What are you guys allergic to? What about your significant other? How do you manage?
Food Allergies
>implying I can get near the stinkfest and dollar store perfume laden women that make up 95% of the playerbase
>I fucking want to die every time I have to shop
At least you peanut allergy faggots don't have 75% of the population smearing peanut butter all over themselves and bumping into you in public, you lucky fuckers.
How does that work? Is it a specific perfume or the chemicals that make up perfume?
I have a very severe case of rhinitis, so my olfactory epithelium is absurdly sensitive. The allium vegetables are known to make people lacrimate a little, but I lacrimate like someone just killed my dog. If someone is cutting onions far away from me, if someone is at my side, this person will not feel anything, but I'll start to cry like I was the one cutting it.
But no, that is not enough, I guess that god wants me dead because the smell that exhales from onions being cooked triggers a fucking insane headache. Many times I had to leave my house until lunch was ready, because the pain is unbearable.
Other than that, I can eat cooked onions like anyone, but I don't like their shitty texture.
There are 11-13000 chemicals that can be added to food without requiring the ingredients to be disclosed, so you can only guess.
They put poppies in 95% of the shit to confuse, disorient and keep the public stupid as fuck. I'm severely allergic to poppies and they're everywhere, especially pouring out of people's gas dryer vents because they're so mother fucking retarded that they think "it smells good" not "I'm poisoning my brain, lungs and organs and every single breath of air I take today will contain a healthy dose of ether based chemical dispersant and a mixture of up to 13,000 different chemicals."
That's life though. Don't want to talk about it tonight.
>added to food, cosmetics, perfumes, shampoos, soaps,deodorants, candles, air freshener, laundry detergent and basically ANY product sold in the USA
Sorry if unclear.
>gas dryer vents
>not using a clothesline to dry your clothing in god's good breath
Why not cure your own sickness?
I’m allergic to all shellfish and mollusks. Does this mean I will also be allergic to sea urchins?
I don't use the toxic dollar store poison on my clothes, I am referring to other people whose dryer vents constantly eminate this fear inducing death gas endlessly in my town because they don't have the brains left to process that dryer sheets are absolutely loaded to the brim with poppy extract and oils, and the reason for this is a globalist one to keep the population retarded, nothing more.
P&G fucking invented toothpaste fluoridation, and you are comfortable putting their products on your skin and in your mouth?
Unilever invented those fucking god awful auto perfume sprayers that spray toxic perfume into the air 720, 480, or 288 times per day at the 2, 3 and 5 minute settings. Now why in the FUCK would anyone EVER need to press the spray nozzle on their air freshener 720 TIMES IN THE SAME SPOT EVERY DAY?
Oh and this is the company that makes that baby shampoo which, secret time, does contain toxic ingredients. And people rub it all over your infants.
Look dude, everything is fucking poisoned, you have got to be blind and deaf to have no knowledge of this since you can simply google the ingredients in your favorite products.
If it says "perfume" or "fragrance" or "artificial flavor" it contains ANY NUMBER OF 13,000 CHEMICALS OR INGREDIENTS WHICH COMPANIES DO NOT HAVE TO DISCLOSE BY LAW.
How do you feel knowing that your "good smelling" Gain detergent, the green bottle, contains thousands and thousands and thousands of chemicals that you have no name for, and you have it in contact with your skin ALL day while you're also huffing a cloud of ether.
This is fucking America. This is how mother fucking stupid my fellow citizens are, that this while shit bypasses and bedazzles them and all we get in response is "MUH KHEMUKALZ." Fuck this. I want to die rather than live in this poisonous cloud of mental retardation and toxic chemicals.
Nothing at all. Not even bee stings or seasonal type allergies.
wew lad you seem passionate about this subject
>alex jones visits Veeky Forums.txt
user, I mean this in the nicest way possible, consider seeking mental help.
Have you considered that this is possibly an elaborate plan to make americans immune to future potential chemical warfare? After a nuclear attack governments will be crippled, and a chemical attack will be likely after the capacity to build nuclear weapons is reduced.
woah look at mr. invincible over here
Allergic to fruit including peppers and tomatoes, and chocolate. It's not a severe allergy, my skin just gets bad for a few days after eating any of that. It sucks because I would like to eat cold fruit during the summer, especially mangoes. But overall it's not that bad, I'm just glad I'm not allergic to wheat/dairy.
Ignore FDA posts.
They are the ones who made the law that says 13,000 chemicals can be put into any product you can purchase without disclosure of ingredients.
Dude, your rant responded to a post telling you to hang your clothing in the air to dry. We haven't used a clothes dryer in 10 years and fwiw I brush my teeth with baking soda powder and rinse with pure well water, so there's that.
Rants aren't usually factual, this one is 100% true, researched for 10 years.
You'd become pretty fucking confused and absorbed if you were using soap on your skin daily that caused seizures. My dryer belt is broke right now anyways.
Seizures? Now I'm interested. How the fuck does that work?
Gotta take the bad with the good. Despite how much more toxic our work is becoming, human health and quality of lifestyle are for the most part improving. On the whole, we're still way better off today in those regards than we were at any earlier point in history.
As to OPs question, wife has an intolerance to red food dye. She's actually fine with the natural stuff (made from bugs and such), but reacts to the artificial stuff.
A lot of stuff has artificial coloring in it, which makes grocery shopping a bit of a pain. We end up buying a lot more of the hippy organic shit, because while I don't buy into most of the value proposition, they do indeed tend to skip the artificial coloring that seem to get thrown into just about everything else.
I walk past you wearing cologne or perfume and get a seizure. I walk past dryer vents and get seizures. People who use dryer sheets get near me and I get seizures.
It's really not complicated. I live where poppies grow and connected the dots to passing by them and getting severely agitated and blacking out while going to the store. Seizures came years later, but the connection and reaction are the same, deja vu every time I get near it, takes me back to those extremely fucking irritable summers.
Guess I'll order a real allergy test soon if I can make it out, obviously can't get a license until the seizures stop.
me too my brother has a dog allergy though, sad
>fish (shell and norm)
>most tree nuts
Husband usually doesn't eat most of the items listed but when he does it doesn't bother me much except when it's shell fish and peaches the vapors from them being cooked causes reactions.
Most days he just eats them when I'm not around for most the day