How often do you sneak your our snacks and food while at the Cinema/Movie Theatre?
How often do you sneak your our snacks and food while at the Cinema/Movie Theatre?
>cant go 2 hours without stuffing their faces with candy and soda pop
..... Come on.
Literally always ever since I was like 10, when I was a kid I would sneak in candy, soda, chips etc. Now when I'm grown up I just smuggle in alcohol. Last time I went to a movie I got a package of some fresh strawberries and vodka was pretty great.
I've never done that.
Eating is fun, sorry your a faggot
Cibeplex here has this thing where you buy tgeir overpriced $17 combo and you get a free movie ticket. Sometimes i buy that if im lazy otgerwise i take a trip to the dollar store
I just eat popcorn and water honestly. If I want a surreal experience I get lightly toasted before watching.
>400 pound marvel fan says 'eating is fun'
If you dont enjoy eating why the fuck are you even on a food and cooking board?
My cinema annexes the mall food court, they don’t even have a policy in outside food anymore since everyone snuck food in anyways.
when I’m feeling especially fat I’ll buy kfc to devour in the trailers and popcorn for the movie
Every time? Usually mixed nuts and a water or iced tea.
Pic related is you
>I can't not eat for two hours while watching a movie
>Obviously means I dislike eating.
You are mentally disabled.
Imagine sitting in front of some fat piece of shit that smells like KFC only to have him actually devour an entire bucket of chicken while slobbering over themselves and pouring the left over grease onto their popcorn that they then loudly smack and crunch on for the next two hours; only stopping to catch their breath and slam a monster drink to force it all down.
You people are fucking disgusting.
I didn't start bringing my own snacks in until I had to pay for my own movie tickets (thanks, mom and dad!). Basically late teens to early twenties. I don't really bring anything anymore, besides, like, a water. Although, when I went to see "It" I snuck in booze and bought a medium popcorn. Had a couple drinks before, too, since I was relying on public transpo. Was pretty fucking comfy.
The point is that eating during a movie is FUN. You must be an absolutely fucking awesomevperson to hang out with and I bet you have a lot of friends.
>turning your brain off and stuff your mouth IS FUN
Do you even listen to yourself.
Monster ultra zero bc I’m on a diet
Im not the guy avatarfagging with cropped hentai doujins. You're a fucking joke.
> those cunts that loudly crunch on their crisps during a film
>>turning your brain off and stuff your mouth IS FUN
It is when you're stuck at school or work everyday and your autism makes you overthink every little thing
>when you get triggered by anime crops on an anime website
>'fuck i hate anime, but damn do I love stuffing my mouth two hours straight while others try to enjoy a movie that I'm not even paying attention to apparently, eating is fun!'
I'd hang out with him
>wanna buy some snacks for the movie
>no thanks, let's save the money and go to the decent restaurant after the movie and enjoy better food
>sounds like a good idea
>go to movie
>willingly set aside x amount of time
>go to movie with friends
>bust out your food and drink and start chowing down while other people give you weird looks and subtle 'hush' sounds attempting to quiet you
>-screamed user while spitting corn husks and spilling his discount dollar 2ltr soda everywhere
>fill flask with rum
>stick in jacket pocket
>get a little blazed just before going to the theater
>snag popcorn and a Coke slushy at concessions
>sit down in back of theater
>mix about three shots of rum into slushy
Tis the patrician way.
By snacks you mean booze right?
I can't get through a modern movie without a hip flask
I used to put chocolate in my pants but it alwasy melted cause i'm too hot
I literally can't remember the last time they even checked the tickets where I go. The employees always just wander off and leave it open. I don't even know why I pay.
>tfw my best friend got caught sneaking in food
>tfw he is probably dead by now due to exhaustion in the popcorn mines
>whining about animu on an animu imageboard
>Veeky Forums is an animu image board
>Veeky Forums wasn't created to discuss anime
Baby carrots
>Implying I have friends
In this greentext, you were the person sitting behind the group of friends; chewing with your mouth open and dumping your 99cent discount mountain dew on your extraextra large popcorn.
> calls crisps "chips"
> calls chips "fries"
That was 50 years ago. Get with the time granpa.
