A morning cocktail so I can see straight edition
A morning cocktail so I can see straight edition
647 days. The liquor can suck my dick
Daaaang. And a cheers to you too
You faggots should go do this pathetic self pity circlejerk on /r9k/, thats were pathetic faggots go
Where do the people that can't differentiate "where" and "were" go?
No one gives a fuck faggot. No pathetic person is denying being pathetic.
I bet you are a lot of fun at parties
and you know about it because...
You watch your tone faggots, i can wreck both of you sissies without even trying
You should lurk moar. That's what newfags do.
Al/ck/ are tradition here. Started because many in the industry have addiction problems.
So you go back to /r9k/ complain about people you don't like.
Also add a fucking filter, in "settings" top right of screen.
I haven't eaten in like a week.
sho vagin
Do you have no food? Eat a carrot or some peanut butter crackers. Candy. Anything is better than nothing. High b vitamins are ideal. Trust me pop a can of kipper snacks or some sardines. You won’t be able to stop
Please stop embarrassing yourself. Thanks for the laughs, but I think it’s time for you to run along now.
Naked juice makes those thick ass fruit and vegetable drinks and sell them in gallons. Make mix drinks with them.
>also milk
Why you gotta be so rude?
I have some rice and rolled oats. And a can of shitty corned beef from Brazil that I don't have much desire to eat. And some boxed soup mix my brother gave me. That's about it.
Eat the soup. It’s got electrolytes
Well the soup is certainly helping. Thanks, user.
Yeah man. Seriously salt is good. Specially with water
"look Randy I'm mowing the air!"
RIP Lahey you drunken bastard
Do you guys have any foods that were ruined for you due to a hangover/withdrawals?
I remember I tried to eat eggs a few years back during a bad hangover and the smell just made me fucking gag, not to mention it not sitting well in my stomach. Couldn't eat eggs for years.
if im having WDs, i can't ingest anything other than ice water without puking or at least having major dry-heaves
i can't even eat plain toast without retching
i accidently poured over-the-date mayonaise on my plate with french fries that tasted terrible.. took like 4 pieces to throw it all in the bin. Afterwards i ate some canned soup.
It’ll get much worse initially, but rumour is that if you stay sober, eventually it gets better.
>it's another Christmas where I've nearly finished my Christmas bottle of bourbon before it's even fucking Christmas
Do it safely, user. Either taper or go to detox. Withdrawals are literal fucking hell on earth.
Most likely.
Hang in there bud.
>major depression when i turned 29
>start drinking whiskey daily
>havent driven main road in 2 years
>havent left 1 mile radius of house in 2 years
>sober 2 nights this year
>daily panic attacks
if i stop drinking will this go away?
Is this a hugbox shitposting thread?
No it will go nuts at first then subside. I just do t get how you have had the fear of you haven’t been sober? You experience this while drunk? Do you drink when it wake up?
You tell me. It’s true alanon with no pressure to quit, just support imo. Advice on how to taper if you want to cut back.. etc. read the thread
What's with posts getting deleted and then reappearing?
Is it autism or some gookmoot conspiracy?
I have a friend that has gone through a handle of cheap whiskey every 3 days for 2-3 years now. He's only 26, how fucked is he? Should I intervene?
3 days. Asking for it. 2 days watch out. 1 day. Point of no return. Death on the horizon. Yu should talk to him. Yes for sure. Just let him know that can’t last
Not completely fucked. Obviously he should stop now and he'll probably be fine. He'll be fucked the longer he continues.
He probably deleted it and reposted user.
maybe voice your concern but there's nothing else you can really do. He's the only person who can make the decision to stop or cut down. That's a fair amount to be drinking without taking a break.
i understand what you're trying to say
>haven't been drinking
>eating healthy
>read a lot of people recommend b-vitamins
>taking a b-complex vitamin daily
>just now reading that niacin is bad for you liver
What the hell lads. I'm reading that niacin can cause liver failure and hepatitis. This vitamin I've been taking has 1,000% the daily recommended amount. Just can't win.
