>Sorry sir, our computers are down so we can't accept your credit card. Do you mind paying with cash today?
Sorry sir, our computers are down so we can't accept your credit card. Do you mind paying with cash today?
I'm sorry but I don't carry cash. Please may I have it free?
>Going to StarCucks to get a caffeinated milkshake in the first place
Why didn't you tell me that before I ordered you worthless roastie? Get me the manager right now.
Who the fuck pays for small items on credit?
Literally everybody over the age of 14. Do you not understand how to properly build credit lines?
Why does it matter?
>he doesn't have multiple credit cards with different cashback rewards to optimize gain
I only use debit.
You are all part of the problem. The next economic melt down is on your heads.
Just hire a hooker, incel. You'll be much happier once you get your v-card punched.
we are a minority, but i still dont understand why people dislike solid cash
My half retarded grandmom also doesn't understand that "credit card" is a catch-all term for debit, credit, and other types of cards.
Also why would you not use a credit card? You pay it off in full each month and your credit skyrockets while you rake in the cash rewards.
Not him, but I lost my virginity in high school to my girlfriend, and I fuck hookers all the time. Roasties are worthless.
They're parents were retards that got $15K in credit card debt, and now they assume it's what everyone does.
t. roastie
I got berated for putting a $20 in an envelope at a gift exchange at work instead of a gift card to a specific store.
I took my gift back too, fuck them.
What the fuck is wrong with people?
Well autist, 20$ implies you gave zero shits about the person. Spend five minutes thinking about what they may be interested in and you can give them a gift with an ounce of thought
>"credit card" is a catch-all term for debit, credit, and other types of cards.
No it's not you idiot. A debit card is the complete opposite of a credit card
>Also why would you not use a credit card?
If you *need to* you should. But don't casualy pay with a credit if you don't have to. And if you have to you're not in a financially healty place.
they must have autism, i dont know, really
you did the right thing, fuck them
why would a card have been ok then? it's coworkers, you are not always supposed to know the shit they like for all of them
*makes it rain on that ho*
You americans are so cucked you need to get into moderate debt so you're able to get into crippling debt, and you defend that system of retardation.
The point of the gift exchange is is not a routine, scheduled, circular exchange of wealth. It's about giving a gift that the person might need or want. Cash just looks like you did it out of social obligation and are a lazy fuck.
I'd like to get a handjob from her she straddles my leg and rubs a snail trail on it
i agree and i always buy gifts, even if small and probably useless to that person, but i wouldnt be mad if someone gives me money or a card, would use it to buy a couple beers and sandwiches to know each other better maybe
of course for close friends and family it's another thing, but for the mass of acquaintances i can forgive it plenty
So if a cashier told you their credit card reader was down you would whip out your debit card? You wouldn't understand that she was referring to payment cards in general?
Also there is zero reason to not use a credit card if you're paying it all off before owing any interest.
i dont know what you guys are talking about but my card works both as credit and debit, the cashier asks me what function i want to use
Ntg, but fuck that social ritual. It's retarded, at best. And apart from the spastic atempt a giving it some (((meaning))) it really is nothing more thab a routine, scheduled, circular exchange of wealth.
>Not paying the full balance very month
That's because it's a debit card, and can be used in place of a credit card, but it's still withdrawing from the bank account. A credit card, on the other hand, can only be used strictly as a credit card.
>It's about giving a gift that the person might need or want.
They can't possibly know what I need or want.
At best, I'll get some item I could have bought myself, at worst, I'll get some clothes that don't fit or a gift card to a store I'll never set foot in and the money is wasted.
Even if they thought they had me figured out, they would buy some expensive ill-advised gift that I would never buy for myself.
Why do you think stores have to deal with a massive influx of returns for the 2 weeks after christmas?
Most people don't want their shit gift no matter how much "thought" you put into it.
Give me one reason to not use a credit card if you aren't a mouthbreather with a sub-130 IQ
>So if a cashier told you their credit card reader was down you would whip out your debit card? You wouldn't understand that she was referring to payment cards in general?
I am aware of how electronics work
>Also there is zero reason to not use a credit card if you're paying it all off before owing any interest.
There is also zero reason to use a credit card if you can pay by debit card or cash
>he doesn't know the hack was undone
it does both, when i buy stuff online i use it as credit card, no money gets taken down before the end of month or trimester, dont remember how it works
if i use it as debit card the money is taken down immediatly
My full balance is 0.
