Would you eat this delicacy?

Would you eat this delicacy?

My arteries are clogging just by looking at this thing

If the pizza was flipped the other way probably

how are you supposed to grab it without burning the shit out of your hands with melted cheese and hot pepperoni?
Also why are the fries in the burger and not on the side? They don't add anything other than inconvenience and diluting all the flavors with bland starch.

There was this old diner near my house as a child that made the "pizza burger" which was a burger with mozzarella and marinara sauce. I would load it up with ketchup and eat the whole thing with their (fucking amazing) seasoned curly fries.

So yeah I'd actually probably get a huge nostalgia bomb from it but then promptly puke my guts out.

It's a chip buddy

>How am I supposed to violently snatch it from the waiter with my monkey hands then devour it in one bite while demanding six more while my mouth is full? what is a "fork and knife"?

Americans, everyone.

The same way you eat any other burger? With a knife and fork, dumbass.

I would at least take 1 bite.

Right? OP is just going to get sauce and cheese and burns on his hands eating this like it is

Greasy cheese and pepperoni hands exactly what i want when eating a burger.


I would only eat it decontructed

Hard no

Thanks, but no thanks


Realistically, no. I don't mind grease, but I won't tolerate getting my hands covered in it just picking up the sandwich.

This is a stupid-burger.

>Eating a burger with a fork and knife
Jesus Christ, is the rest of the world really so stupid they can't eat a burger?

very poor design. should flip that pizza bit over while constructing. wouldn't make as good a photo though tbf.

>Turn top around
>remove bacon

Then i might consider it.

Yassss. It has given me a foodboner.

Where I come from, eating finger food with utensils gets you raped with a beer bottle.

>Remove bacon
No your gonna get ALL of your daily nitrites

I'm not your buddy, guy.

I'm not your guy, pal