The absolute madman
lmao what a fucking tool
Why even bother replying publicly to this shit. Even worst, why admit to it by apologizing? No charges were brought.
Just deny it and fucking ignore it for a week, everybody will forget and move on to the next one.
Seriously, half these people could just ride it out and be fine. Sexual harassment is a subjective term anyways
so are the rolls any good?
They look pretty basic, there's no special flavoring or technique involved
Suppose you can't really go wrong
You people will forget, true, but I'm sure his wife and children won't
That might be true, his life was ruined. I don't see how admitting to sexual misconduct/harassment/whatever and making cinnamon rolls helps in any of that.
Just say "that bitch is lying" and end it there, there's no proof anyway.
My children would believe anything I tell them and I'm sure this man is no different.
way to raise sheep
you ok? did you're daddy hit you?
I'll make these for Christmas morning
Everyone likes cinnamon rolls
Do cinnamon rolls alleviate rape pains?
Your kid sounds dumb af
>Did you touch that woman's ass?
>she says you did
>well I didn't
>nothing ever gets proven
>accusation fades away
Gee that was hard
I don't. My allegiance to the United States has been brought into question over it.
Tell them Bush didn't do 9/11
You become a lot less credible when 8 different women come forward though. Denying only works well in cases like Jeffery Tambor where it was just one crazy tranny calling him out.
According to the US Department of Justice Studies, 48% of all reports of workplace sexual harassment are "revenge or retaliation" motivated.
The incidence rate of false sexual harassment reports in the workplace has nearly quadrupled in less than years.
A false claim is when an employee misinterprets a colleague’s actions as harassment. For example, an innocent invitation to go to the pub after work for a drink can be erroneously perceived as a come-on. A malevolent claim, on the other hand, is when an employee fabricates a situation with the cruel intention of damaging a colleague’s reputation.
The latter happened to me while working in a large financial services organisation. There was an underperforming employee in my team, the type who never achieved her targets, constantly came in late, and spent more time moaning than working.
After a long period of coaching and professional counselling, she failed to show any improvement. She’d been issued with her first written warning, then her second, and just as we were preparing to terminate her employment, she conveniently lodged a formal complaint of workplace bullying.
It’s surprisingly not that uncommon. On at least half a dozen occasions this year, leaders have shared with me their tales of similar retaliatory tactics from their employees. (Curiously, all of them have been from the public service.)
The consequence in each case has been the same. Upon making the false claim of harassment, the employee was let off the hook by a petrified HR department desperately wanting to avoid industrial relations tribunals or intrusive media coverage. And the message that sends to other employees is quite simple: you’ve always got one last card left up your sleeve.
It’s an issue that seems to be getting worse. Harmers Lawyers, a specialist workplace legal firm, revealed a couple of years ago that there had been a “significant” increase in false bullying claims. Two reasons explain this trend.
The joys of being self-employed. ;^)
Gee and women wonder why they can't get hired in certain fields.
Haha The American President needs a sippy cup
Sometimes it's better to just admit it, if you're caught in the lie then it becomes a massive massive thing. If you just say "yeah I did it, that was my bad" and then play it down even more with a recipe, so now people care even less, then it's just going to go away even more.
remember the Louis ck, accusations? he admited it and then nothing happened because no one cared after that week? compare that to the harvey weinstein case. People love drama and happenings, and if you don't give them drama they aren't going to care.
>The consequence in each case has been the same. Upon making the false claim of harassment, the employee was let off the hook by a petrified HR department desperately wanting to avoid industrial relations tribunals or intrusive media coverage. And the message that sends to other employees is quite simple: you’ve always got one last card left up your sleeve.
Tesla confirmed with the Daily Dot that 33-year-old AJ Vandermeyden’s employment was terminated after an investigation conducted with the help of a neutral third-party showed her complaints were unmerited.
“Despite repeatedly receiving special treatment at the expense of others, Ms. Vandermeyden nonetheless chose to pursue a miscarriage of justice by suing Tesla and falsely attacking our company in the press,” a Tesla spokesperson told the Daily Dot. “After we carefully considered the facts on multiple occasions and were absolutely convinced that Ms. Vandermeyden’s claims were illegitimate, we had no choice but to end her employment at Tesla.”
The engineer filed a lawsuit against Tesla last fall, but first spoke publicly about it in February. Vandermeyden says she experienced, “unwelcome and pervasive harassment by men on the factory floor including, but not limited to, inappropriate language, whistling, and catcalls.”
She further alleged she and fellow female employees were denied promotions despite being equally qualified, and that she’d been paid less than male employees whose work she took over. Vandermeyden claims Tesla failed to address her complains about harassment, unequal pay, and discrimination.
Tesla said it conducted a thorough investigation, and was forced to fire Vandermeyden after discovering her claims were false.