I have money instead of credit.
drowning in illegal liquid cash
So you wouldn't be a pedantic faggot and ask her if her debit card reader was working? I guess behavior like that is reserved for online interactions
>cash money will become illegal in your lifetime
No, I'll still be a pedantic faggot about it.
I always have at least a hundred bucks in my wallet for times like these and it hasn't happened in as long as I remember. The same 5 twenties have been in there for years
do you take bitcoin
>americans have milkshakes for breakfast
>spend $5 on a coffee flavored sugar
>$100 in transfer fees
>There is also zero reason to use a credit card if you can pay by debit card or cash
1. You mean other than the 1.5% discount I get on all purchases through cash back? Admittedly it's not much but 1.5% on 10k is a neat 150 you'll notice eventually.
2. There's also the advantage of having all of my transactions recorded so I can easily track spending.
3. Purchaser protection let's me cancel orders, get discounts after the fact, etc
Not trying to shill but idk why anyone would avoid a credit card other than
>muh privacy
>6 bucks is moderate debt
Holy fucking shit you yuropoors are just
no reason to use a credit card?
>cashback rewards
>frequent flyer miles
>protection against fraud/theft
>maintaining credit score and credit history
>c o n v e n i e n c e
if you have basic home finance ingrained in your brain and haven't fucked your credit up like a nigger, then credit card companies will throw money and services at you for using their products. what's your credit score, 550?
>Being so retarded that $4 on credit causes you to go into debt
I haven't touched real paper money in 10 years. Who *doesn't* pay for everything with a debit card nowadays? Even vending machines and apartment rent takes them.
>zero reason to use a credit card if you can pay by debit card or cash
Yes there is. If you catch fraudalent charges on your bill you don't have to pay it. If a debit card gets compromised, they can empty your bank account and you have no recourse.
Having said that, I use 1 credit card and pay it off monthly just to maintain a good credit rating because that can even affect your insurance rates in the land of corporate rampaging freedom. For many purchases I use cash.
Hookers, strippers, and drug dealers still require cash.
Guy thinks he is cool because the village cut off his hands for touching the boys before they were 8.
Also left out building a credit rating effortlessly
Sorry sweetie, i don't walk with cash. Bye Bye.
What do you do with it after the Johns pay you?
Not a problem, I exclusively use cash because it's faster.
The worst is being in line behind someone paying by card, takes fucking forever.
Also literally everyone I know with a credit card is broke.
>Being in debt
Poorcuck detected.
This desu
Hell he could've gotten a $5 bottle of wine and people would've been more impressed than getting a $20 note.
That 1.5% saving is lost from you having to pay interest in your credit anyway. The "saving" is just a way for them to lure dumb people into signing up.
>interest in your credit
If you pay it off every month like a non-retard, there is no interest
Ninja, I pay for everything with my debit/credit card like a big boy. Enjoy your ugly, bulging pockets. And getting robbed. Getting robbed is cool.
>I'm 13! ha ha,ha!
Debt credibility is a core part of our financial landscape and has been for hundreds of years. Enjoy not being able to buy a house in 15 years because you only ever used cash, and now nobody knows how reliable you are.
And what about when you don't know a fucking thing about the other person, they won't give suggestions, and you HAVE to give them something without being a jackass?
Obligated gift giving is fucking retarded. You're an adult, you have a paycheck, YOU buy what you fucking want.
I pay for everything with cash.
I don't like leaving a paper trail so Google can target advertising at me.
I don't know, why am I here and why are you giving me this preposterous sugary drink?
don't forget having change everywhere that adds up to germ infested sums of money you're not earning interest on and is getting lost in couch and car cushions.
>I'd rather have my bank think I buy/ deal drugs
>get out cash
>give to cashier
>cashier has to verify amount
>put away cash
>give change
>take out card
>pin or signature
>germ infested sums of money
I'm quite certain that coinage is the least germ infested item in your lice and cockroach ridden rat hole.
I don't have lice!!!
Usury is a sin, begone (((Merchants)))
The whole benefit if a card is that you get to decide when bills and purchases hit your account. You just have to be smart about keeping track of the balance and paying it off.
In the US I used my credit card whenever possible.
