I just cracked open two eggs and the second egg had TWO yolks. Wtf? I've never seen this before. The duo are from the two smaller yolk.
I just cracked open two eggs and the second egg had TWO yolks. Wtf? I've never seen this before...
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That's normal my guy. It happens
Its a pretty common occurrence. You can even buy double yolk egg cartons.
Alright, well I'm cooking them now. I've been making eggs on my own for about 12 years now and have never witnessed this before.
This little twin miracle cooked to perfection
Time to eat!
fried eggs, noodles, and green beans is a classic dish of mine. It's good.
Dude what the fuck
Do double yolks fuck up the egg:yolk ratio in baking recipes?
some people just shouldn't be allowed near kitchens
HAHAHAHA what a twist!
The eggs looked good until you took a shit on them.
You all are just jealous of my cooking technique and wish you thought of such an easy, yet delicious recipe yourselves.
>let me slap together the dumbest shit i could find
Looks like fucking shit. Theres not even pepper in it. I wouldn't be surprised if theres no salt
Do you have more to share?
Always found that a wee bit suspicious...
Never change Veeky Forums
Well, yeah, I do, but not going to share if people are going to keep saying mean things to me.
I can tell just from holding an egg if it will be a double-yolker. no doubt there is an even better way to sort them for sale.
Old man worked in a hatchery for a while and would bring home dozens of them. I think it was because if you incubate two chicks will develop in there, and it's unlikely either will survive. So the staff would bring home any extra large eggs for their families.
It's more common when you buy large eggs.
I've had a yolkless egg before. It's like an egg but with all the fun taken out of it.
[you died]
press b to continue
Don't worry, I won't say a word.
I'll just laugh.
I've never seen it once in my lifetime and I always buy XL eggs.
>I've never seen this before.
Are you 5 years old
A diner who was served both a triple and a double yolker at a Bristol pub bought all the staff a drink to celebrate his egg surprise.
That's really wholesome and cute.
Joseph mengele chicken