Coffee with 4 cream and 4 sugar please

>coffee with 4 cream and 4 sugar please

>"I like my sugar with cawfee and cream"

enjoy ur acid reflux

It's called a 4x4 nerd

>mfw I drink english tea english style in murrica
>im not english

fuck you now i have to fap

>sorry, I will only drink coffee if you put condensed milk and chantily on it

>Not ordering a double double-double in 2017
I feel sorry for ya dere, bud

I enjoy the Interocular distance of the female in this picture. It is a female correct?

Yeah, she's a real female but she's also hard left. I'm sure your dad already taught you not to stick your dick in crazy.

she just needs some horse whipping

every post you've made today has got progressively stupider

are you stalking me

Nothing wrong with that. I used to get a 16oz coffee before work and I'd tip the sugar dispenser for a count of 6 seconds. Six seconds of sugar in my coffee.

I don't drink coffee anymore though because I became a nervous wreck

It's because I've been drinking the whole time.
I'll fall asleep soon and then you can go back to posting really good content instead of just bitching about namefags. That'll be a real treat for everybody.

>Nothing wrong with that
how much is 4 sugar and 4 cream?

its 4 sugar and 4 cream. depends on how big/strong the coffee is

oh forgot about namefags, keep up the gods work

>he doesnt use coffee as a medium to suspend his cream and sugar
What else is it good for?



>reddit stars
Are you going to fucking teleport behind him next?

the beastie boys r cool tho wtf

>not ordering 1/2 milk 1/4cream 1/4 coffee. GOAT

Sugar is vile, but I’ll often get +3 cream coffee, the more the better really.

>espresso with steamed whipping cream and a spoonful of brown sugar please

>drinking anything other than black, or with 1-2 scoops of sugar

Pathetic excuses of men, the lot of you.
>wahhh its bitter!
Grow a pair for fucks sake.

how big is the scoop

>wahhh its bitter!
>better put 2 scoops of sugar in
>i'm such a big guy

Not big at all.

Then drink it black.

>triple strength coffee with an equal amount of milk

the wiggers who taught Eminem how to wigger

Your dad is a wise man.

How was that post stupid?

An user after my own heart

Caffeine + sugar = anxiety fuel

Hmm. Curious how this tastes.

I drink it every morning

not memeing

>I love my brown liquid this way!
>But if you like your brown liquid a different way you're a bad person!

Coffee fags, not even once.

Annoying, sure. But nowhere near as bad as sipboys..

only in america, therefore it's wrong

>Grow a pair
says the guy who puts sugar in his coffee

what unit of measurement is a sugar and a cream?

These, coffee used be drank black. Milk is for soy boys and sugar us literally cancer food.