Its faster, it's more convenient, it builds my credit, and I get rewards. There is no downside.
In Japan, I had to buy a new wallet and coin pouch to physically be able to carry the amount of cash needed in a society where credit cards aren't widely used. It's inconvenient and annoying.
Wrong way around bud
>Already have exact amount ready
>Cashier takes money and puts in the tin
>I leave in less than 10sec
>Person in front of me fumbles sound looking for the right card
>Swipes it
>Usually takes a few attempts
>Had to use a different card cuz it's not working or that card isn't accepted here
>Repeat first three steps
>Takes upwards of a full minute to punch in the pin, tips (if there are any) and verify
>They start small talk with cashier while waiting for it to verify
>Card is done verifying but they're deep into a conversation now
>They hang around and chat for another minute
>They have to sign the receipt
I work in a bar. We don't take cards anymore because it's too slow. Cash up front. If you have exact change ready for your drink as you order I serve you first. Just the way it goes.
>I am 3 years old
Debt isn't some magical boogeyman just because laqwueeshanda cant manage it. I always have the money on hand for everything I buy on credit, which means I can just pay it off in two months to prove my reliability.
>D-debt is good goys- I mean guys
Imagine being this cucked.
>You just have to be smart about keeping track of the balance
Or you can be a successful person and just set the credit card to withdraw the whole payment due at the end of the month because you're not scraping by and living paycheck to paycheck
Because you literally take longer, even with chips in cards now. You're the modern day check-writer
no, break out the manual credit card imprinter.
>enjoy not being able to borrow more money because you haven't borrowed enough money in the past
>not just paying cash for a house
He's not saying debt is good, he's saying building your credit by managing debt properly by not having any is good. Use your cards, pay off your cards, and you are not a risk for a loan.
Wow it must suck to be this shit at handling cash.
>not just paying cash for a house
Call me in 60 years when you're still renting, I guess.
That's a pretty bad argument, could apply that either way. Plenty of times had to wait longer because someone was fumbling around for change, or the cashier had to get more quarters, or check the bill a few times with the marker or holding it up to a light for the watermark, etc.
I live in Japan and coins aren't a problem. Just get in the habit of paying exact amounts instead of throwing down a 1000 yen note at everything, it's not hard.
I never had to borrow money in my life and I got a mortgage no problems at all.
Oh yeah.. forgot about cash, it still exists huh?
>All these teenagers thinking credit lines are inherently bad
Holy shit no wonder everybody complains about being broke. Either you're so stupid you think credit is free money, or you avoid it like the plague and try to live off $1 a day.
You either have an enormous bank account, put down a huge down payment, or have incredibly high income.
For 99% of everybody else, that literally isnt an option unless you're buying a complete pile of shit home.
If you have the coins to pay for everything in exact change you are probably carrying a decent amount of coins, though.
I always feel like I'm holding up the line when counting out exact change, but I still do it when I have it.
My point was that with a card in the US I didn't have to.
I had a cancelled debit card I would use to get free drinks.
When it declines tell them you don’t have cash and they will most likely give it to you. It’s a plus/plus because you’re fucking over Starbucks and it makes the cashier feel good
>everyone sperging the fuck out about credit cards when most bank cards can be run as either credit or debit
Its a big pain in the ass to track your spending in Japan. Plus the always discount on everything when you pay by credit card is nice
>paying cash for a house
If you actually had hundreds of thousands of dollars cash to buy a house, you'd be better off taking a mortgage at 4% and investing that cash and getting a return of 10%+
Only if you're investing them in something extremely stable like bonds.
the place is cash only
>giving money to someone implies you don't give a shit about them
Based retard.
I work at a coffee place and we have a way to switch the card payments offline until the system is back up. I'm sure Starbucks has something similar. I have a hard time imagining them giving up all those sweet profits just for a little hiccup in the internet or whatever.
>McDonald's drive through
>order mcdouble and snack wrap
>"sorry sir our systems locked cause the last lady used a stollen card, do u have cash"
>"he ain't order much just give it to him for free"
>pull forward grab bag and it's way too heavy
>look inside, a snack wrap, 3 mcdoubles, 2 mchickens, 2 orders of fries
I guess they just gave me mine and everything the lady with the stolen card ordered.
tell the dumb bitch to type it in like they're supposed to in that situation.
>Already have exact amount ready
this never happens