to be blacklisted as an addict for my entire life.
I’m also noticing phantom organ pains.
I believe that I can do this, but I’m just wondering if anyone has had any true luck coming down from this level.
Get to the er dumb dumb
I haven't been here in a few months. Is smirnoff bro still alive? I started taking kratom and, despite managing a liquor store, don't have an appetite for any more than one or two beers most nights.
I kinda miss the masochistic comradery here, but I prefer missing waking up sweating and shaking every night more than I miss you faggots. (Yes, eating several tablespoons of powdered asian plants makes me more of a faggot, but I'm finally free of crushing withdrawal symptoms and the lingering shame that came with my drinking behavior.)
Should I spend $30 on a bottle of rum I really like or should I spend $60 on a video game that I will probably like?
Google HAMS beer taper. Drink a regular beer every hour on day one. They list the entire process. 1.75 L is basically a medicL emergency. Tapering should work, and theres always the hospital. Ive done both. Now is not the time to quit drinking. Taper for a few days then reassess. The point is to avoid shakes and sweats.
How long did it take you to get through a handle? And youre doing a handle a day?
You're in pretty bad shape. You could be looking at seizures and DTs. Start taking vitamin B complex and some milk thistle. Stay away from fatty foods. And your probably going to have to go to the hospital. You risk brain damage without proper treatment. Good luck.
Get both, you can drink away your disappointment when you hate the game, but you can always return the game, ypu cant return the regret of buying it. Besides, with that 60 bucks you can get 2 more bottles, ammirite?
No, I have patience and I do not want anything like this on my medical record.
Personally I can’t stand beer, but I will definitely look into that. Thank you, user.
It takes me one day to get through a handle, so yes.
Just buy some high strength cider/beer (I use 8%) try to reduce your intake as much as you can, and only drink if withdrawal becomes unbearable. If you’re not a little uncomfortable it’s not working, at least not quickly. A week or two of that gets me past the acute stuff.
Forget tapering, that doesn't work. Completely isolate yourself from access to alcohol, with doctors. Check into rehab. If you're dropping 1.75 of vodka every day and getting the shakes, you need to stop and get away. Or don't, it's your choice.
I’ll go out and get some of those. Really trying to avoid the hospital, but I’ll bear that in mind.
I can do cider but I hate the sugar content. That’s a good alternative to beer.
This seems like the opposite of advice considering I don’t want to have a seizure.
You can bypass the whole blacklist procedure if you're smart, go in there and claim acute social anxiety or some sort of anxiety disorder. Don't admit to drinking AT ALL. Not even one beer a week, lie, lie, lie. There's a substantial difference between being prescribed Xanax for anxiety or a traumatic situation and needing it to get through withdrawals and yes the latter will fuck up your insurance rates and put you on a "blacklist". Honestly though, unless you really need them to get sober I wouldn't mess with benzos, they're just as bad as alcohol in a lot of ways and in some ways even worse
Thanks for all the advice, anons. I’ll post an update later in the week if anyone cares.
drinking yuengling while watching old Christmas Simpsons episodes, also a small dose of valium. Comfy
>with doctors
Have you ever tried tapering down on cigarettes? Doesn't work. You need to be far away from it, with doctors to take care of you and get you back on your feet. You're not going to taper off, you need to get away from access to alcohol and learn how to live again.
Post results of your cmp, let us know if your liver is okay
I wish i could be this level of alcohol again. I miss those days.
Do any of you get drunk at your place of employment?
alcohol with valium is honestly just a god tier combo. great for zoning out in front of the television. nice to feel relaxed and have a moment without my mind and heart racing with anxiety.
Yeah od'ing is awesome
You can get benzo at your regular drug dealer or on the darknet, without being blacklisted as an addict for the rest of your life. Hopefully.
Also, see if there are anonymous and cheap/free places that can help you. And if your doc has to report you to whatever Agency. You're not the only one in this situation, there may be solutions.
Reddit sidebars can have helpful links.
Tapering to quit 1.75L of vodka daily is going to be very hard since you'll still need to drink quite a lot, enough to make you unable to control your taper.
I find it easier with pills, since I hate them enough to not just chew them like sweets and get addicted to them.
He's alive.
Good on you user. Take care not to get addicted to kratom. It's less addictive than booze of course, but still addictive. (Main problem would be falling back into boozing when the effects lower or when you quit.)
Online piracy and two bottles of rum.
>Personally I can’t stand beer
Good. It may help.
>Risk of death ~2% (treatment), 25% (no treatment)
Go drown a cat or kick a dog or something, your trolling is ineffective here.
It's also absurdly hard to quit once addicted, and very addictive.
>can't stand beer
surely it's preferable to death or brain damage?
Yeah, and an ethyl alcohol solution of 0.2g afghan tan w/2mg alprazolam IV'd together plus a side of bourbon and a few bong rips felt pretty damn nice most nights, but the nights I struggled to breath were not very fun. Just because something felt amazing doesn't mean it merits repeating, much less suggesting.
i was drinking almost all day everyday at work for the last 4-5 months before I decided to leave
wake up drink vodka until I can bear the thought of facing the world, take water bottle of vodka with me and down half before anyone else got to work then the other half during lunch
I like some drops of this on my food every now and then but I had a Bibimbap (?) at a korean place called angry chicken (which makes great chicken btw) and it fucked me up real good.
Second place would be entrecote marinated in chili oil which fucked me up and gave me instant diarrhea while we were eating at a friend's place in france
>tfw so wasted you post in the wrong thread
I'm so sorry guys ;_;
Glad to know that fucker is still kickin'. And yeah, I'm quite aware of the addictive nature of kratom (the relevant alkaloid groups have the very similar behavior as opiods). I ended up being an al/ck/ for a few years after I kicked fent/hydromorphone, which had gotten me out of heroin, which had gotten me out of meth (nodding out is a lot more fun than being gakked for days).
For the time being I don't mind being dependent on few 4-6g doses of kratom per day, I'm very aware that I'm dependent and temporarily cut my dosing once a month as a half-assed attempt to see what life might be like 100% sober. Regardless, it's giving me a life I actually kinda want to live, which is a shitload more than I can say about 750ml-1L per day drinking.
Hey, capsaicin faggot myself. At least you posted Marie Sharp's and not the Belizean jew (Melinda's).
Can you get into more deets about the benefits of kratom?