So, lets settle this. Beans in chilli?
So, lets settle this. Beans in chilli?
Other urls found in this thread:
yeah nah
Always. Without beans it's just meat sauce
It is meant to be just chili and meat you fucking spaz
I hate australians
Yes. I don't care what the purists say, it's better with
nah yeah ya cunt
Yeah no that's just what faggots think. Kill yourself next time you take it up the ass.
Rich coming from a bean eating faggot. Clean the corn out your cock hole next time you fuck a dude.
Yeah, nah, yeah yeah, nah
You literally said the same shit that I said, that's what you get when you don't eat beans, your brain can't function properly on cock meat alone.
Are you high? How is that anyway the same?
Glad to see you double post to try and project support. Face facts you fucking bean sniffing gimp. MEAT AND CHILI. BEANS ARE FOR CHILDREN AND THE TERMINALLY ILL.
I like to put chili in a pita bread, it is like a kebob.
Come here and say that, seppo
Come here? More like come here. I met more Aussies working in bars in the UK than I met in Australia. All I met there was bongs loving the sun. High minimum wage but no jobs.
Australians and mudslimes get out.
OK, aussies can stay. They are fun. But we can all agree that mudslimes are out, yeah?
No, they make good kebop. All are welcome when cu/ck/ing.
I see your dumb comment and raise you some dumb replies.
>Actually the paleo diet is what we're supposed to eat
>It never mentions not using beans in the Bible
>The best way to have it is without spices, but with good beans/meat to appreciate their subtle flavour qualities.
>Chili is a Spanish word, and Spanish is from Latin, and in them days people never even had chili, so people talking about chili automatically are wrong
Fuck sake, I was saving a few of those zingers for when the thread was dying down and I wanted to reignite it. Not that I have posted more than once or twice.... It was a jewish australian that did it.
You really are king cu/ck/
I could be. One of my best friends is a muslim (I'm white). But we still like to get shitfaced together and funnily enough he usually cooks whitey food like sliders and pasta and I usually cook asian food (he's from singapore).
How about noodles?
That isn't a muzzie, that is a someone who is from muzzies. When I say mudslime I mean someone who defines themselves as Muslim, I want Christians and atheists out as well. I define myself as my mood, I can do something regularly but I amn't that alone.
>They're also dirt cheap
So is your mum but I ain't touching that fermented bean.
I love the texture of beans and they add some good nutritional value. They're also dirt cheap.
He does define himself as a muslim. Plenty of religious people say "I'm this" or "I'm that" but in the end the most important part of it boils down to their basic values and the holidays they celebrate. I'm Australian and gay, and he voted no in our recent gay marriage survey, and I bantered the cunt for it but we're still friends.
fuckin poof
I voted no too
>I'm Australian and gay
didn't need the 3rd and 4th word
I'm not as tolerant as you but I'm more tolerant than him, You can shag whoever you want. I don't care, I'm not going to say the government or law should intervene. I'm not going to let some cunt say they should be allowed to though. Actually, I'm going to do fuck all either way. I don't really care that much. As long as I can get my booze the world can burn as far as I'm concerned.
good on ya m8, idgaf, I just want people to stop talking about it
I do charitable works and I'm a nice guy. But when it comes down to it, if I don't get my booze, I'll also let the world burn. In fact I'm drunk right now!
>ground beef
beans (unless hot-dog chili)
>stew meat
no beans
Delete this
fuck, trips of truth. delete it
What about chilli peppers in chili?
yes but im not a faggot
You sound like a faggot
If he drinks hes not a true muslim their religion aggressively pushes against that shit. Hes gonna allahu ackbar something to get into heaven.
Same way Catholics and evangelicals aggressively push against sex before marriage. People do what they want when given the freedom to. So long as they aren't under some batshit insane regime muslims are just like other religious people. With perhaps a slightly more militantly legalist religion than some.
>aggressively push
that they do
I - I can't argue against this.
what are we supposed to do with these chili threads now that someone actually posted the correct answer?
It's over. Or we can let this one die and never speak of it again.
I fucking hate beans so I just make chili and meat then pour them on rice
fight me fags
it's not chili without beans
>corn no
Beans if served as a standalone, no beans if served with rice/potatoes/any rich side dishes.
Personal preference: Hot pork/beef mince chili, with coffee and cinnamon, no beans other than a handful for the visual appeal factor, rest of beans served as a side dish in a traditional Greek tomato/red onion/cucumber/feta salad, dressed in lemon/garlic/dijon vinegarette.
>muh based muslims
KYS. Or wait for him to kill you. It's really a matter of time.
>inb4 /pol/
This was all on Veeky Forums
And to keep it semi-Veeky Forums related, kebab is shit
Like all stew in the history of man it's whatever you have on hand. So compressed block of dried chili's water and recently dead cattle if you were a cowboy. If you are not a cowboy with a recently dead cow then just use whatever you want though the sauce of the chili should have chili's in it otherwise it's just a stew.
Either "Chili" is assumed to have beans and if you make without beans call it "Texas style"
Chili is assumed to not have beans and if you make with beans call it "fart gut style"
Everybody wins
Yes, beans in chili.
No beans in chili.
Beans go in chili just fine. Don't be a faggot user.
With = Chilli
Without = Hotdog Sauce
You’re a retard if you don’t put beans in chili. It’s like people who insist on pronouncing gif “jif”. Sure, the guy who created it said it’s supposed to be pronounced “jif”, but he was dumb too.
Much like we have a basic comprehension of the English language, we can also recognize what actually improves a dish.