Go be underage somewhere else.
id agree with the faggot if he didnt post animu trash
the only thing worse then amerimutt 'food', is a trash weeb who jerks his pickle to underaged girls peeing on each other
I see no point in buying shit at the theater, its so insanely overpriced. Tickets can be expensive too depending on how you see it (what time, imax, etc), so Id rather not spend 40 on a ticket and some shitty pretzels or whatever.
Best thing to do is either buy some shit at the dollar store and sneak it in or go to lunch or dinner first then go see the movie.
I bet you frequent loli threads. You're sick.
One time I tried to sneak in spaghetti, but it all fell out of my pockets during the benis inspection. They fed it to the raptors.
Depends really. If I want something like candy I'll go to the cvs. Otherwise I'm satisfied with popcorn and soda. rarely maybe I'll get like a sandwich or wrap of some kind if I decide to eat lunch while watching the film.
>posts anime
Somehow I'm the underage one.
yfw I only post anime crops to trigger people like yourself. And it is more than effective.
Only /ss/
where are the jannies, can they ban this off topic trash? it makes our board look like a joke for pol and a to colonise
>acts like he gets to decide what's Veeky Forums for because he says so
>the food and cooking board is for discussing anime
You're a fucking idiot, son.
What kind of weirdo eats carrots at the theatre.
see newfag
Every time, fuck buying expensive disgusting food and drinks. I want my orangensaft!
Veeky Forums has moved on since then, user.
There is nothing outside of a handful of boards that are even anime related anymore.
Veeky Forums, as it states on the homepage, exists to discuss a wide variety of topics.
>Veeky Forums didn't expand into to discuss other subjects
Are you trying to refute this?
>buh buh muh 2ch copy and animu safespace
Again, that was 200 years ago
Hahaha oh my god lmao
I can't believe people are so triggered by pictures they don't have to look at that they think it effects conversations. You are a mental midget.
>gets BTFO
>considering using non-arguments as >>>BTFO
w e w
Nice strawman, you dumb cunt.
>this is what reddit-tier newfags actually believe
Look up what arguments are, you dense fuck. user certainly used reliable arguments. Excessive cartoon porn consumption and chronic masturbation might have affected your brain cells.
Not him but I post here daily and I can't fucking stand Chinese, pedo cartoons.
Live with it, weeb.
LMAO holy shit
Oh look, another non-argument
>live with it weeb
>-says the user getting triggered over images
haha I didn't think people like this actually existed.
I love how people say 'not an argument' when they're the only one having an argument.
Is continuing to post triggering pictures an 'argument'? Or are you just completely unable to control yourself.
Ok but what if I ONLY eat at movie theaters.
Are you one of those theater golbins that sneaks out between movies to feed on the left over snacks?
No, I'm just a poorfag who only gets to eat when friends offer me food at movie theaters
It is buddy lmao
Time for another Popcorn Classic
>go to movie with friends
>bust out YOUR
Looks like someone needs to work on their writing skills
havent been to the movies in years, but when me and my friends used to go we would do this every time. we successfully snuck alcohol into certain theatres too.
>be me
>black bot
>movies as a kid
>mum with the large purse
>get to movie
>pulls out fucking tupperware
>leftover churches chicken
>taters n gravy in one
>fucking cut fruit in the other
Its more about how you are so pathetic that you need to identify yourself through something used solely for masturbation on a board about food. It's legitimately weird as fuck.
>not just walking in with your snacks in plain sight
Since when do those minimum wage teenagers even give a fuck?
You could make a virginchad meme out of this
>the virgin sneak
>the chad stroll
Even 12 years ago people werent posting obnoxious amounts of anime on boards that had literally nothing to do with anime. Even back then people like you were obnoxious faggots who literally cant put down the weeb shit for 5 seconds to talk about something else. Your the exact type of fucking person who covers their room with anime posters and $100 half-naked figs and wonders why people think your a fucking weirdo
Only newfags use the term newfag.
He's a troll because that shit he's posting is mangu not animu.
If he was a proper weeb he'd know the difference, he's a retard.
Does weed count?
Because I bring this into every movie I see.