That only proves women are lying whores and will do anything for money or to feel like a special snowflake
>There was an underperforming employee in my team, the type who never achieved her targets, constantly came in late, and spent more time moaning than working.
>After a long period of coaching and professional counselling, she failed to show any improvement. She’d been issued with her first written warning, then her second, and just as we were preparing to terminate her employment, she conveniently lodged a formal complaint of workplace bullying.
False accusations need to be considered a crime.
If there is no consequence for false accusations, then women will only abuse the system even more.
>If there is no consequence for false accusations, then women will only abuse the system even more.
1000% this.
They've been doing it for hundreds of years.
What will change now?
Louis ck lost his netflix specials and a lot of other stuff
Your boss molests you all day?
>Louis ck lost his netflix specials and a lot of other stuff
That piece of shit deserves to be destroyed for being an Uncle Tom of a nigger and a traitor.
>Previous statements issued by the celebrity chef were absent of breakfast rolls.
My fucking sides
>for being an Uncle Tom of a nigger and a traitor.
He has a black wife's son or something
Also unapologetically white guilt and cuck (literally) material
>Would want to believe
hes a white beaner what do you expect
Woman are whores
He should have made a cream pie at the end.
here's the recipe if you guys want
Can we just take the word "flirting" out the Western lexicon, please, since it now just falls under the umbrella of 'sexual harassment'?
nigga if you cant tell the difference between flirting and harassment thats on you
take yourself outta society, one bit of lead and you're doing us all a favor
Quit exaggerating, you know that’s not true. All you have to do is be polite and know when to take a hint.
I'm going to have to humbly agree with you. I mean, asking a girl for her phone number? That's just out of line. But we men, we just have these demons inside us that make us ask for phone numbers and pay compliments. We don't even think of the severity of the psychological trauma this puts on the frail mind of a woman.
Why should you be "flirting" with anyone on company time and in a company setting to begin with? You should be doing your jobs.
All these sexual accusations could be stopped if retards would stop getting too cozy with coworkers and making sure there's always a third person around.
Do you really need an educational course to teach you that it's inappropriate to touch someone without their consent at work? That you shouldn't be talking about touchy subjects?
You can't save yourselves for shit. And neither can that fatso in the OP.
Tell them Bush along with the CIA orchestrated the 9/11 attacks and that it is their duty to redpill their classmates
this is why im glad net neutrality failed.
pretty soon the internet is going to go down which means less faggots on the internet to spread these sexual allegations around on social media.
because we're humans not fucking robots and the notion that we should literally turn off our humanity in order to senselessly perform menial tasks for 8 hours a day is fucking monstrous on its face
>Twitter has to start paying up to not get throttled
>They're still income negative
>That accursed platform finally goes down the shitter
>Internet improves 1000 fold
I can only hope
I'm not paying you to think!
This is why you can't compete with foreigners.
fuck, I laughed
You shouldn't.
Ever heard of theory of mind?
Lacking it is a reversion of the mental state where you're incapable of taking other perspectives into consideration and think your desires are valid and more important than others. You have trouble predicting the outcomes of your actions. You often can't see why certain actions get negative reactions, as you consider your self-centered actions acceptable even when they are not.
A common trait of narcissists, children, and autists.
>narcissists, children, and autists.
so Veeky Forums then lmao
>Implying fedora tippers guys "persistency" can't e considered harrasing
Batali has always been the most based celebrity chef. I read a book by a guy who followed him around for a year and he's a fucking madman.
>The most common, age-old courtship ritual of persistence is now sexual harassment and comes with severe penalties
No wonder women are all single now, they've left no room for men to fucking flirt with them.
He didn't even deny it, basically just said "yeah that sounds like me" and is "stepping back" from his business for publicity.
It's not like it's even really costing him anything.
You really think they care as long as they're taken care of financially?
I fucking hate this website, why do I keep coming back to a shithole where people unironically use the term "snowflake" and a slew of other cliches derived from insecurity because they are incapable of original thought and empathy? Angry assblasted teens that have grown into miserable husks of human beings, I swear to god
you sound like a soyboy cuckflake faggot, choke on a pastry fatass
What you refer to as "empathy" equates to selling your principles and dignity to pander to someone's feelings which in the end only keeps them a weak person and degrades society even further
Nope, I'm just talking about empathy. The smallest amount of it goes a long way for developing a rounded worldview... you know, instead of assuming that every female on the planet is out to get you and your money, and that they are incapable of telling the truth.
>why whites are going extinct, the post
Because it's not sexual harassment when he is qt ;)
whites should go extinct. do the world a favor and speed up the process. Buy a gun with your white ass and shoot up every white person you see before you turn it on yourself !! P.S. I'm white :) can't wait to see a caramel colored future where everyone is gay and shops for groceries at the local co-op
>you know, instead of assuming that every female on the planet is out to get you and your money, and that they are incapable of telling the truth.
What level of strawman are you on senpai?
>P.S. I'm white
After you then user