If chili is to be eaten as the main dish, then it REQUIRES beans, otherwise it ends up being spicy meat soup
If chili is being put on something it doesn't have any beans and also is made a bit differently
Hotdog chili =/= a bowl of chili
Yes, chili without beans is only good on hot dogs
I get really bad shits when I eat bean chilli so I usually substitute sausage crumbles in instead
yaaaaaasssssss bitchh
I bet all the retards who say chili without beans is just "meat sauce" or "meat soup" are the same morons who make it with ground beef and dump huge cans of tomato in it.
Fuck this gay shit arguement. Share your chili recipes instead
i kind of figured chili in the west was made of whatever fucking trash they could throw in it like a stew and slow cook so the tough possum meat didn't taste like rubber
if you were more south and could get your hands on beans sure, but kidney beans honestly taste like shit to me
either way this argument is stupid, it's far from a super traditional stew
>Beans in chilli?
Yes, or it's not "chili".
Chili is a spicy Mesoamerican BEAN stew that _can also_ contain meat but usually didn't for pre-Colombian Indian peasants.
Can we stop with the 's in places it doesn't belong? It is unironically more important than beans or no beans.
Have you ever been to any Mexican restaurant in your life? TexMex or Cali shit doesn't count.
You've got to get some stew beef or bison into your chili, and ideally some pork (sausage or bacon), and maybe some venison in there for your chili to get you into the bone zone.
Fresh chilis are a must, at minimum jalapenos. Cheese can be good, but sour cream is for faggots who can't handle spice.
I've been to plenty of restaurants in Mexico, none of which explicitly advertised themselves as Mexican restaurants, but rather as cuisine from their respective state or region. And in none of those restaurants did I ever see chili con carne,
Chili is a fruit, you goddamn 56% mutt. Chili con carne, as the dish we are talking about was originally known as, was invented in the 18th century in Central Texas. The Mesoamericans had already been eating meat, beans, or vegetables along with chili-bases sauces in either tacos or tamales ever since days of yore. For them, chili peppers were just as ubiquitous as black pepper would be for people living in the Old World. They didn't just cook chili with meat. Those kinds of customs were possibly invented by the Spanish, who were trying to turn chili peppers into some kind of all-purpose seasoning for soups and stews.
Chili with beans is the only acceptable way.
Had a chili cookout at work. The women, faggots, and numales preferred the beanless chili. The men picked the chili with beans.
Hello, police?
Yes; someone has been making sensible posts on Veeky Forums
Im eastern yuro and never had chilli.
Post your're best chilli recipes.
Agreed. That’s being said, the Russians, Finns, and Mongolians can leave
i put corn and green beans in my chikli because i think its delicious and my family thinks its super weird. truly though i dont give a fuck
you need beef and chilis. the beef should be fatty but tough like chuck. for the chilis you want mild dried ones like ancho and guajillo and hotter fresh ones like arbol or serrano. cut the seeds out of the peppers and soak the dried ones in beer. then dump them all into a blender and turn them into a paste. you probably want around 4 big peppers and 2 small ones per pound of meat you use.
cut the beef up into cubes and brown it in lard or bacon grease. in the same pot sweat a diced medium onion and a couple cloves of garlic. you can add diced tomato if you want but only a small can at most. then you add your pepper paste and the rest of the seasonings. the main ones are salt, oregano, and cumin. people have lots of secret ingredients like chocolate or anchovy paste or whatever. then you just simmer it for 4-8 hours, adding enough stock or more beer to keep it at thick stew consistency. if it ends up too thin combine masa flour with cold water and stir it in.
you probably won't be able to find the right peppers in yurop so you might have to use chili powder. I think you can buy gebhardt on amazon. if you can't find masa you can use ground up corn chips. don't put beans in it.
>It never mentions not using beans in the Bible
You can't put them in the chili but you can serve the chili over homemade egg noodles
They have to be homemade
I slightly prefer the taste of it without beans but with beans you get dat fiber
The real question is ground beef or chunks.
I like ground beef
beans, corn chips, or rice are all acceptable on the side or as a bed for the chilli, but classic chilli is no beans.
That being said, I don't mind and in fact like beans in chilli just add them towards the end so they arent totally soggy and mushy
Nigger do you honestly expect anyone to read that massive wall of text?
No. Unless you're poor and you need to extend a pot of chili to feed more people for longer. Beans contribute nothing positive towards the flavor or texture of a pot of chili.
yes. that's correct. that's ABSOLUTELY correct.
Alright you plebs, here is the de facto interpretation of what chili is.
It's "garbage" stew. You take all your stuff that's starting to run out, or will go bad soon, and you cook it all slow-simmer for a few hours. In other words, if you have beans, into the pot they go. If not, wasn't meant to be.
>implying there are Mongolians on internet
They are still living in yurts, you know.
I like both. Sometimes I add bacon too. I use either chuck or short ribs.
Beans is the only way to eat chili. Without beans it's just a weird thick meat soup even though it's still chili.
what about a combination of ground and stew meat?
Wrong. If our ancient cowboy ancestors saw a bean in their chili, or anything other than the Holy Trinity of beef & chilis and onions, they would have dumped the entire boiling pot on the degenerate cook.
So, lets settle this. Peanut butter in chili?
Get fucked, without meat it's literally mexican bolognese
I've learned something after reading this thread: When it comes to chili, americans are precisely like a gaggle of butthurt italian grandmas fighting over how to make a bolognese.
Stop glamorizing a bunch of filthy, farting, dirt-poor migrant laborers that ate trash food daily.
That is... staggeringly accurate, actually.