>tfw clean up my entire house and hide all the liquor and weed
>mother is coming over to hang out at my house
>forgot the 4 trash bags of beers cans in the garage
>she walks right past them coming in
>2 hours of nagging about why I drink
Fucking hell
The idea is to get your vitamins from eating actual food ffs. If you can lay off the sauce enough to eat at least one good big meal a day you can live a long long time
Ya done goofed user. Ya can’t do it like that. I told my mom I’m an alcoholic and she felt better after cause at least She knows that I know I can’t pretend I’m 18 and chug liquor without consequences. Know thyself. Realize my own tendency to drink a few to many if I don’t check myself. Etc. You would make a shitty politician user, leaving your dirty laundry out like that to surprise those you wish to hide it from and not subtlety twisting it into an advantage... poor form.
I eat a good breakfast and dinner with a snack or two in between. I thought a vitamin would be a good thing on top of that. Just have to be careful.
It probably is a good idea. I don’t know about that b12 1k percent tho... I just eat eggs meat and kippers. Feel like a million bucks. Read more into it.. I’ll bet they are talking about taking those 5 hour energy shots till you get niacin flush multiple times a day to achieve liver damage.
Naked juice has formaldehyde in it nigger.
I know....
My dad knows I'm an alcoholic, I've told him.
He doesn't care, As long as I'm happy and don't get myself in legal trouble.
My mom is very naive and for some reason I don't want her to know she raised a drunk, It would be a slap in the face to her because she spent so much money making sure I have a good education and job.
Im sure this has been asked before, but couldnt you people just NOT order an alcoholic drink? I can understand most addictions, but alcohol requires a conscious decision to go out and actually buy a bottle (or glass).
Hahaha. Alcoholics. (((Ordering))) drinks. Heh
thanks for the responses. I don't know how I'm going to do it but I'll mention something to him. He's starting to have 2 different personalities and act like an arrogant nigger that knows everything which is why I'm bringing this up. It's getting hard to be around him.
>alcohol requires a conscious decision to go out and actually buy a bottle (or glass).
So does every other drug. Still affects the mind the same way, but alcohol has the physical addiction as well.
Best of luck to you.. and to your bro. Friends can be a shit when they turn like that. If he’s an acquaintance just ghost him. If he’s a long time friend and you care about him be there for him as long as he ain’t shitting in your cereal. If he starts shutting in your pudding ghost with explanation. Tough love my dude
>tfw setting up for a party of 30
Idk what it is about beer but it really helps when you're working all day
The slow release form of niacin is bad for your liver, the one that causes a flash has no effect on liver function. It's a common misconception.
Haven't eaten anything aside from popcorn on Tuesday, just been living off beer for the last week.
Gonna force myself to stop at a grocery store today since drunk cooking is fun.
This is a never ending thread here suck my co/ck/ pennies for tallboy user here day off....drinking some tall boys about to get dinner started and the house cleaned so I don't look like I've been drinking all day how's life al/ck/s
Should I go to my local AA meeting again? It's embarrassing for me as everyone there is 35+ and I'm 21. I do have problems with alcohol and I genuinely should stop. There was one qt who was like 25 but she was brain dead.
She was likely fucked dumb by the old men there. That s what AA is for.
It's actually not.
I've been to AA plenty of times.
I'm a failure who will never achieve my dreams and I deserve to die.
Waiting on a buddy to call me so I can go hang out.
I’m having a very hard time drinking mildly and if he takes another hour I’m just going to say fuck it and do my usual solo binging this evening. Again.
So have I. Easy hookups.
NA meetings usually have younger people. And don't go to find pussy, retard, go to get help.
I don't know how many people I've seen get together with other addicts, both just starting recovery, one relapses and the other goes right down the shitter with them. Stupid.
Better to get a dog than a girl that uses aswell.
I don't want to marry her you fucking retard, I just thought she was attractive and my age at least.
That's a good idea. I'll try NA. I mean if I could fuck one that was attractive that would be awesome but the idiots there are not girls you want to be dating.
Stupid and INCREDIBLY COMMON. They even have guidlines warning about it. Unless you are super ugly, you have to fight off damaged pussy.
Reminded me of pic related.
>>daily panic attacks
That's withdrawals. It goes away after a week or two of sobriety. You have to taper properly, and take vitamins, withdrawals can kill you or worse.
(Shouldn't this link be in the OP?)
The first step is to acknowledge having a problem. There are many alkies in denial, and often they get pissed when confronted with it.
That the part where a friend can help more than a stranger.
But if he's determined to slowly killing himself alone, it's better for you to leave him.
They (usually) don't make dangerous pills. The dangerous doses may be billions% the daily recommendations.
Don't flirt in AA. It's a bad idea (a variation of "don't put your dick in crazy").
