Why anyone would want to ruin a perfectly good homemade burger with some mass produced burger buns full of sugar and preservatives is beyond me. Who here acknowledges the superiority of a couple of slices of fresh crusty bread for accommodating their burger stack?
Why anyone would want to ruin a perfectly good homemade burger with some mass produced burger buns full of sugar and...
Looks bad
a 2x2 of kings is the ultimate burger bun
didnt op just say something about mass produced buns full of sugar and preservatives?
Tastes good, this is Veeky Forums, not Veeky Forums
Yeah but only fags would care about that shit
That looks hearty as fuck, would destroy
People with taste buds you mean, you're eating the cardboard of bread. If you wouldn't eat it on it's own with a bit of butter or something spread on top then you shouldn't use it to make you're burger, it's doing nothing but detract from the meal.
what the fuck you doing man?
>Weird chunk of beans in the back.
Just thinkin bout thos beans
They're pickled.
fair point
however it also looks like it tastes bad
just setting them in the fridge next to the jar of pickles doesn't make them pickled
those are still cucumbers and it looks shit
Dude, we get it, you were out of buns, cool it with the sour grapes.
The moment you use crusted bread, it stops being a hamburger and becomes a welfare burger. You can glitz and glammer it up any way you want, but it is peasant food now. Even if you’re only doing it ironically.
Pickles don't belong on burgers
Shut the fuck up it's not my job to pay an electrical bill
Regardless, heating up the bun/bread (even in a microwave) greatly improves the quality of a burger. People seem to have a hard time figuring this one out.
Get your eyes checked. Those aren't burgers.
>I like needlessly giving my money to the bloated and greedy (((utility company)))
...but I do. Not even butter. Just as is.
My mom made homemade hamburger buns from time to time. Pretty good, just not practical during the work week in a two income household.
what does having two incomes have anything to do with that? you're a retard
Both adults are working and therefore there isn't a lot of expendable time on the weekdays to make dough, let it rise, and then bake just to have with burgers. It can be done it's just kind of a hassle when you're busy.
>and therefore there isn't a lot of expendable time on the weekdays
there so what you meant to say is that nobody is home for the day.
How did you not infer that? How far over are you on the spectrum?
how am I supposed to know how many people live in your place? you spoke about your income and that it somehow affected your ability to make bread
Oh I get it, you weren't raised in a traditional two parent household so you assume everyones parents are as big of failures as yours