Is it socially acceptable to drink beer every day where you live?
Is it socially acceptable to drink beer every day where you live?
>tfw uppermidwest fag
People practically think something's wrong with you if you don't.
Only among other alkies and the ones in denial about their degeneracy
i miss him so much
I think one or two a day is acceptable
t. Europestan
>diluting your ethanol with "beer"-water
>never trust a man who doesn't drink
>t. Winston Churchill, perhaps the greatest statesman the free world has ever seen
Wisconsin fags are good folk as are Quebec fags who I've met on my travels and start drinking at 9 AM. I bond with those fucks. Unfortunately I live in the south now where everyone hides behind the scuppernog tree when they want to drink so they can pretend they're righteous.
In Norway you're basically seen as an alcoholic if you drink beer on your own in pretty much any setting. If I buy a six pack and hang around at home drinking it by myself it's not something I can tell other people without having to explain that I don't have a drinking problem.
>Winston Churchill
the man was also a genocidal maniac responsible for the death of millions who was pretty swiftly voted out of power after the war becuase he was bent on holding onto empire with a near death grip.....not sure greatest statesman is a fitting title...maybe english hitler?
If you drink poison everyday you are going to feel and look like shit.
churchill was a fat cunt who deserved a horrible death
Having a few beers a day in Australia is common and not looked down upon.
If you get drunk every day people will probably just think you're a bit of a loser and have some personal issues.
t. butthurt nazi
Depends what you mean by "socially acceptable". Decent people drink a variety of beverages. Wine with dinner (unless you're eating like, hot dogs and wings for dinner), beer maybe before dinner or if you're going out for pub grub at a casual spot.
If someone tells me they drink beer every day I would tend to think less of them. Like someone who exclusively eats hamburgers and pizza. Also, single-drink people are just doing it for the ethanol. The beverage version of a fat guy who loves the feeling of being fat, even though he can never truly appreciate food because he's a god damm subhuman animal.
It sure is, plus you can smoke weed here too
I would love to have a beer with bobama.
He's a homebrewer though, never have a beer with a homebrewer.
>Europe drinks less than we do
Hearty chuckle
churchill killed millions of indians, africans, south asians, arabs....all with callous indifference, he saw much of the world as dont have to be a nazi to hate him, in fact you can hate both for the same reasons
>Unfortunately I live in the south now where everyone hides behind the scuppernog tree when they want to drink so they can pretend they're righteous.
Stop being friends with Baptists and become friends with Methodists. Methodists don’t give a shit and drink on the reg.
shut up fag
If you have the money to bail yourself out of bad situations, then yes. The problem is that unless you are a rich farmer, you most likely don't have the money to bail yourself out of a bad situation in this place.
nah, we're more about getting fucking annihilated two days a week, culturally
alcohol is gigantic in america. probably bigger than any other place in the world.
Are you a city boy?
The only person I can imagine giving me shit for polishing off a six-pack on a saturday is my mom, but she's practically straight-edge.
data doesn't really support it. Annecdotally, even though we've got strong puritan roots in the NE it doesn't seem to be a thing you'll be judged on. So long as it doesn't get in the way of you being a productive member of society anyway. But a beer with dinner isn't going to do that.
Take a look at the stats Russia
He was also not a particularly skilled politician nor was he well liked until the Nazis started carpet bombing England.
Which basically served as a lesson to all future useless heads of state. Find a way to get your country into a horrific war and all will be forgiven.
>Find a way to get your country into a horrific war and all will be forgiven.
>picture of bush
Do we occupy the same reality user?
t. butthurt shitskin
Probably not. You might be too young to remember when it was considered near treason to object to the defense policy of GWB and his neocons, but the unanimous scorn he received retroactively was not so unanimous at the time he was in office
Yep. Pretty normal in Western Canada.
Sinn Féin, pls, you're nothing now.
Question on a similar note
How much whiskey is socially acceptable to drink every day?
10 shots? 15?
He was useful for the British during a time of war and was soon removed when that usefulness ended. What's the problem?
probably like 2 or 3
I routinely have a few shots before I leave for work in the morning, and finish my 6 oz flask at my desk before noon, and nobody can even tell.
The lightweights in this thread are pathetic. Bunch of islamofascist coastie cucks.
I grew up in very northern remote Canada and that was pretty standard. It was all very blue collar work, and quite poor so people were almost always drinking, and smoking.
