
Drink driving edition.

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Any of you Amerimuts enjoying this classic Australian beverage?

>drink driving
Brit detected

Oh. Another newfag who simply cannot get his head around how to post an al/ck/ thread. Awesome.
Boycotting. See you in the next one maybe, depending on how saturated it is with faggotry.

half the dudes who make these threads are drunk off their asses, who gives a shit
Oh wait. I give a shit. I have perfect punctuation and grammar because I care about formality on a Chinese cartoon forum. I cannot fathom how some user on the other side of the planet might prioritize his message over his grammatical vehicle. Look at all these apostraphes and periods. It makes my message have more meaning.
you are a smug cunt

>being butthurt

New thread

Since op fucked this one up.

Title goes in title

Horrible aesthetic .

Tapering lads

Stop bumping this newfag shit. Everyone will spot the silhouette and use the proper one here if we have two threads, people will get banned.


jesus dude who gives a shit

U wot m8

I do!
I wanted fo make the next one!

>the state of Veeky Forums

unless you're planning to stop boozing, I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities

>Left driving
This is not right.

>got oui last night

I wanted to help fellow alcohols

your shits are bad, they're runny and disgusting and you use a small village's worth of toilet paper every week, you fucking animal

try pic related, i suggest it for the sole fact of its smallness. I am currently half cut and need to go bed, I only have greek yoghurt in the fridge and I just can't make myslef eat half a dozen tablespoons of it. In my experience, one of the yakult will have me fibrous and pooing like a normal human being the next day thank goodness

godspeed boozers and i hope you make it out of this hell one day

If you drive drunk you should be put to death.

Fucking drunk driver killed my brother and got off with a slap on the wrist, Drunk driving is a sub human thing to do

>tfw you took a tylenol but you also want to drink but you don't want to die of liver failure


That's too much cola

>tfw went non last night


sure fuckin showed him