That being said, even if AA can be a dick contest about who had the worse alcohol problems, they're likely to want to help someone avoid them before things really degenerate.
Plus you can perfectly have had a long history of alcoholism at 21.
You'll die anyway, don't force it.
You are an asshole. You deserve your impending relapse.
Why is he though? Everyone needs a good fuck once in a while.
He implied I was retarded for typing out my actual experiance with AA.
Fuck that guy.
>my actual experiance with AA
>She was likely fucked dumb by the old men there
You live in a hentai?
No... I am an alcoholic in recovery. I live in constant depression.
I thought you were trying to bait me into feeling jealous or something. Sorry xoxo
It's not so much that I don't feel like I'm 'alcoholic enough' for them, it's just that i was hoping to make friends with people my age at least. As sad as it sounds.
I bought my dad a $70 bottle of absinthe and at the same time I bought a $4 pocket bottle (375 ml)
I think she knew what was going on lol
I forgive and love you. I still want to see other people though.
Why can't I drink without getting sick?
Ily, water. I will never let you leave my side again.
New Years taper time is becoming sparse. Start now. Or don’t, whatever. I am.
17oz (roughly 510ml) of 57.1% rum last night. The first 7.5oz was drank within the first 61 minutes. Total drink time was 7 hours and 3 minutes. Passed out for I assume somewhere between 1-3 hours, got up, had a shot that I had poured but didn't drink, spent about half an hour or an hour watching vids, then passed out again.
All in all, it was a fun night.
>friend took too long
>I left and bought a pizza plus another handle
>took a few shots
>picked a movie
>about to get comfy
I just have to come up with an excuse for when they call and want to hang out.
On a side note, anyone else HAVE to be drunk to eat a reasonable amount? It’s a combo of economics and just general lack of appetite.
If I don’t have a decent buzz I can barely stomach two bites of anything.
Sign me up
Another one thinking about trying AA here. Haven't been doing too badly compared to the old days but I'm still going fucking mental for at least a couple of weeks when I do drink, and they're getting closer together again. I'm just worried about getting there and feeling like I've joined a cult
The problem that I have with this whole gimmick is that I can’t picture anyone in this thread having the confidence or charm to get laid sober and not totally sperg out. That puts the “crazy aa poon” at risk of breaching sobriety just because one of you fucks needed a drink to function normally, all because you needed some vj.
This isn’t even a whitenighting issue, I wouldn’t even care if you fucked some dudes in aa if you’re an actual fag. It’s more about jeopardizing someone’s painstakingly earned sobriety for your own selfish needs.
>feeling like I've joined a cult
You can just go and listen. The most you'll have to speak is to introduce yourself ("my name is user and I'm an alcoholic". That's it) if they go around the room and do that. If you don't like the vibe or the people, try a different meeting. If you don't like AA, try NA, lifering, etc
As an al/ck/ who lives in a frozen wasteland I got a great device which turns on my propane heating if my room temp gets below x degrees (0 in my case). No more risk of freezing to death while drunk.
But generally I always manage to fill the stove.
How do you all deal with winter?
Whatever man
Drunk as shit after a work party. Feels good
Let the fire die and the backup kick in and just lay here bundled up hibernating till I can’t stand the endless daily cycles of drunk/wd/sober/drunk/wd/sober and I get up and do shit cause I’m going insane. Usually takes 3-5 weeks
Thanks. I don't mind the 'higher power' stuff if I don't have have to make a big song and dance of it
I declared alcohol as a higher power and they seemed very upset.
You have to admit you are powerless over booze. I just made an honest pick because I think Jesus was a fag.
Fucking this. Two days ago I got a 1L bottle of bourbon as a gift from a family member, he said it's for Christmas day. I've already finished it.
I’ve eaten all the Christmas food and smoked almost all the Christmas weed. Haven’t bought anyone so much as a card yet and all the shops are probably closed for days by now.
>Christmas weed
That what your mom get you every year since you were a kid? Explains a lot you degenerate
What's the backup though? Genuinely interested?
In floor electric (house built on concrete slab) Only runs off peak (11pm-7am) and on the weekends. It keeps the pipes from freezing. It’s not that bad. In reality it keeps it like 58 degrees but it’s expensive
Do you collect the firewood or buy it? It’s illegal to pick up sticks in the uk, or I’d get a wood burning boiler.
AA pussy is the easiest pussy ever. Scary when they stop turnig up to meetings though.
why? u afraid they overdosed?