Moved south for school and definitely not any more. People are a lot more uppity now. I miss the rural lifestyle
Yes although here in Tx some people still pretend it's fashionable not to drink. Bring a baptist fishing and they'll drink all your beer, bring 2 and they'll be so busy watching each other they'll never open a single can.
t. used to live in a dry county controlled by a baptist megachurch
>nobody can tell
Everyone can tell you alkie faggot its just not an issue until it starts negatively impacting your work.You genuinely think people can't smell the booze on you?
t. islamist wahabbi sharia crazy
>he thinks being an alcoholic is a good thing
Everyone is an alcoholic.
Yeah I can back this up.
>feeling threatened by something "french"
Why are Americans so pathetic?
Even the asians?
>Still remember this, was eating a BLT at a friend's house and wondering if I could convince him to sell me his SNES
>This was 2003
I'm a million years old and the future kind of sucks.
Most Americans don't really think people outside America exist. Foreigners exist to serve as stand-ins for whatever it is we fear. The evil genius villain in our movies always has a British accent for some reason. The gutless pretentious snob is always French. The lascivious defiler of our women is always Spanish or Eye-Talian. The loyal but stupid sidekick is perhaps Indian or Chinese. The scheming back-stabbing snake is Japanese. And the terrorist is of course an Arab.
You need to remember, most of us don't have passports, so to an extent, whether or not we would consciously admit to this, we believe that if foreigners DO exist, then they must be the movie villains. Never mind that an educated well travelled person would pick totally different stereotypes to represent these various people. Doesn't matter to us because they are not real. The French are not real to us.
Hence why when flyovers see a French thing - a French food, or a French beverage, or whatever - they instantly assume that they're in a Hollywood film plot in which they're going to be the butt of a humiliation joke, sponsored by the Frenchman. Like a "candid camera" sort of scenario, involving wine perhaps, or snails.
And to a rustic, with a faux-frontier value system, where honor and masculinity are a matter of life and death, especially when guns are in the mix - there is nothing more threatening than humiliation.
So of all the bizarre stereotypes about foreigners that we believe in, nothing else is quite as menacing as a French.
dumb post.
contextually, people were also pissed that France was questioning America's bloodthirst at the time, and everything IN America needed to be HYPER NATIONAL.
virtue signalling has always been a thing, it's not some recent invention by Starbucks sipping millennials
Nigga that's a lesson we learned from Polk.
Sadly enough, spot on accurate tbqhfam.
>another episode of /pol/ pretending they aren't alcoholics and pretending they can fall asleep without blacking out from booze
Or evangelical christian; same thing, though.
> Churchill
> not Mosley
Do you live in the 1950s?
Except that the whole freedom fry thing was a joke, it was Americans giving the French shit for not standing with NATO in war (obviously now a misguided and poorly run war, but it was rather popular in the anglo world at the time)
To try and now portray that shit giving as fear of the "menacing french" is just fucking silly
>killed millions of indians, africans, south asians, arabs
Shit that didn't happen. I'm guessing you're an Indian
Can confirm, but really I don't care
This is the most mental thing I've ever read
>Americans don't believe non-Americans exist
>We're terrified of Eye-Talians and the French
>If someone from Iowa sees a baguette they think they're on Candid camera
>If an American sees a chopstick they cry and drool on the stick hoping it will turn into a rifle(they only thing they understand, you see)
>Most Nebraskans daydream of having lazy Indian or Chinese sidekicks? Amirite
I hope this is copypasta because it's fucking awful
nobody thinks the french are menacing, even the post you quoted said we think of the french as gutless, not menacing. "cheese eating surrender monkeys," "french surplus rifles, never fired, dropped once," etc, etc
it's bizarre that the French somehow got a reputation for being cowards despite their expansive military record in historical Europe and the French Resistance's reputation during WW2 (which is somehow where their reputation for cowardice came from to begin with)
In Australia there's a law stating that you have to have at least one beer a day.
Every day except Saturday.
Saturday is for the boys.
id recomend you reread history , especialy british history...start with the bengal famine....when churchil was given the option to do something about it, when told that people were starving and dying needlesly, churchills response was " welll why isnt ghandi dead yet" and then did nothing.....millions died
Too bad that image is spoofed.
