Wanna Sprite Cranberry?
Wanna Sprite Cranberry?
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That's a lot of niggers in one commercial.
I have just one query
>user Racist Bitch
Yeah sprite Cranberry is actually pretty good.
How you know what I'm drankin user?
Fuck off newfag nigger
Fuck off LeBron, Veeky Forums's guy is John Wall
being here for 3 months after following a link from the_donald doesnt make you an old fag friendo
Drinks are free at work.
I mix a can of 7up and can cranberry juice 2-3 times a day.
Urinary health is essential.
Clips is that you?
No. Fuck that fat sack of shit.
So it is a thing that black people drink sprite? Their marketing is always targeting them, but I never seen it myself
If it's the cocktail then don't bother.
>commercial starring a black celebrity has black people in it
glad to see I'm among real thinkers
Lyndon b Johnson?
Charge your phone.
>glad to see I'm among real thinkers
What gave you that impression? /pol/ has leaked across the site.
>pol is leaking!
Not that guy, but you must be new if you think Veeky Forums wasn’t entirely racist from its inception. Nigger.
Kys nigger
Youre not fooling anyone
It has nothing to do with being racist but more to do with the inability to shut off the "lmao nigger cuck soyboy maga praise kek XD" shitposting for one post. Seems to be a common trait among the /pol/ kiddies these days. Glad I left that board after the election, unfortunately they're starting to invade other boards now.
>glad I left that board
>Still a beta racist bitch
Black LBJ? This historical revisionism is getting out of control! lol
Its because it is green bottled, green like menthol cigs and weed leaf products and dollar bills
Sounds stupid bu t I believe it marketing is weird and does things like that
Oh look, it's LeBron "I don't think a lot of people was educated" James.
Sprite hasn't had a white person in their ads since the late 80's.
It sounds more like you need to just leave this site, /pol/ is leaking, this is just Veeky Forums.
kind of strange because I have never actually seen a black person partake in the rites of Sprite
Nostalgia yet?
It isn't a big deal, /pol/tards always get btfo on Veeky Forums so it's really just laughable.
Lean is a popular drug that used Sprite
Thats Chuan and hes a tea eye winner
>Everybody who says anything racist is a /pol/tard
I often see black males drinking sprite.
There’s a Planet Money epsidoe about it I think. And Subarus were marketed to lesbians.
I don't know any black people, so I was speaking too soon it seems.
Well black people are trendsetters and the more susceptible to advertising. According to my friend marketing
That's not Canada dry cranberry
The more important question is why do niggers think they're human?
Say that to me not online faggot
Give me your address and I'll come over
>Donald Trump image
Because you let us fuck your wives
not okay man
Troo frar?
leave /v/ermin
sprite cranberry tastes like tart gummi bears
reminder /int/ controls the site
they muttpost for 1 week and /pol/ shits itself and starts whining like crazy