Does anyone else find it weird that Reviewbrah is better at reviewing food than Joey? Even though Joey has experience working as a professional chef at Michelin starred restaurants.
Joey vs Reviewbrah
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never watched this joey retard. his pictures are always him covered in food and he looks like he lives in his car. reviewbrah has class and there is no comparison.
Joey's Linkedin page.
He actually includes his youtube videos as job experience.
Reviewbrah likes reviewing food.
Joey likes eating.
fat people don't enjoy food, they just shovel food in their mouth like a compulsion
if they actually enjoyed food, they wouldn't eat so much of it
Joey makes me physically ill
I asked joey if he could eat a bullet in his next video on his Facebook fan page then he deleted his page after that
Reviewbrah is a skin care channel now. He's far too classy for this shit.
I picture Joey and RB facing off like that scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark. Joey starts talking trash like he's going to lunge at RB, until RB pulls out a .38 special he stole from his dad and unloads into Joey. He then walks over to Joey, stands over him, and empties the cylinder into Joey's face while tears stream down his cheek. He then begins to screech and cry uncontrollably while ripping off his clothes to reveal his pale, spindly, completely hairless body as he wimpishly runs home in the rain. Civilians steer clear, not from the sight of the murder, but from the awkward sight of naked and hairless RB daintily running down the street crying and waling unintelligibly in crushing psychological pain.
I figure he's sticking with focusing on entertaining the viewer with his quirky persona since it differentiates him from reviewbrah. Despite being a pro, trying to switch gears at this point would mostly bring criticism that he's trying to copy reviewbrah.
I picture it more Joey is rolling behind review brah down a tunnel, then He then begins to screech and cry uncontrollably while ripping off his clothes to reveal his pale, spindly, completely hairless body as he wimpishly runs home in the rain. Civilians steer clear, not from the sight of the murder, but from the awkward sight of naked and hairless RB daintily running down the street crying and waling unintelligibly in crushing psychological pain.
Joey is an exhibitionist who has miraculously not died since he started his channel. Every single word he utters is awful and you should not listen to him.
If Steve started review actual food these fucks would be out of a job
I genuinely cannot get over the way that Joey chews with his mouth opened. He should be murdered at an open display in his home town.
>enjoying redditbrah
I enjoy good alcohol, specifically wine and spend time reading reviews and discussing wines. Do you think alcoholics do that? Alcoholics hate alcohol.
>i spend time thinking about/reading about alcohol between sessions of drinking alcohol
yeah man, an alcoholic definitely wouldn't do that.. there's no way.
I've never watched Joey, so maybe Reviewbrah is better, but let's not pretend that Reviewbrah is good, or knows what he's talking about.
He's popular because he's eccentric and socially awkward, and obviously appeals to and attracts viewers with similar traits. He's someone they can connect with. Pretty much like the obese and Boogie2988.
He has no idea as to what he's talking about though. As you say, he has no real interest in food. We've never seen him cook and his diet seems to be entirely limited to convenience.
His reviews are comparable to that of a child.
reviewbrah a shit, ever since he got popular he has become self aware and the charm of the channel has been lost, and whenever he tries to be funny it’s jarring
reviewbrah would make a cute girl
then (s)he could review bras