>not having mercy = actively killing people
poo in the goddamn loo
Have you ever had an original thought or do you just vomit things that you hear other people say? Serious question.
We even have a word for it in Finland.
Alcohol is degenerate my brother, may Allah forgive you infidels with this degeneracy.
Please stop, it is not the right way to live
I'm from Milwaukee
So yeah
Germany, yes. Even on the street and in public.
Most americans think they do
My dog’s name is Winston Churchill.
Germany/Bavaria here
litterally every holiday, festival or bigger social gathering we have is build around drinking beer. You can start drinking with 16 and it is allowed almost everywhere. It even goes so far that beer is considered a staple food like bread and water.
and their current/continuing presence in Africa.
Those jokes are only passingly funny and always made tongue-in-cheek unless they're being parroted by some lowlife idiot
Its basically mandatory in Cologne, Germany.
Areas with lots of german ancestry = rampant beer drinking. everytime.
Yes, actually
>not a bought pawn of jewish banking elites
>not just a miserable bitter drunken old man
>gott strafe england
>is it socially acceptable to drink 750ml of whisky a day
lel, a teetotaler politician like Bush or Trump would be pretty much unvotable in most of Europe. People would think they're former alkies of have something to hide.
You wouldnt know where a fella could a little drink do ya bud?
bush actually is a former alkie though
>genocidal maniac
t. numale
I know you have to hate him because he was a fucking straight white male, but come on.
You know it's possible to be a straight white male without being a fat alcoholic who needs an extraordinary external event to be liked by anyone? No? Well now you know.
I just moved to Vietnam so it seems so here. Used to live in Korea where the answer is unquestionably ‘yes’. But I’m from Canada where I’d say no for sure, even just a beer a day (or glass of wine) I figure many/most would liable you a deviant.
He also drank very very diluted whiskey. I can hardly call that drinking. be clear, I’m not saying it’s not common in Canada, but I feel like it’d be pathologized.
You're an engrish teacher aren't you. What you're describing is the expat life, and the life of locals who associate themselves with expats.
Asians are certainly not teetotalers (except maybe once you get closer to South Asia), at least in big cities they drink as much as people in any other big city in the West, but the average person is not binge drinking on a nightly basis like those Britbong cirrhosis victims who hang out in LKF being pitiable and depressing. It's an occasional ritual you do to facilitate professional and business relationships, not a fixture of everyday life.
Yes, English teacher, but I think it really varies in Asia.
In South Korea it’s absolutely the norm for college students to drink themselves stupid on the daily. And many working people are effectively forced to go out drinking on a daily basis with their workmates; for working-age Koreans weekends are the slow days at drinking establishments, since that’s when they get time off with their families.
Here in Vietnam it varies hugely across the country. In the North ***CHEAP*** beer and booze are omnipresent, and the while society has a very post-Communist East European attitude to alcohol, as in it’s something people depend on to get through the drearyness of life. ‘Fresh beer’ in the North costs from 20-cents a litre and is available on every street corner. In the far South, in contrast, it’s hard to buy a beer (they drink coffee by the gallon). There’s a graduation in between.
I’m right in the middle, so it’s a bit of a grey area, but I’d say social drinking is common (unlike further south) but morning drinking would be totally unacceptable (but totally normal up north).
>Asians are certainly not teetotalers
They certainly are in Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Islamic countries.
Veeky Forums-/pol/&/int/
I want off this ride.
Yeah, I miss him droning the fuck out of middle eastern countries.
...other impressions traveling: in Southern Africa daily drinking seems very common. I was often left wondering if most people weren’t spending the majority of their income on beer.
But in Latin America drinking seems weirdly rare. Nicaragua seemed like the only minor exception, since beer and booze is so incredibly cheap there, but even still I’d peg drinking at a fraction or North America, which is a fraction of what it is in Europe (again, my impression traveling / living in various places). I’ve never been to Argentina or Uruguay where perhaps there’s a more Mediterranean wine culture, but Mexico/Central America/western South America could go dry tomorrow and I doubt many would mind.
...kinda proves that alcohol isn’t the ‘cause of...’ life’s problems, since those Latin America countries are crime ridden corrupt hellholes to one degree or another despite everyone being sober (not that they aren’t often on something else).
Yes, but why post a fake image?
>nobody can even tell.
kek, good one mate.
Churchill was actually a liberal who created a lot of reforms to help the poor.